Baby Boy

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request by ItSmYwAyToDoThInGs 

If you haven't read "Would You Miss Me?" and "Heat" yet, what are you doing!? Go read them!

so this... I believe it would be considered ddlb. I'm horrible at remembering terms so...

Random fact: I'm kinda smart but also the stupidest person you'll ever meet

TW: "daddy" lmfao

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Ok baby boy, I'll see you at one." Harley dropped Peter off at his college, waving.

"Bye daddy..." The southern boy drove off, leaving his boyfriend to his classes.

When 1 pm rolled around, Harley pulling into the parking lot, Peter wasn't there waiting for him. The blond got out of his car, walking along the sidewalk. He spotted Peter on the green, with a small group of students gathered around. There was a student down on his knee, proposing to the brunette. Harley was seeing red, storming onto the green towards Peter.

"Daddy-" the smaller boy was cut off by a sharp tug to his arm, Harley dragging him back to the car angrily.

"Save it," he growled, Peter immediately going quiet. The drive back home was silent, Harley seething with anger and Peter quiet and confused. "Get inside. I want you to sit in the corner and think about what you did." The brunette scurried inside, sitting shamefully on the stool in the corner.

"Clothes. Off." Peter slowly shed his clothing, cozy sweater falling to the floor. He was now sitting naked on the stool, face hot with embarrassment. "Ten minutes. Don't you dare leave that stool." Harley gathered the pile of clothes, placing it just out of Peter's reach. The blond left to cool down, Peter sitting alone in the corner.

The brunette sniffed quietly, tears rolling down his cheeks. He hated sitting in the corner, it was his least favorite punishment. At least with spankings Harley would provide aftercare, but corner time? Harley knew how much Peter hated it. It was bad enough to have to sit still facing a wall, but Harley had added a factor of humiliation by having him sit naked. Peter sat in fetal position, head down as he cried softly.

Harley was in the kitchen, drinking a glass of cold water. He sighed, putting his head in his hands. Maybe he had been a little too harsh on Peter...

He shook his head. No, he had done the right thing. Peter had to learn his lesson, and ten minutes in the corner would teach him. Harley frowned. He loved his baby boy, and he just wanted to keep him in line, like any good daddy would... right?

Harley sighed, checking his watch. Peter's time out was almost over, he should go talk to the smaller boy.

"Hey, baby, times up-" as soon as the words left his mouth, Peter grabbed his clothes, running for his room and locking the door. Harley nodded solemnly. His baby boy just needed some time, they could talk later. Sighing, the southern boy went to his office to get some work done.


Harley stretched, getting up to grab a drink. Pouring himself a glass of water, his gaze shifted to the time. It was nearly 6 pm, and he had finished his work for the night. He quickly made some dinner, calling Peter down from his room. The brunette came downstairs slowly, holding onto a teddy bear for dear life. He didn't speak a word, eating quickly and running back to his room.

Harley grumbled to himself, cleaning up and heading to bed. He was tired, and just needed to rest for a while...

The blond woke up to the sun shining in through the blinds, groaning and rubbing his eyes. He squinted, frowning.

"Peter! Get up, you have school!" Harley waited until he heard movement from the smaller boy's room, going downstairs to make some breakfast before taking Peter to college. "Hey! Get up, c'mon!" He yelled, serving some scrambled eggs on a plate for his baby boy. The brunette snuck in, sluggishly eating his eggs. He didn't say a word, instead running back upstairs to grab his bag.

"Peter, c'mon! You're gonna be late!" Harley exclaimed, frustrated with his little. Peter came down the stairs, walking straight past Harley and into the passenger seat. The southern boy sighed, getting in and driving to Peter's college.

"Have a nice day," Harley stated, sensing the tension in the air. Peter left without a word to his daddy, walking out to the green. The blond watched him leave with a sigh. Ned walked by, spotting Harley sitting in his car.

"Hi Harley!" He greeted.

"Oh, hi Ned."

"Did you hear what happened yesterday? With Peter and Joey?" Harley's expression darkened, nodding. "You should've seen Peter, he was so brave to reject Joey like that..." The southern boy looked up.


"Oh, did Peter not tell you? He told Joey that he already had a daddy that loved him, it was so sweet!" It was at this moment Harley realized he had messed up.

"Oh..." He shook his head, frowning. "Uh, sorry Ned, I've gotta go. It was nice talking to you."

"You too, Harley." The blond pulled out of the parking lot, heading to the store. He had to fix this.


When it was time to pick Peter up from college, he was waiting in a different spot, sitting alone on a bench.

"Hey, you wanna go home?" Harley asked gently, offering a warm smile. The brunette crossed his arms turning away. "I have a surprise for you, darlin'." Peter hesitantly joined Harley in the car, still not saying a word. The drive home was silent, the blond hoping he could fix his mistake.

"Look, baby boy, I heard how you rejected that boy..." Peter looked up expectantly. "... and I'm sorry I punished you so harshly. I guess I was just a little jealous..." The brunette frowned. "... I still shouldn't of been so mean. I'm really sorry, darlin'." Harley bit his lip, Peter refusing to answer. They went inside, a gasp escaping the smaller boy's lips. The house was decorated with pretty streamers and bows, a trail of rose petals leading up the stairs.

"I made a special dinner for you. I know how much you like chicken nuggets, so I went to the store and got the dinosaur ones. Plus extra ketchup." Peter was staring at the hot dinosaur nuggets, a bouquet of white and blue lilies in the center of the table.

"Harls-" his voice broke, letting out a soft whimper before running into Harley's arms. "I forgive you." The southern boy smiled, letting out a soft sigh.

"Thank you, baby boy. I love you." He kissed Peter's forehead, hugging the brunette tightly.

"I love you too, daddy!"

I love dino nuggets and I miss my childhood

Also this one was... really bad... rip

There's a smut sequel to this!! "Baby Boy" in the smut book!


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