Its all for you

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"You've gotta stay here okay?" Chloe said to her 5 year old brother as she tucked the blanket into his sides. It was just them two, nobody else, only them. All alone in this dangerous world, no where to turn to, no one to turn to. "Please be fast, I don't like being alone..." he mumbled with a pout. Chloe rubbed his cheek, "I know, I'll be quick I promise. Close your eyes" she ushered him down.

She was 13 and she was left to look after her baby brother, all by her lonesome. She stood up and quickly grabbed the $10 bill that she had found on the floor earlier that day. She ran to the door as she watched her brother tossing and turning on the old dirty mattress, she quickly bolted down the stairs of the abandoned building and ran out into the Chicago streets. She ran to a nearby market and since it was late it was quiet, "please could I have a ham sandwich and a bottle of water?" She said sweetly to the stall owner. "Of course ya can sweetie, that'll be $6..." she said while handing her the bag of food. Chloe sighed, she hoped that she could've got one for herself too but she smiled anyways and handed the woman the $10 bill. She went to put the other $4 in her pocket but when she ran to the end of the street she saw an elderly homeless woman with a scruffy looking dog so she walked over to them and pet the pooch before putting the change into her cup.

She didn't have time to speak since she had to get back to Ben, she avoided jay-walking and crossed the road at the white lines. She bolted back over to their abandoned home and ran upstairs. She always held her breath as she opened the broken door in case her brother wasn't there, she eased at the sight of him and ran to his side. "See? I was super quick" she smiled at him while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Ben sat up and smiled at her, "quick" he repeated her words. She smiled at him and pulled out the food from the plastic bag, she took the ham sandwich out of the box and handed him it so he could eat and stay as healthy as a homeless child possible could. She was dying for a bite but she would rather watch her brother eat, even if it meant going hungry.

Ben offered out the sandwich to his sister but she shook her head and pushed his hand back to him, "no no, it's all for you. Chloe's not hungry" she smiled at him, she didn't want him to worry. He smiled and nodded then continued munching on the bread. When he was done eating it all he pointed to the water, "you thirsty?" She rang her fingers through his hair. He nodded, "what's the magic word?" She smiled while opening the bottle. Ben laughed, "pretty pleassseeese?" He sang while cocking his head to the side, Chloe laughed and handed him the opened bottle of water, "good boy" she smiled at him. Even though she couldn't give him much, she wanted him the be grateful for everything he got, big or small.

He gulped it down but left some for his sister, "mmmm" he smiled. He left a quarter of it for Chloe, she knew she could go days without food but she had to drink something to survive, so she painstakingly took the water from his hands and drank it. "Come on, bed time" she smiled while tucking the blanket into him again. Ben yawned and sunk into the beaten mattress, she sat on the floor and ran her fingers along his face to make him sleep better. She hardly ever slept and just ran off the energy she had, she stayed awake he whole night like usual.

"Wakey wakey" she whispered to Ben as the cars started flying past outside. Ben groaned and woke up while rubbing his eyes in attempts to escape the suns bright light coming through the windowless windows. "You want to go on a walk today?" She smiled at him. Ben jumped up and danced about, "okay okay, let's get you cleaned up" she said while taking off his PJ shirt and putting his warmer hoodie on. She put his old trainers on and made him sit down so she could brush his hair with her fingers, "perfect" she smiled at him while licking her finger and wiping the fist off of his face. She threw on her own hoodie and pushed their stuff to the side, "let's go" she smiled while grabbing his hand.

"Look at the birds" she smiled at him as they walked into the park. He ran to the swings and she followed him, she lifted him up and put his legs through the wholes. She received some weird stares from a few parents but she ignored them like she always did, "one, two, three!" Ben squealed as she lifted him back. She let him go and he laughed to himself as he swung back and forwards, "ducks!" He shouted while pointing the the pier. Chloe laughed and lifted him out. She held his hand and walked over to the water, she kept a tight hold on her brother as he bent down and splashed the water about. They spent a few hours getting some exercise in, even though Chloe didn't have much energy left she kept up with the lively toddler. She always kept her eyes peeled for loose change and today she found a few dollar bills and a few loose pennies laying on the floor. Of course she picked them up and saved up for bens next meal. "Home time" she smiled down at him. Ben nodded and they turned around to go back to their 'home'.

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