Chapter 10

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Erin POV:

There was something so freeing about apologizing to Annabeth. Don't get me wrong I know this doesn't actually fix anything but still, something about it felt good. My dumb old conscious probably felt washed clean. I wish I could have talked to her longer, Annabeth left pretty quickly after my apology but I'm trying to tell myself it wasn't because she didn't want to be around me. 

It didn't matter. To be honest I wasn't even planning on it but Noah was right there. He sat on the floor in the corner of the library, back against the wall, book open in his lap. We usually study together before school on certain days. We hadn't talked about coming this morning but we both had the same idea I suppose. 

I was going to just sit down at one of the tables in the almost deserted library but Noah was right there and I just couldn't help myself. I slid down the wall next to Noah. He looked up shocked to see me sitting next to him. I opened my textbook and began taking notes for biology. From the corner of my eye I could just see the puzzled look on Noah's face. 

I didn't say a word, I wanted to be on good terms with Noah, he was my bestfriend but I had made the first step, it was his turn. 

It took him a minute to completely register I wasn't going to say anything, or maybe he was just thinking of something to say. I bit my lip, what if he didn't want to be friends anymore. What if everything freaked him out. 

I tried to block out the thoughts and focus on my bio notes but it wasn't very productive. I could feel Noah's eyes on me. It took everything for me to not look back at him. Eventually he returned his attention to his book and we sat in silence for about ten minutes. I was convinced we would sit like this until the bell but finally Noah spoke.

"Erin." I looked up from my book, curious beyond belief about what he might say next.

"Annabeth had said something to me earlier..." I wanted to vomit. What had Annabeth said. Had she broken up with Percy? Did she like Noah? Is that why she had been so nice to me saying those things about how Noah liked me, was she just trying to make it worse for me when I found out? Wait. Why do I care? I want Noah to be happy he's my bestfriend. Why would it matter if Annabeth and him were together? Plus wasn't I just crushing on Percy a few days ago?

No. That wasn't a crush, you didn't get over crushes that easily. You didn't get all happy when your "crush" got with the girl your bestfriend has been obsessing over. Why was this only just dawning on me? Suddenly my body tensed, my hands got sweaty. It was like the world was moving in slow motion. I was only broken from my daze because Noah spoke.

The boy I liked spoke. 

"She said- uh- it doesn't matter. It just got me thinking... about the... kiss." Noah stuttered and mumbled. I definitely wasn't expecting that. I froze unsure of how to respond.

"Why did you really kiss me Erin?" His voice confident and strong.

"I- uh-" I gulped. Noah looked away from me.

"Did it mean anything?" He whispered. 

"You didn't need any practice for Annabeth." 

"Oh um yeah I know she never liked me. It's okay I'm over it." Noah's face flashed pink.

"That's not exactly what I meant." Now it was my turn to blush. My faced burned what I assumed to be a dark red.

"Oh. Thanks I guess, but I probably do need practice. You were my first kiss." Noah half mumbled.

"But you always said-" I was cut off.

"I know what I said but I was a jerk. I shouldn't have lied, I just didn't want you to think I was a loser."

"Your the opposite of a loser." Noah's lips curled into a smile. 

"Did the kiss mean anything to you?" Noah asked again.

"Did it mean anything to you?"

"I asked first."

"Okay. Yeah it did." I breathed "Your turn."

"Why do you think I asked?" I laughed, unsure if I was dreaming and I would wake up in a minute back at home cuddled up in bed.

"I think I need more practice." Noah's smiled. I just nodded in response. 

The kiss was everything I had been craving since that day in my room. It started much more delicate though. Our hands cupped each others faces gently. Our lips disconnected and reconnected more times than I could count. It was perfect. He was perfect. 

He pulled away only slightly so our noses still touched.

"How did it take me so long to realize? I was so delusional." I giggled and let my head fall to face my lap but Noah guided my eyes to directly look into his, his hand on my cheek. 

"I was blind." I kissed him. Over and over. I couldn't keep the grin from my face. It lasted the whole day. Every time I thought it might fade, Noah's hand in mine ignited a whole other level of happy I didn't even know existed. It was pure bliss.

Hey guys I'm really sorry for such a long wait. I just really don't like this story that much. It is very rushed and the writing is extremely mediocre but nevertheless I will still continue to write this as long as it is what you guys want. 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck around to see how the story ends. There probably wont be too many chapters after this but we'll see. Love you all!



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