A prank

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"Chloe..." jay said softly since she was still hiding from him. She slowly pulled her arms down and held her breath, when she saw her dad crouched in front of her she sighed and let her tears flow loudly while jumping into his arms.  Jay held her tight as he felt her sobbing into his chest, "let's get you inside" he said while picking her up.  Hailey grabbed the plastic bag that she had by her side and followed jay into his apartment.

                 "It's okay" jay said as he sat down on the couch with Chloe still crying in his arms.  Jay looked at hailey in worry, he held his daughter tighter as she began to shake even more.  "Chloe baby what happened?" He ran his fingers through her hair.  Chloe controlled her sobs and looked at jay as he wiped the tears from her eyes, "there was a guy, he ran after me and I-I..." she started but burst out crying again.  Jay pulled her into his neck and let her cry it out, he looked at hailey with confusion and worry.  "I couldn't get home in time so I hid..." she finished while sniffling.  Jay smiled and rubbed the half dried tears from her cheek, "you did good baby it's okay" he nodded.  Chloe looked at hailey and smiled, "did you see what he looked like?" Hailey smiled sadly at her.  Chloe looked to the floor in guilt, "what is it chlo?" Jay said while feeling her grip tighten on his arm.

                   Chloe sighed, "this morning someone tied a clown mask to my locker at school, I thought it was a prank so I binned it..." she looked at hailey then her dad.  She spoke again before the partners could, "it had RUN written on the inside but I still binned it..." she looked down.  Jay rubbed her arm, "that's okay chlo, what's that gotta do with the man though?" He brought her back to the topic.  Chloe sniffled, "he was wearing the mask, he had a bat too. He was tall and muscular but I didn't recognise him..." she looked at her dad with glassy eyes.  Jay nodded and pulled her back into a hug to comfort her.  Hailey smiled and nodded sadly.  Hailey stayed for a while longer to make sure they were both okay, "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Hailey said before opening the door , jay looked up from the couch as Chloe was resting her head on his knee, "yeah, thanks for staying" he smiled weakly as hailey nodded and closed then door behind her. 

                 "Are you tired?" Jay said softly since he could feel her head getting heavier on his lap.  She nodded slightly so jay picked her up and carried her to her room, she already had joggers and a hoodie on which were kinda like PJ's so jay just let her keep them on and he tucked her into bed.  "Night sweetie" he planted a kiss on her hair and left her to sleep, she didn't reply since she was already sleeping from the moment her head hit the pillow.  Jay smiled at her then left the door slightly ajar.  He sat back down on the couch and thought for a second, he was definitely telling Hank about it, if someone was out to get him or Chloe he would stop at nothing to make sure she was safe and sound. 

                After some time of cooling off his anger he went to sleep, he tossed and turned the whole night since he couldn't guarantee chloes safety after what just happened.  It was a Saturday tomorrow and he had work, he decided that Chloe was to stay home since that was one of the only options he had.  He couldn't just fetch her to work with him every time he had a bad feeling because if he did she would be there every second of the day.

              His alarm clock sounded loudly at 7am, he groggily rolled out of bed and walked to chloes room to wake her up. "Come on chlo, I gotta go to work. You're staying here" he poked his head around her door but she was already up. She smiled and followed him out into the living area, he grabbed some breakfast to go and put his work boots on, "when I go I want you to lock all the doors and the windows, close the blinds too" he said seriously. Chloe smiled weakly and nodded, "I'll have my phone on all day, if you need me text me. I'll check in with you every hour" he smiled before leaving. "Okay, love you dad" she smiled while waving him out. "Love you too chlo" he said before she shut the door. She took a deep breath and done as he said, she walked around and closed all the windows even though they weren't on the ground floor, locked the door and pulled all of the blinds down. She sighed and sat down on the couch.

She had some texts from her dad to answer after doing her homework so she answered them and stopped his worries.
Jay: "you okay?"
Chloe: "all good"
Jay: "text me if you need me"
Chloe: "I will"

Most of the conversations were like that for the first few hours but as she finished up her maths homework at 4pm she got a FaceTime call from jay.  She laughed at his concern but answered the call anyways.  She was sat in her room with her back to the door which was open, she placed the phone against a pillow so she was in view and the door was also in view behind her, she clicked accept.
Jay: "just checking up on you, everything okay?"
Chloe: "yeah I'm good, just doing homework. Which colour should I pick, pink or blue?"
Jay: "uhm, blue"
Chloe: "okie, what are you doing?"
Jay: "just on our break, haileys here too"
Hailey: "hey kiddo, you miss me?"
Chloe: "hey hails, of course"

Hailey stepped into view and watched her with jay, her eyes narrowed onto a shadow figure in the hallway, she couldn't see anyone stood behind Chloe but she could see a shadow of someone. She didn't want to panick Chloe so she nudged jays arm and wrote it down on a post it note. *is she home alone?* jay looked up to hailey and distinctly nodded so Chloe couldn't see they were privately communicating. Chloe was chatting away but neither of them were really listening so she was talking to herself, jay was confused at what hailey was doing. Hailey furrowed her brows and wrote something down again, *don't scare chlo but look behind her in the hallway* she turned the post it note to jay and he done as she said. He also narrowed his eyes and saw the shadow figure outside of her door, Chloe noticed that the partners were staring at her like she had six heads.
Chloe: "uhhh...have I got something on my face?"
Jay: "no, not at all. You locked the door right?"
Chloe: "yeah, and the windows why?"

Jay went to answer her but stopped when he saw Chloe whip her head around and look to the open door behind her, he looked up to hailey who also looked worried. Chloe thought she heard something, or someone, more like a heavy breathing from outside of her door. She was scared but she turned back around to look at jay and hailey on her phone.
Jay: "you okay chlo?"
Chloe: "uh yeah, thought I heard something"

Jays stomach dropped as he saw a man wearing a clown mask approaching Chloe from behind. He nudged haileys arm and went to stand up but he was too scared to look away.
Chloe: "I picked blue like you said, I'm gonna put fancy writing on it too"

She was unaware that someone was behind her since she was talking away to her dad, she expected some kind of a reply back but there was silence. She looked at the camera in confusion since hailey and jay were practically jumping off their chairs in fear.
Chloe: "guys...?"

Before she could say anything else she felt a plastic bag wrapped around her head and arms grabbing onto her neck, she tried to fight who ever it was but the plastic bag limited her oxygen supply. She let out her last few kicks and arm swings before falling limp and unconscious.

Jay and hailey tried to signal to Chloe that there was someone there but she didn't understand, it was too late. They watched jays daughter being strangled half to death by a man in a clown mask, presumably the same man from yesterday. They stood up out of their chairs as they watched the man dragging Chloe away and out of view. "Oh my god, we gotta get there now" jay said as he ran out of the break room and into the bullpen, hailey followed behind him. He ran out of the bullpen immediately and everyone looked at hailey for an explanation, even Hank, "it's chloe, someones broke in. They've got her" she summed up and ran after jay. The team jumped up and followed suit, they all got in their cars and made their way over to jays apartment in hopes that they weren't too late.

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