His Ego, Her Pride (Part 4)

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"Where were you?" Anjali barged in his room.

She tapped her foot impatiently crossing her arms over her chest glaring at him. Giving her one glance he shook his head.

"News reached you already? My PA is fast." Arnav said sarcastically, taking off his blazer.

"Wasn't sending her to jail enough that now you went ahead and created such a ruckus in her neighborhood? Chote, when will you leave her alone in peace?"

"You told me to make it up to her. Her family. I am trying that only. I am not done yet so her going anywhere out of this city is not gonna happen." He shrugged.

"Is that how you are going to make up? By blackmailing her and her father?" She exclaimed.

"I didn't blackmail them. I just told them the consequences if Khushi left this city!" He had the audacity to say. Anjali's mouth gaped open.

"What would you have done huh?" She gritted. "What could you do?"

"Di, you very well know what I am capable of. One way or the other I get what I want." He spoke arrogantly.

"Pray tell, what do you want exactly?" Anjali asked pissed.

"To-" The words were at the tip of his tongue yet he couldn't utter them looking at his sister who raised her eyebrow at him knowingly.

He averted his eyes.

"Yeah. Go on. Say that you are only mending your mistakes by doing everything in your power to make them hate you more!" She said incredulously.

"Why are you fighting with me, Di?" Arnav said in a small voice. "I handled it. She is not going anywhere." He announced satisfied.

"What difference does it make to you even if she leaves?" Anjali touched her brother's throbbing nerve. He swallowed hard before clearing his throat not to burst out on his sister.

"Di, look." He moistened his dry lips before continuing.

"I have everything arranged for her in Delhi. A good job with a hefty salary. In a month or two she could get a furnished apartment, a car and family allowance as well. She will not regret her decision of staying here. All she has to do is freaking reply to at least one mail out of those many being sent to her for job interviews." He gritted at the end.

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