His Ego, Her Pride (Part 6)

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Not proofread.


"ASR, I think you have had enough." Aman placed a hand on his arm when he picked up the fresh bottle of champagne. Bloodshot eyes shot to him fiercely before his hand was rudely shrugged off.

"Your family is worried." Aman tried again.

"Does that include her, too?" He croaked as a hiccup left him.

Aman sighed.

"ASR, you know she is already-"

"Yeah. Yeah. I do." He scoffed.

"Then why? Why?"

"She gave me the will to live again. She gave me hope. And then she snatched it all away in one swipe crushing me into tiny pieces." He gritted out. Pain of betrayal visible in his eyes.

"It's not her-"

"Hmm. Of course. Like everyone you'd say it's not her fault. It's mine. I drove her to that point. But didn't I realize my mistakes? Didn't I beg for her forgiveness? Didn't I confess my love? Didn't I propose her? Didn't I grovel for her to marry me? I did it all. She threw it all back on my face." He burst out.

Instead of filling the glass this time he drank the huge gulps of wine from the bottle itself. A throbbing ache made his head spun. His vision blurred with unshed tears as emotions overruled him.

"It's no use crying over spilt milk." His Friday man reasoned.

"You are right." He bobbed his head whilst a tear rolled down his cheek which he swiped off with the back of his hand vengefully.

"Can't you forget what happened and start anew?" Aman advised silently.

At that Arnav laughed mirthlessly thumping the bottle on the table in front.

"Even if I did, will she?" He said brokenly leaning back on the couch looking up at the ceiling.

"It's been months already. For how long will you be like this?"

"Maybe, forever." He whispered more to himself than him before closing his eyes and there, his heart clawed seeing a pair of hazel orbs staring at him with misty eyes. With all the accusation, anger, hate and hurt, anguish twisting knives in his gut making his insides scream with unbridled agony.

Maybe he was destined to burn in this consuming love forever!


They was there. Everyone of her new family except him surrounded her while she could barely feel her hands and feet let alone her whole body sitting on the flowery decorated king-sized bed.

The room scented of fresh roses of almost all kinds. Despite of that she felt nothing except for despair and anguish. She didn't dare raise her head to show her weakness to any of them. But,

Her hands started shaking suddenly seeing which the commotion around her silenced for a bit before an unsuccessful attempt was made to cheer her up which only added to her torment and a lone tear escaped her eye turning all of them mute.

This time pin drop silence followed before everyone started exiting the room until only her sister-in-law remained seated with her on the bed where she was seated in the middle all decked up as a bride with her hand wounded around her knees which she has had bent up to her chest.

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