His Ego, Her Pride (Part 7)

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Epilogue Part 2 was getting too long. So I had to split it into three-halves. This will be the third last Part of HEHP as I don't want to rush into ending or else it won't make sense.

Enjoy this story for a few more parts :)


Not proofread


"Good morning, beautiful."

He whispered as soon as her eyes opened and met his not giving her the chance to react or understand anything at all.

He was lying on the left side of the bed turned to her while she was on the right facing him. On the iron stand besides the bed hung the empty bottles of drips. The glow and redness on her cheeks has returned somewhat getting the much needed nutrition that relieved him a bit.

While she slept due to weakness, he couldn't sleep much whilst his heart and mind struggled all night to think of ways to bring her back to life. Bring her out of trauma, depression.

He sighed seeing her looking at him wide eyed after giving a good look around her before looking under the blanket she was wrapped in.

A gasp escaped her seeing that she was changed into green kurti with black chudidaar. She doesn't remember putting it on herself. Her brows furrowed as she strained her mind to remember. Gradually and steadily,

One by one last day's events came back to her. From her family's betrayal to coming to the lion's den in his bedroom. Her outburst, his ruthlessness, her break down, his rage, his warning, her heartbreak, his arrogance and her helplessness.

"It's more than enough for me that now you are my wife. Even if you struggle, deny, shout at me or curse me, nothing would change this fact. Peace already descended on me the moment I took the nuptial rounds with you."

"I am not going anywhere. I am right here. With you. Will stay so. We have to live together forever now and this reality, the sooner you will accept the better it will be for you, yourself. Because no matter what you do from here on I won't let you go even if I had to kill myself everyday."

"You have got it right. I did it all. I asked my men to kidnap him so that he couldn't reach the altar and then got him shot when he tried to escape before time. Now I will kill him if he crossed your mind even a little bit or I saw you worrying for him. Understood?"

"If you want to fight me, beat me up, curse me, don't want to accept our relation, do so with all of you, I'd endure it all Khushi but there is only one thing I won't be able to tolerate at all. That's you thinking about someone else. It's alright I am not in your heart but there should be no one else in there either or else I will ruin myself, that person and you, too"

"You got what you wanted right?" She scoffed sitting up on the bed. As her hairs fell on her right side she realized not only were her hairs undone already unlike last night when she fainted in his arms with a tight hair bun that makeup artist has made but also all of the jewelry except for her mangalsutra was gone.

She shut her eyes tight realizing what must have happened.

"I did." He was in his own world with his one arm under his head still lying on the pillow waking up to the morning of his life. She was in his room, with him, as his wife, on his bed, just an arm length away, with her hairs cascading down her back just the way he liked, he still couldn't believe how did he get so lucky to have been called husband of an angel like her? How? That too a monster like him.

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