Pull through

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                    "Is she gonna make it?" Jay said as a lump formed in his throat.  Mackey looked at him doubtfully, "I don't know, she's lost a lot of blood and her body's under a lot of stress. I can't promise anything..." she sighed while inserting the IV line to get some fluids back into her.  Jay held her hand tightly, he couldn't bare the thought of this being one of the last times he sees her alive. 

                The ambulance pulled up at med and jay jumped out first, he helped the girls get Chloe out and he stepped back to let them do their job.  "...resuscitated at the scene" Brett finished up giving the stats to Will.  Jay stood and watched as his daughter was being treated, will ordered a lot of scans and sent her up to surgery immediately.  "You gotta wait outside jay, come on" Brett said while guiding him over to to the team who were anxiously stood waiting.  Jay said nothing, he just sat down on a chair and stared into the abyss of the waiting room.    Hank and hailey said either side of him, "shes a fighter, she'll pull through" hailey grabbed jays hand. He looked at his partner and nodded, he wanted to believe her but all he could picture was the bad side of it all.

The team had been sat in the waiting room for 5 hours and it was 10:15pm, "you guys can head out, I'll keep you posted" hailey said to the rest of intelligence, they all nodded and gave their best wishes. Hailey and jay stayed, and they planned on staying until she woke up. Will came running out 30 minutes later, "she's out of surgery..." he said half heartedly to his brother. Jay stood up tiredly but quickly, "is she gonna be okay? Will..." he started but his voice trailed off. Will smiled, "she's stable for now but she's not awake, you guys can come see her" he frowned then made his way to her room. "The surgery was long but she pulled through, bullet nicked an artery" Will sighed before hugging his brother then going back to work. Hailey grabbed jays shoulder, "told you" she smiled before opening the door for him. Jay nodded and walked into chloes room, she was sleeping from the sedatives but she looked peaceful and out of pain.

"I should've fetched her to work, god this is all my fault..." he started but hailey cut him off, "jay, you couldn't have stopped this from happening. If it didn't happen today it would've happened another day, there was nothing you could've done trust me" she smiled and nodded at him. Jay nodded and realised she was right, they talked and talked until they heard a little breath come from Chloe. Jay shot his head to the bed she was laying in and grabbed her hand, "Chlo can you hear me?" He said hopefully.

Chloe tried to flutter open her eyes but no matter how hard she tried the light was blinding, she heard jays question but she couldn't talk, there was a big bulky thing stuck down her throat. She stayed silent and still but squeezed jays hand as hard as she could to let him know she could hear him. Jay looked at hailey who had already stood up and gone to look for Will, "shes awake" jay jumped up as Will entered with hailey again.

Will removed the breathing tube, "just relax okay?" He said before removing it. Chloe shot up and coughed, every cough pained her shoulder. Once the mini coughing fit was over Will pushed her back down so she could rest, "hey sweetie" jay said while holding her hand again. Will and hailey smiled at jay as he comforted his daughter. Chloe looked scared but she relaxed at her dads touch, she didn't have any energy to speak and Will noticed, "how about you get some rest and then you can talk later?" He smiled at his niece, Chloe smiled back weakly and nodded before hitting the pillow again. Jay smiled and will signalled for them to follow him outside, "what's the damage?" Hailey smiled sadly. Will nodded, "well she's dehydrated so we've got her On a drip, she'll be in pain for a while mainly her shoulder and her ribs, she'll probably have a few nightmares too..." he sighed.

Jay nodded weakly and thought about the nightmares he had from being kidnapped, "thanks man, she's gonna be okay though right?" He double checked. Will chuckled slightly, "she's gonna be fine" he confirmed before patting jays shoulder and leaving to work in the ED again. Hailey turned back around with jay and they watched Chloe sleeping from outside, "coffee?" She smiled. Jay nodded and the pair went to go energise back up again.

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