His Ego, Her Pride (Part 5)

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I am extremely sorry for the long wait. New job, personal life and what not kept me occupied I don't want to bore you all with the details. Kindly accept my apologies.

A very long part to compensate for my absence. I hope you enjoy it :)

So here we go!


(Not proofread)


"Khushi," He stepped forward. She stepped back causing him to retreat in his steps.

"Please listen to me," His chest tightened and throat dried up as she looked away.

"I am listening, Mr. Raizada. Because I know you won't let me leave until I hear you out. So hurry up say whatever you want to say and then don't show up in front of me ever again." She said firmly looking in his eyes.

His face contorted in pain before he dropped the idea of explaining himself and said something which was nowhere in his mind while he was coming here. Because he knew it was impossible.

"Will you have a cup of coffe-tea with me?"


It's been one month since he has asked her out by the most stupid, unconvincing, stammering proposal ever.

He still remember that moment as it was yesterday. While she was asking him not to show himself in front of her ever again, he has all but randomly offered to have a relationship with her. To allow him to enter her personal life.

She has looked at him confused for a moment with her rosy lips parting in shock before her eyes widened and she glared at him appalled understanding the meaning behind his words.

"You sure have gone officially crazy now. Are you even aware of what you are saying?" She exclaimed walking past him to leave.

"I'd do anything, anything to make you forgive and trust me. Believe me. Even though I have been greatly unfair to you, my feelings for you are genuine. And I-I have realized that-" He ran behind her contrary to his nature while her steps paced up with his every word with him following behind closely.

"Stop it." She shrieked stopping at once causing her shoulder to hit his from behind. She spitted fire at him looking sideway at him while he raised his hands in surrender moving back.

"Listen to me. I will explain everything to you from the beginning." He pleaded swallowing hard.

Closing her eyes exhaling she opened them to look in the chocolate brown orbs minus all the arrogance, hate and rebel she has witnessed since forever. Instead in its place a calm, pleading, emotional man was staring back at her.

The change was so sudden and shocking that she didn't know whether to believe it or not. Most importantly she didn't know how to react to it.

It could be one of his games. Her mind warned her but a deep dark corner of her heart protested strongly against it. Conflicted she clenched her jaws.

Damn, all of her months of hardwork to mend herself and calm the storm inside of her seemed to have done no good to her heart as it continued to ache for forbidden emotions.

"Can't you see I am not interested in anything? Neither in you nor in your explanations. And certainly not in anything related to you." She spoke in rage. Calmness eluded her.

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