Those eyes

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The ED was quiet and there was hardly anyone in, "dr halstead, your patient..." dorris said while coming out of the icu ward. Will shot Natalie a hopeful look before he ran off to the icu ward with dorris. "Woah, hold on sweetie" he said as she started coughing on the breathing tube down her throat. He quickly removed the tube and she let out a few painful coughs, "what happened?" She mumbled as her eyes adjusted to the lights. Will shot dorris a grateful look, she was alive but she was badly shaken up. "You got caught up in a fire, do you remember anything?" Will said softly. Chloes stomach sank as she darted her eyes to the floor and nodded sadly. Will shot dorris a sad look, "alright well how about you get some rest and then we'll get some Detectives down here so you can tell them what you know okay?" He made a deal with her. Chloe nodded and fell back asleep but this time on her own behalf.

Will checked her stats one last time before leaving to go tell nat, "she's awake, and she's looking stable too" he smiled at her. Nat grabbed his arm in approval before he left to go tell jay. He walked over to the staff room and got out his phone from his safe.
Will: "she's okay, she made it. If you come down in an hour or two she should be awake again"
Jay: "that's great, thanks man"

"She's okay. She's resting up so we can check on her later" jay said to the unit in the bullpen. They all let out a sigh of relief and cracked on with their case. Jay left to go into the break room and phone Kelly.
Jay: "hey severide, she made it. I'll be going down to med later, I'll let you know what we get"
Kelly: "that's good, thanks jay"
Jay: "no problem, talk later"
Kelly: "yeah you too"

Will was stood by ER and since he had nothing else to do he went into the icu ward to check on his patient, he was about to just check on her then leave but he saw that she was awake so he walked in. "Hey, you feel like talking yet?" He asked sweetly. Chloe sat up in the bed a little and nodded with a smile, "alright, they'll be here soon" he reassured her before leaving her alone. She was awake fast than expected so will messaged his brother again.
Will: "she's awake and wants to talk"
Jay: "on my way"

"Sarge shes awake" jay shouted into voights office. Hank walked to the door, "you two go talk to her" he said while pointing to jay and hailey. It was only fair that jay got to see her again since he practically saved her. The part left the bullpen quickly and drove to med. when they arrived to med Natalie saw them walking into the ED, "shes on the icu ward" she pointed to the elevator. Jay nodded and smiled before he lead hailey over to the elevator, they hopped in and went to the third floor. "Will..." jay said as he walked over to him. Will turned and smiled, "just take it easy on her, you're the first ones to talk to her" he smiled before going back to the ED. Jay and hailey nodded then looked into the distraught child's room. She was sat there with no expression on her face, her eyes looked full of thoughts.

Jay pushed open her door and lead hailey inside, chloes eyes darted up to them and she looked worried. "Hi CJ, I'm Detective halstead and this is detective Upton but you can call us jay and hailey" he said with a smile. Chloe looked at them and laughed a little, "you can call me Chloe, CJ is just what my brother calls me since he can't say my name properly..." she started then lost her smile. Her face turned to pure worry, "Ben!" She let out a small cry. Jay and hailey looked at each other in sadness then sad down next to her, "he's okay, he's on the children's floor playing with some other kids" jay smiled at her. Chloe relaxed a bit and smiled at them weakly, jay decided to gain her trust before asking any questions so he started off nicely. "So where does CJ come from?" He said with a smile. Chloe laughed slightly and smiled at him, "first and last name, Chloe Jackson" she smiled again.

Hailey smiled at jay then at Chloe, she seemed so cheery for what she was just out through. "So Chloe, what we're you doing in the house?" She started off with the questions. Chloe looked down to the floor slightly, "that's where we live, well I'm assuming not anymore..." she looked back up at them realising it's probably all rubble now. Jay shot hailey a confused look, "where were your parents?" He smiled sadly at her. Chloes face turned to sadness, "um, they uh, they died in a car pile up 2 years ago..." she sighed. Hailey shot jay a disbelieving look, "so is it just you two?" He asked sadly. Chloe looked back up at him and smiled, "yeah, it's just me and Ben" she nodded. Hailey grabbed the young girls hand, "could you tell us what happened?" She asked nervously.

Chloe took a deep breath and nodded, "I took Ben to the park this morning and we were out the full day, we got home late but when we walked back inside to go to sleep there was a man looking through our stuff..." she started then took another deep breath. Jay smiled at her, "it's okay, take your time" he reassured her. Chloe smiled at him and took a few seconds before carrying on, "I yelled at him, stupid decision I know, but he pulled out a gun and he uh, shot me. I think he panicked coz he dropped it to the floor and then got out his lighter, I guess that's where the house went up in flames..." she furrowed her brows. Jay nodded at her as hailey wrote it down, "you're doing great, only a couple more questions okay?" He smiled at her. Chloe looked at him sadly and nodded.

"Did you see what the man looked like?" Hailey smiled at her. Chloe sighed and thought to herself before telling her everything, "yeah he was white, late 30's, muscular, about 6'3, he had white vans on, a black bears cap, a blue north face jacket and camouflage trousers on. Oh and he had a spider tattoo on his cheek" she summed up. Jay looked at hailey in shock, "how did you remember all of that..." jay looked at her curiously. Chloe smiled, "when you've lived on the streets for this long it becomes a talent" she smiled at him. Jay laughed slightly and smiled at the kid, "you've done really well, with all of this information we'll find him in no time" hailey grabbed the girls hand again. Chloe smiled and nodded, "can I see my brother now?" She looked at them happily. Jay and hailey laughed, "I'll go tell Will" hailey said as she got up and left the two alone. "Did you pull me out of the fire?" She said to jay quietly. Jay smiled, "I did why?" He looked at her in worry.

She smiled back at him, "those eyes are the last thing I saw before it all went black" she pointed to his eyes. Jay looked at her and smiled, he didn't know what to say so he just grabbed her hand and held it before hailey reappeared with Ben.

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