Chapter 5

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Erin's POV:

Wow this was just everything. Annabeth had ignored Percy all week. Okay so the whole kiss scenario could have gone better. Percy didn't need to be so mean about it afterwards. It was literally just a kiss but honestly one of my best ideas. When I heard Annabeth knock on the door it was just perfect timing. Kissing Percy in front of her made her back down completely. They hadn't had one full conversation since.

Percy reaction to Annabeth crying (imagine crying over a kiss) just proved he liked her back. Luka was super clueless so I got him to make Percy think Annabeth liked Noah. Percy and Annabeth were acting like they didn't know each other. Seriously this was the best week of my life. Annabeth finally stopped hanging out with us (about time) and I had Percy all to myself. I mean kind of. He wasn't really talking to me but it was better then him drooling all over Annabeth.

Noah is totally stupid. He actually thinks Annabeth is busy and not just avoiding him. The poor boy, he can be so clueless sometimes. I can't even begin to see what he sees in Annabeth. I mean literally out of Claire, Beth, Annabeth and I, surely you would pick anyone other then Annabeth. Well he couldn't pick Claire cause she's gay, plus Beth is really annoying so if anything Noah should have a crush on me not Annabeth. 

Whatever though. I probably should be paying attention right now. It was fifth period and I was sitting next to Noah in double Bio. Annabeth sat at one side of the room and Percy was on the other. I wasn't really paying attention but I'm pretty sure Ms Field said something about a project. 

"Hey Noah." I nudge Noah with my shoulder and whisper into his ear.

"What are we doing?"

"Seriously you could pay attention." He teased glancing my way but none the less proceeded to explain the project to me. We have to be in groups of two and research one of the topics we have begun learning this year. Immediately I looked over at Percy. This could be my chance to get his attention. I smiled towards him but he just looked away. Dick.

"Okay I will now assign the groups." Ms Field announced to the class. Shit, so I probably won't be with Percy. She started walking around the classroom assigning people in pairs. Noah and I were partnered up. Whatever, I would have rather Percy but Noah was the next best option. Then she passed Annabeth and partnered her up with Percy. Seriously. Percy of all people. Great all my hard work better not be ruined if they make up during this project. 

"Of course that jerk gets to be with Annabeth." Noah scoffed. 

"Well at least you have me." I laughed

"Can we get a head start on the project today?" Noah questioned.

"Sure we will walk to mine afterschool."


Noah and I left school as early as possible to get a head start on our bio project. I normally took a while after school so I didn't see Annabeth or Percy walking home. Today however they were only a few meters in front of us. They stood far apart as if they were contagious. Wait. Maybe there not that far apart. Suddenly I noticed quite how close Noah was while we walked. Our hands would brush against each other. I felt a something move in my stomach. What was that feeling. This wasn't normal. Was I sick?

We made it to my house right as Annabeth and Percy entered her front door. I used to like being next door neighbors with Annabeth but recently it just became annoying.

"I can't believe Annabeth's partnered with that douche." Noah complained. We were sitting on my bed, side by side,  taking a break from our project. He was going on about eccentric ways to get with Annabeth. I hadn't stopped staring at Noah all afternoon and I have no idea why. I felt that weird sensation in my stomach again. Is this what people meant by butterflies in your stomach. No that's gross I definitely don't like Noah, but then why did I have a sudden urge to kiss him. Snap out of it Erin. You're going insane. YOU. DO. NOT. LIKE. NOAH. Right?

Shit. I completely stopped listening to Noah instead I just stared at his stupid smile and little dimples. What was wrong with me? Then I did something I knew I would regret. Something I never should have done. Instead I should have buried my thoughts down deep but no I have to make things complicated.

I kissed him. 

Now I've kissed many guys but none felt quiet like this. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe I was imagining it but in that moment I forgot about about the rest of the world. Noah didn't react he just let me kiss him, I let go of his cheeks and pulled back. Shit. I shouldn't have done that. He stared straight into my eyes, we were so close our noses we basically touching, then the smallest of smiles spread onto his face. One so small he probably didn't even register it and he grabbed neck and pulled me back towards him. Pushing his lips onto mine. His hands wrapped around my waist. I ran my fingers through his hair. It was electric. Those butterflies flew around my whole body. Every time he tightened his grip around my waist I shivered. I've never felt this way before. Then it was over. He pulled back. 

"Um." He mumbled. He looked disappointed and all awkward, Shit I need to come up with an excuse right now. 

"Oh sorry about that I just figured you might want some practice because I know you haven't kissed someone in a while." I laughed awkwardly. He definitely did not need practice. He just stared at me with a confused expression.

"You know for Annabeth and stuff." I rambled. God this was so stupid.

"Oh right, thanks." He nodded. Jeeze. Thanks. Damn I wanted to die right there.

"Well I guess we should probably get back to our project." I croaked. 

"Yeah." He nodded.

I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the afternoon. How was I supposed to. I kept glancing over at Noah. Why did I kiss him. Surely I didn't like him. That was impossible. Shit, I'm so stupid. Why did I kiss him. Now it's going to be all awkward. I really don't need that.

Good one Erin.

AHHHHHHH I know I'm a bit late to uploading and just to let you know I won't be able to upload for a little bit over Christmas. I am going away for two weeks and won't have access to internet however I will try to wright as much as possible so I can upload more than one chapter once I get back.

On a happier note Happy Holidays. Christmas is tomorrow which is insane. I hope all of you have a good holiday and get to enjoy it with your family. This year has been quiet the roller-coaster for everyone so hopefully 2021 will bring better things. 

I hope this clarified why Erin kissed Percy, if not it was to make Annabeth jealous and back off. Obviously I have made it more confusing by adding Noah and Erin's kiss but come on everyone loves drama. I think Erin has liked Noah for a while but she just pushes these feeling down. I am aware this could have been better developed but I'm just trying to keep you guys entertained. 

Please keep commenting and voting!!!!! (Thanks to everyone who does)




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