Chapter 8

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((Chapter 1&2 of Only Human are out NOW, plz check them out))

Noah's POV:

Part of me wishes I stayed in that classroom. I will definitely get a detention tomorrow, but I just needed time to cool off. Once I made it home, I immediately went to my room, sending a silent prayer that my mum wasn't home. Getting in trouble right now would have just made the day worse. I don't know why but for once I was thinking about Erin not Annabeth. Not that I liked her or anything just she wouldn't leave my brain. What she said in class just stuck.

'For you idiot.' What did she mean 'for me'. I didn't ask her to kiss some other guy. She's my bestfriend she's not supposed to go around kissing boys. 


No, no, no. 

This is her fault.

Ugh, why did she make everything so complicated, first she kisses Percy, than she kisses me like who does she even want. I wanted to scream, instead I settled for throwing my pillow at my door. However, it didn't make me feel much better. 

I was being a bitch. Erin didn't do anything wrong. Neither did Annabeth. This was all on Percy. He always messes things up. He's probably cheating on Annabeth, if their even together. I had to tell her. She'll be so sad, (NOT) that she will need a shoulder to cry on. How perfect. I will be right there ready to help. This is great. I'm saving Annabeth from dumb old Percy and she will probably fall in love with me in the process.

As if she hasn't already. 

Most of today felt very fuzzy, but something itched in the back of my head. 'For you idiot' Why was she still in my head? I wish I could just talk to her right now. It was so fun making plans with her the other day. Honestly I missed her and it had only been like a day. 

Her words weren't the only thing stuck in my head. Her hair, face, jokes, lips, our kiss-. No. I have to stop. This is ridiculous. She was only helping me and even if she wasn't I don't want to kiss her again.


My dream started simple. Not to be creepy or anything but I have had this dream before. It was me and Annabeth holding hands at school. We were laughing and joking. She was just as pretty as always. Yet, this time the dream was different. Annabeth's features began to shift. Her grey eyes turned blue, her blonde curls turned to straight brown. Everything kept changing until she wasn't Annabeth anymore. She was Erin. 

Suddenly we weren't at school anymore but at my house, in my room, on my bed. Erin's lips coming towards mine. She kissed me and it felt exactly like it had that day afterschool. 


I woke up sweating. What was going on? Was my mind going crazy. It didn't matter I don't like Erin. Annabeth is the only one for me. Today at school I will tell her about Erin and Percy and she will be so mad she will break up with Percy and end up with me. It would be perfect. Then I wouldn't have to think about Erin. 

I bet kissing Annabeth would be better than kissing Erin anyway.


Annabeth was just down the hall and alone. I would prefer for Percy not to be here so he can't come up with some excuse. It looked like she was getting some books out of her locker, so I figured now would be as good as any other time.

"Hey Annabeth." I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Oh hi Noah, are you okay, you seemed really tense yesterday?" Aw she cared about me.

"Yeah I was just feeling sick, but all better now!" 

"That's good." She is so into me.

"Um, I just wanted to tell you something."

"Huh?" Perfect she didn't already know.

"Well, you see, Percy kissed Erin, and I know you guys are dating or something or at least that is what I'm told I could be completely wrong I don't know sorry I'll just- I- just thought you should know." Shoot I spoke way to fast, the word salad I just vomited was awful. God why was this embarrassing.

"Yeah I know." What? She knows? Why is she so calm? 

"What?" I blurt.

"Well, I walked in on them but it was just a misunderstanding. Plus, Percy and I talked about that. Erin probably just had a crush on him or something and didn't realize I liked him, no hard feelings." 


Annabeth wasn't fazed that I knew Percy and her were dating and Annabeth is 100% into Percy. Yet, hearing Erin had a crush on Percy hurt the most. 

I can't even comprehend all of this. Was Erin just playing with my feelings by kissing me, trying to confuse me? Did Annabeth never like me? Has she always liked Percy? It felt like my whole world had shattered in front of me. I completely forgot Annabeth was still in front of me.

"Noah? You good? Wait do you like Erin-"

"NO!" I shouted. Not many people were in the hallway but the few definitely herd me. Shit. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen. Then I saw Erin turn the corner, she was heading in my direction. I quickly span on my heels and sprinted down the hall. I don't know why but I had to avoid her, I just did.

I know, I am so sorry. I've been trying to wrote for awhile but I've felt really uninspired and my schools gone back so I am very pre-occupied. However, that is no excuse for leaving you guys in the dark.

Here is the next chapter! I hope you like it. 

Also if you didn't see at the beginning I have a new story out called 'Only Human' I would love if you guys checked it out!!

Thank you so much for all the comments and votes they make my day!



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