Im doing it

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"Head out guys" hank said as he let them go for the day. Jay smiled at hailey as they walked out with each other, "would you mind coming to my place and helping me with this? It doesn't have to be right now..." he started but hailey cut him off, "I'll meet you at yours" she smiled at him as she got in her car. Jay thanked her and smiled as he drove off to go home.

"So I think I'd be able to do it" he sighed as they sat down on his couch. "You'd need to get your apartment sorted and checked then the cupboards would need filled, then the only thing left after that would be the legalisation" hailey smiled as she sorted out the pamphlets. Jay nodded, "I can get that sorted soon right?" He enquired. Hailey laughed, "yeah probably within the next few days" she smiled at him. Jay sat back in his couch and smiled, "I'm doing it" he confirmed. Hailey placed a hand on his shoulder, "you'll do good" she nodded approvingly. The pair watched a film together and had a beer before Bailey called it a night and left jay to his own thoughts.

He made a to-do list, he had tomorrow off work so he decided tomorrow he would clean and child proof the apartment so DCFS would approve. He decided that he could also schedule a meeting with them tomorrow since he wouldn't take too long in his apartment. He would get the groceries tomorrow too and then depending on when he gets approved he could pick Chloe up when he was allowed to.

He yawned and decided it was best to get some sleep since tomorrow was going to be busy.

He rolled out of bed bright and early, he started cleaning up the apartment. He done the regular chores then started on the guest room, he made the beds and decorated it slightly so it felt more homely for her. When he had done that he double checked the now spotless apartment and it was only 13:30pm. He quickly got changed then grabbed his keys and made his way to the store to buy the groceries, he bought bags full of all kinds of foods. When he got back home he unpacked everything and made sure he had plenty in the pantry so DCFS couldn't turn him down.

It was now 17:25pm so he cleaned himself up and scanned the apartment one last time before going down to the legal offices to sort out the adoption papers. He sat in the waiting room and waited to be called in, "mr halstead, you'll be seen now" the desk lady said to him as she pointed to the big double doors next to her. Jay took a deep breath and confidently walked through the doors, "hello, I'm eric Walker and I'll be helping you today" the man said as he stood up to shake jays hand. He smiled and greeted him back before sitting down nervously. "So how can I help?" Eric smiled at him, jay nodded, "I'd like to adopt a child" he smiled. Eric nodded, "okay sir, have you got a specific someone in mind?" He smiled at him. Jay nodded, "yes I have actually, her names Chloe Jackson" he smiled slightly.

Eric smiled and got up to get chloes file, "ah yes here she is, so you'll be aware that we will need to complete a thorough inspection of your home and then we can sign the forms?" He enquired. Jay nodded, "I've already sorted everything out" he confirmed. Eric smiled, "how does tonight sound? We can tick off all the boxes and Chloe can be placed into your care by 12:00am" he cocked his head to the sound. Jay was taken aback, "that'd be perfect, thank you!" He smiled appreciatively. Eric nodded and handed him a card, "my colleague will swing by your apartment today at this time and he will bring the adoption forms with him so you can collect Chloe on your own accords. Congratulations" he smiled. Jay stood up and accepted the card, he shook Eric's hand and turned to leave with the biggest grin on his face.

The social worker was coming to look at his apartment in one hour so he drove home and text hailey.
Jay: "hey hails, I know it's short notice but would you be able to get here before 7:30pm?"
Hailey: "yeah of course why?"
Jay: "DCFS is coming to check my apartment..."
Hailey: "oh my god, that's great. I'll be there soon"
Jay: "thanks hailey"

He double and triple checked the apartment for any flaws but he couldn't find any so he sat down on the couch and waited for hailey. He jumped up when there was a knock at the door, he opened it to see haileys smiling face looking up to him. "Hey, hope I'm not too late" she said while holding some flowers. Jay smiled and let her in, "not at all" he replied. She smiled and walked into his kitchen to put the flowers into a vase, she placed them on the table to make it look fresher. Jay watched her and smiled.

5 minutes later and there was a second knock at the door, "this is it" jay smiled nervously as he stood up to answer it. "Hey, come in" he said as he signalled for the man to enter. "Hi my names Luke, I'll be inspecting you're apartment" he put his hand out. Jay shook his hand and let him work away, hailey and jay stood by anxiously as Luke swept the apartment. They both shot each other worriedly glances when he disappeared out of sight, "alright mr halstead, your apartment succeeds the guidelines. You pass, if you bear with me one second I'll sort out your forms" Luke said with a smile. Jay and hailey let out a sigh of relief and smiled at each other, jay was going to become a dad, maybe not a biological one, but still a dad. "Here you go, if you could just read over these documents then sign at the bottom of each page that'd be great" Luke said while passing jay and pen and the file of paper.

Jay quickly scanned over the papers and signed the bottom of each page, "thank you" Luke said as he passed them back. "I'm assuming you'd like to bring Chloe home tonight?" Luke said with a smile. Jay nodded then looked at hailey who also nodded, "alrighty then, if you meet me at her foster home now then we can finalise it" Luke finished up. Jay nodded and grabbed his keys, hailey took a ride in jays car since she'd be coming back to collect her car later.

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