Chapter 3

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Annabeth's POV:

"Um.. just you and me if you want that is." Wait. What? I stopped reading and focused on Noah. Was he asking me out? Surely not. He did look nervous but it's probably just a coincidence. 

"Sorry I- you see- I'm- just really busy tomorrow so I can't." Shit. That was such a bad excuse. I have to get out of this. Not that he's asking me out or anything. Right?

"How about Thursday or later in the week?" Shit. Why was he so eager. Oh no. Surely not.

"Right- well I'm just- really busy- you know, sorry." I blurted. God, that was a bit harsh. I wish the floor would swallow me up whole. Why is this so embarrassing. 

"Noworrieswhatevermabyeanothertimeorsomething" Noah quickly spun on his heal and rushed down the hall in the opposite direction. What? Had Noah just asked me out? That's impossible. I feel a bit bad but I had to shut him down quickly just incase. I can't even imagine being with Noah. We're just friends. I doubt he was actually asking me out, he doesn't like me that way. Surely? I mean we have been friends for years. Besides I kind of have a crush on someone else. 

Percy Jackson.

I don't know how to describe it but I feel like I could trust Percy with my life. Not to mention how cute and funny he is. With his dark black hair, sea green eyes and sarcastic comments. Our friendship started a bit rocky. We both hated each other but now it's so different. He's my bestfriend. I- I lov-. Ok. Focus Annabeth. I wasn't completely lying to Noah when I said I couldn't go to the movies with him. I actually am really busy. Six different assignments need to be finished by the end of the week. English, Math, Bio, Chem, Greek and Economics were all due. I wanted to die on the spot. How would I finish all of this. Lucky for me Percy promised to help me afterschool. 

Speaking of, where was he? We said we would walk back to his place together. Ever since Percy had moved to my school we walked home together. Living only a few blocks apart had it's benefits. I've been sitting here for almost 15 minuets. Surely he hadn't walked home without me. Did he forget? I pulled out my phone. Maybe he messaged me? Yes! One text.

Hey, sorry I can't walk home with u today. :) -P

Aw. He signed almost every text with a smiley face. It was so adorable. Wait but why couldn't he walk home with me. God did he forget we were working this afternoon. Whatever I'll just pass by his house on the way home. He can explain himself then, but first I sent him a quick text.

Did u forget we were working together today? It's okay, I'll come by ur house omw home. See u in 5. -A


I placed my book back in my bag, collected my things and began the short walk to Percy's.


Here we go. I arrived outside Percy's. He lived in a small house with his Mum and Stepdad. Sally and Paul are the best. I absolutely love them. Plus Sally makes the best blue cookies. Percy had many weird 'traditions' like blue food, it was amazing. I knocked on the front door. No answer. Hmm. Percy must be in his room. He never answers the door. Turning the doorknob I walk through the door. I've seen his house a million times so I know exactly where to go. I head straight upstairs to Percy's room. His door is closed so I give a gentle knock.

"Hey, I'm coming in!" I warn. I open the door and instead of being faced with Percy's goofy smile all I see is Erin. 

Erin kissing Percy. 

Erin. Kissing. Percy.

Her hands gripped his cheeks and Percy's arms fell stiff at his side. I can already feel the tears threatening my eyes. Percy whipped his lips off Erin's. Staring straight at me. He looked shocked almost confused. Erin mumbled something under her breath. Her stern glare pierced into my soul. I should have known better than to fall for Percy. I knew it would just end in heartbreak. Erin was perfect, of course he would want her. 

I dashed out of the room. Tears streaming down my face. Part of me thought he really did like me back. I should have realized he liked Erin. I mean she was all over him at school. God, I'm so stupid. I could hear someone running after me. I didn't dare turn round. Instead I sprinted outside and down the street.

"ANNABETH!" Percy shouted but I didn't stop. I heard him stop running. The tears were pouring down my cheeks now. I ran all the way down the street not stopping until I reached the corner. I finally turned back around to see Percy's face buried in his hands. He rubbed the back of his neck and circled on the pavement a few times before heading back inside, back to Erin. More tears. I couldn't even begin to stop them.

I ran the rest of the way home. All the way into my bedroom. Collapsing on my bed. I stuffed my wet face into my pillow. Grateful no one was home, I screamed into my pillow. It felt like I could cry for hours. Why did Percy have to like Erin. I mean she was pretty and all but he had only just met her yet he had his lips on hers. I wish I had never liked Percy. Yet I just wish he would like me. Want me. The way I liked and wanted him. The way I lov-, get a grip Annabeth. He doesn't like you. He doesn't love you. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Are you okay Annabeth? -P

Please answer me. -P

I'm sorry I forgot. -P

Please are you okay? Call me ok. We should talk. -P

Talk? Oh god. He definitely hates me. We're never going to be friends again, let alone date. What was I thinking barging into his house. Wait. I announced I was walking in. He didn't care enough to stop kissing Erin. He didn't care if I saw him. I couldn't help but cry more. I stayed crying into my pillow for what felt like an eternity. I couldn't bring myself to respond to Percy. It would probably be best if I just avoided him forever. What would I even say to him. 'Oh sorry, I have this massive crush on you so seeing you kiss Erin made me cry.' He would think I was so weird, he's probably thinking I'm so weird right now. Or maybe he is just kissing Erin again. 

Ugh. I burst into tears once more. I wanted to fall of the edge of the world right then and there. I'm doomed. What was I supposed to do tomorrow at school. Oh no. I'm screwed. It's official I will never talk to Percy Jackson ever again. I'd simply die of embarrassment. My phone continued to vibrate, but I didn't bother checking. I didn't want to see Percy reject me. I didn't need that.

Why am I so stupid?

Hello! I'm trying to upload at least once a week but school has kept me pretty pre-occupied, plus I'm kind of lazy. 

I wrote this chapter all in one sitting so if anything doesn't make sense or if there are any mistakes I'm very sorry. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm heartbroken for Annabeth, little does she know...

Thank you to every single person who has read any of the chapters and a special thanks to those who have commented or voted. Please continue to do so, it means so much to me. I love all of you!!! 

A new chapter will be out soon, probably from Percy's POV for anyone wondering. 

Thank you again!!! :) 



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