Hey Darlin' pt 2

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Random fact: most of y'all know this by now but my name is River and I use they/them pronouns (he/him is fine too but I prefer they/them)

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter frowned, squinting up at Harley. He shook his head, innocent doe eyes focused on the southern boy.

"No... no, I'm not gay," he responded quietly. The blond's smile dropped.

"But..." Harley paused, frowning. "I am. We have to be soulmates... and I can prove it." He slapped his arm, hard, watching as Peter yelped. Harley rubbed the red mark on his arm, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"We're... soulmates?" Peter questioned, his hazy brain struggling to process this. "I thought I didn't have a soulmate." Harley frowned, glancing back to the shocked faces of Tony and Bruce.

"Everyone has a soulmate, darlin'."

"But- I didn't feel any pain from you until today? Why?" Harley chuckled, a knowing smile on his face.

"That's 'cause when I noticed how often you got hurt, I tried my best to avoid injuries." The tall boy rubbed the back of his neck. "I, uh, I guess I didn't want you to hurt any more than you already did." Peter's jaw started to quiver, his soft brown eyes staring at Harley.

"That- that's so sweet," he mumbled, eyes watering. "Sorry, I, uh..." Peter wiped his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief. "It's just... I thought you didn't exist, and here you are..." He scrunched up his nose, closing his eyes. "I'm really sorry, I'm sure I'm not what you were expecting..." He gestured at the hospital bed, then at his tear-streaked face.

"Well, not exactly, but I'm not disappointed," Harley replied honestly. "And I can't wait to get to know you, cutie." Peter blushed, awkwardly staring at his lap. "But I'm curious... how did you get shot in the first place?" The smaller boy's answer was quick, brown eyes meeting blue in a moment of trust.

"I'm Spiderman," Peter stated. Harley's eyes widened as he let out a soft chuckle.

"I believe it," he responded. Peter tilted his head, watching Harley intently.

"You do?"

"It would explain a lot," he shrugged. Peter nodded. Suddenly, the brunette slapped a hand over his mouth, eyes wide.

"Wait, does that mean you felt the gunshot too?" Harley nodded as Peter turned a shade paler.

"And the stab wound, and the broken ribs, and the ankle sprain..." The southern boy listed off multiple injuries, watching the brunette shrink into the bed in realization. "And that's just the last two months."

"If I had known..." Peter trailed off, weighed down with sudden guilt. Harley placed his hand over Peter's, giving the smaller boy a grin.

"It's ok, darlin', I'm just glad I finally found you. Even if we'll be stuck in here for awhile."

"Actually, he can leave the med bay tonight, as long as he's careful not to rip the stitches," Bruce informed. Peter pushed the sheet off him to reveal the bullet wound. He grimaced, quickly covering it up. "I'll wrap it up before you go. And you need to check in with me for the next few days."

"Let me guess, healing power?" Harley wondered. Peter laughed, nodding. "Well, darlin', how 'bout I come back here once I get unpacked, and you and I get to know each other, hmm?" Peter grinned, nodding.

"I would love that." Harley pressed a quick kiss to his forehead, winking at the smaller boy as he left the med bay.

Later that night, Harley returned to the med bay, where Peter was getting his stitches wrapped. Both boys felt the wave of pain at the same time, the small bandage being tied off.

"You're good to go, and I better see you in here tomorrow," Bruce warned. "And for the love of God, take it easy!" Harley scooped Peter up in his arms without hesitation, careful not to bump his injury.

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed, blushing.

"Don't worry doc, I'll make sure he doesn't miss it." Harley carried Peter through the hallways. "Darlin', where's your room?" The brunette pointed it out, and they went into the room. Peter was carefully placed on the bed, yawning. A flash of disappointment flashed over Harley's face, but he quickly covered it up.

"Well... I guess you should rest." The southern boy turned off the lights, and was halfway out the door before he heard a small voice.

"Wait." Harley stopped, turning to look at Peter. "Stay?" The blond grinned, happily joining the injured boy in bed. Peter laid on his back as to not disturb his bullet wound, while Harley spooned his side, an arm wrapped around Peter protectively. Both boys fell asleep quickly, having the other by their side. They truly were meant to be.

they cute

y'all should go check out some of my other stories, I have multiple books if you want to go read some of them!

- Parley SMUT Oneshots ~ like this book except it's all mature/smut oneshots

- Would You Miss Me? ~ parley, triggering subjects

- Heat ~ parley a/b/o, Peter's in heat and Harley wants to help out (if ya know what I mean)

- The Pain of Existing ~ Peter centric, started years ago but completed. Deals with mental health a LOT

- Far From Life ~ Peter whump oneshots

- In the Life ~ Peter centric, written a few years ago based around my freshman year of high school (yikes)

- A Leap of Faith ~ Peter centric, events leading up to an attempt. Mental health focused, written a few years ago, and completed


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