Tricky case

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"Jane and John Doe, unconscious at the scene" Brett said as she wheeled the girl in first. Will checked her pupils and stepped back, "alright move her on my count, 1 2 3..." he said as they lifted her super light body onto the trauma bed. As for Ben they started doing tests straight away in the other room. "Breath sounds bilaterally" Will said while checking over her stats. "We need to get her up to the OR, page dr Crockett and tell him shes coming up" he said quickly while cutting open the bottom of her leggings to inspect the gun shot wound. She was immediately rushed out of the ER and into the elevator.

"hang a bag of saline" dr manning said as she changed Ben into hospital clothes, he was groggy but he was in better condition than his sister. "Alright little man can you hear me?" She said while rubbing a tight fist on his chest. Ben groaned and fluttered open his eyes, "hey, can you tell me your name?" Dr manning said while rushing around to check his stats on the monitor. "Uhhhh, Ben..." he thought for a second while trying to sit up. Dr manning gently pushed him back down, "well Ben, that's a very cool name. I'm Natalie and I'm gonna help you get better okay?" She said with a smile. Ben nodded and laid back down to be checked over, "okay, it just looks like smoke inhalation. Lungs are clear and he's stabling up" Natalie said to Will outside of his room. "What about the little girl?" She smiled at him. Will shook his head and sighed, "gun shot wound to the leg, head trauma and bad smoke inhalation. She's headed up to the OR now but I really don't know nat..." he said sadly, he was referring to wether she was gonna make it or not. Natalie nodded and grabbed his shoulder for support, "keep me posted" she said before walking back into bens room.

Will was about to walk back to his desk when he saw his brother and hailey walking into the ER, "hey guys?" He said in confusion. Jay waved at him and walked over, "you got anything on the two kids that came in?" Jay said sadly. Will nodded, "yeah, the little boys called Ben and he's stable for now. Nats treating him still. The girls in the OR, gun shot wound to the leg, head trauma and smoke inhalation, not to mention how malnourished she is" Will sighed. The two partners shot each other worried glances, "is she gonna make it?" Jay perked up. Will looked at his brother doubtfully, "I don't know Jay, she's lost a lot of blood. The chances are slim to none but hey, kids body's are one of the strongest things out there so, maybe. I can't promise anything" he placed a hand on his brothers arm. Jay looked down and nodded, "keep us in the loop" hailey said to Will before they both walked out. "She'll pull through" hailey said to jay as they walked out of med.

"Where's my sister?" Ben cried out. Natalie shot Maggie a confused glance, "is that who the girl is? Your sister?" Natalie said sweetly. Ben nodded and rubbed his eyes, "CJ, where's CJ?" He cried out louder. Natalie pulled the toddler into a hug, "she's gonna be okay, she's just getting fixed up. How about your get some sleep and when you wake up, we can play some games okay?" She said while tucking the child in. Ben sobbed and tried to go to sleep as Natalie and Maggie left the room. "Will" Natalie waved him over to her desk section. Will ran over to her, "what's up?" He said worriedly. Natalie glanced into bens room, "the girls his sister, he called her CJ" she smiled at him. Will looked at her thankfully, "that's good, thanks Nat" he smiled before running to help other patients.

The next morning flew by, Chloe was out of surgery but she still wasn't awake yet. Ben was playing on a hospital iPad even though he didn't know how to use it. Will walked into the ER with Natalie to start their shift but he remembered that he forgot to text jay last night so he grabbed out his phone after scrubbing up and text his brother.
Will: "hey man, sorry it's been hectic, the boys fine and the young girls his sister. He keeps calling her CJ"
Jay: "don't worry about it, and thanks. Is she okay?"
Will: "she's out of surgery but she's not awake yet"
Jay: "poor thing"
Will: "I know, I'll text you if her condition changes"
Jay: "thanks man"
Will: "anytime"

"That was will, the young boys called Ben and the girls called CJ. Siblings..." he frowned as he wrote their names on the chalk board. The bullpen was silent as he explained, "alright, well we've got nothing else to go off of until the girl wakes up so keep working the case" hank said before disappearing into his office. Jays phone pinged again, he answered the call. "Halstead...alright thanks, we'll be down in 5" he said before hanging up. He jumped up and knocked on voights office door, "they just rules the fire as an arson, we gotta go" he said with a nod. Hank grabbed his jacket and followed jay out, "hailey come on" jay said as the trio walked out of the bullpen. The rest of the unit cracked on with paperwork since they had nothing to go off.

"Hey severide" jay said as he led hank and hailey into the firehouse briefing room. Severide waved him in, "hey guys, so the fires an arson. The offender could've been targeting the kids or it was just by chance, either way the kids were still in there before the fire started" he sighed. "You guys got anything on the kids yet?" Boden said in his raspy voice. Jay shook his head, "no not yet, all we know is that their siblings, Ben and CJ" he sighed. They all looked around in pity, they talked for a while before the three detectives left to go back to the bullpen, "keep us posted" severide said before they left. Jay put his thumbs up since he didn't really feel like talking.

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