Chapter 4

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Percy's POV:

Erin seemed friendly but I would have preferred to be walking home with Annabeth. She actually talked about interesting stuff. Or most of the time at least, whenever Annabeth started on architecture she wouldn't shut up but I thought it was cute. Erin talked purely about Noah. I don't even think she realized it but somehow every topic could be related to him. I barley new Noah but he gave me a weird vibe, I'm not sure what it was. He also kind of followed Annabeth everywhere. 

Annabeth and me normally walked home together but Erin asked me to help her study today so I sent Annabeth a text letting her know I wouldn't be able to walk with her. This afternoon will be very boring but any friend of Annabeth is a friend of mine. 

"Are you even listening to me?" Erin giggled. Her giggle was so annoying, no offence. 

"Um.. yeah sorry I just zoned out." I mumbled. She lightly punched me on the arm and laughed.

"No worries silly..." She kept talking but I stopped listening again. Luckily we arrived at my house so I didn't have to worry about enduring her company for much longer. I just had to teach her some Greek and we would be good to go. We sat on the carpet in my room and I pulled my books from my bag. Erin sat right next to me. I kept shuffling over slightly but she was practically leaning on me. 

We had been studying (if you even want to call it that, Erin was not paying any attention) for a while when my phone buzzed next to me. I reached to grab it but Erin beat me to it. 

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Nothing important, just a spam email." What? Weird, whatever just get this studying over and done with. 

Ten or so minutes passed when I heard a gentle knock on the door. Who could that be? My mum wasn't supposed to be home until six. A soft voice answered the question.

"I'm coming in." Annabeth. I was about to call out to her when Erin grabbed my cheeks and pulled my lips to hers. WHAT!? Yuck! What was she doing? I ripped my face off hers but the damage was done. Annabeth stood there in shock and her eyes began to water. I couldn't speak. Annabeth ran out the door and down the stairs. Erin sat there all proud like she had accomplished something. What was wrong with her? I quickly got up and chased after Annabeth. I yelled her name but she ran down the street without looking back. 

I buried my face in my hands. I didn't want to admit it but I liked Annabeth. Like a lot. What would she think when she saw someone else kiss me. I started walking in circles. Shit. Why am I so dumb. I should have never studied with Erin. Wait Erin. She knew Annabeth was about to walk in but still kissed me. What was she doing? 

Suddenly filled with anger I stormed back upstairs into my room where Erin was still sitting. 

"Percy.. I-." 

"You should leave." There was not a single tone of friendliness in my voice. Erin didn't wait to be told twice and quickly grabbed her bag and dashed outside. I quickly reached for my phone. Shit. I was supposed to help Annabeth with her school stuff. Shit. This is why she was mad. God I suck. I quickly sent her a text.

Are you okay Annabeth? -P

Please answer me. -P

I'm sorry I forgot. -P

Please are you okay? Call me ok. We should talk. -P


I patiently waited for a reply but none came. 

I'm so sorry. -P

Please I just want to talk. -P

I know I was stupid and I shouldn't have forgotten. -P

Annabeth. -P


I called her a few times too but they just went to voicemail. Jeeze how dumb can I be? I made Annabeth cry. She'll never be my friend again. She'll never want to talk to me again. She'll never want to be with-. Forget it. She wouldn't have anyway. 


All day. 

Annabeth avoided me all day. I tried to talk to her multiple times but she never let me. She wouldn't even sit next to me. On the other hand Erin wouldn't stop talking to me, but I ignored her just like Annabeth ignored me. I sat with Annabeth's friends at lunch but she didn't sit with us. 

Luka seemed to notice Annabeth's behavior towards me. We talked for a bit about it. 

"She's not even talking to me though." 

"Maybe it's because of Noah. I mean don't tell him I said this but he's had the biggest crush on Annabeth for the longest time." Rage filled inside me. 

"But what's that got to do with anything?" I questioned while trying to stay calm.

"I heard from Erin that he was gonna ask her out yesterday. Maybe she feels bad about being with him." Surely not, Annabeth didn't like Noah. What was Luka talking about.

"What do you mean?" I felt annoyed now even if Annabeth liked Noah why would she avoid me for it.

"Dude, it's obvious you have a crush on her." Shit. What? Wait. If Luka noticed it maybe Annabeth did too. Shit. I turned away from Luka and walked straight down the hall. Avoiding everyone. I felt a bit bad for just leaving Luka but my mind was buzzing. Does this mean she knows I like her so she's avoiding me? DOES THIS MEAN SHES GOING ON A DATE WITH NOAH?! Shit. 

I really have messed this all up.

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I know I haven't updated in so long. I have been really busy with school and other "really exciting things." 

I hope you guys liked this chapter. We all know Percy is really oblivious and low key dumb when it comes to the love department so here he is still being dumb! :)

I hope the story is making sense because I forget a lot of the small details I wrote in the first chapters so it might be a bit of a mess.

Thanks again to everyone commenting, reading and voting please continue to do so. :)

By the way Happy almost Holidays! My current favorite Holiday songs are...

- Perfect Gift: Joshua Basset

- What Christmas Means: Paige Gold

Hopefully all of you have a wonderful holidays!!!!



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