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request by Olivia197227 

Y'all are so sweet and supportive, thank you everyone for your love

Random fact: I don't sleep at night, instead I sleep during class

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Darlin'?" Harley walked down the hallway of Stark Tower, finding the silence to be uneasy. He was usually greeted at the door, his boyfriend Peter eagerly waiting for him. They had been dating for almost three weeks now, but the two had known each other for awhile before.

Harley noticed Peter's door was closed, which immediately raised alarm bells. Peter almost never closed his door all the way, unless someone was over. The southern boy approached the door, knocking softly.

"Come in." Peter's voice was quiet. Harley opened the door, worried eyes peering into the familiar room. The brunette's eyes widened when he spotted Harley, quickly tossing some things off the side of his bed. "What're you doing here?" Peter whispered, eyes focused down, his arms crossed over his chest tightly.

"You invited me...?" Harley was confused. Peter was acting really strange.

"Oh..." The smaller boy looked away guiltily, frowning. "Could you please leave?" Now Harley knew for sure something was wrong. He walked up to the bed, sitting on the side next to a miserable looking Peter.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong. Please, darlin', talk to me."

"I don't want you to be mad. You'll hate me," the brunette mumbled self-consciously.

"I could never hate you, darlin', you know that. I won't be mad, promise. Just please tell me what's going on," Harley assured quietly. Peter seemed to hesitate for a moment, like he was considering it.

"Ok..." He took a deep breath, uncrossing his arms to reveal his chest, which looked strange and lumpy. Peter closed his eyes, his voice sounding strained. "I'm trans... I promise I was going to tell you eventually, it's just-" he sighed, covering his chest again self-consciously. "It's just hard to talk about." Harley nodded slowly, watching as Peter's eyes welled up with tears.

"Oh, no no baby, don't cry, it's ok." The blond gently wiped away the tear tracks, pressing a soft kiss to Peter's forehead. "It's ok." Harley engulfed the smaller boy in a hug, letting him cry into his shirt. "Are you ok?"

"It hurts," Peter sniffed quietly.

"What hurts, darlin'?" The southern boy asked with concern. The brunette pointed to his stomach miserably, Harley still not getting the message.

"Cramps," Peter mumbled. Harley seemed to light up for a second, before running out of the room. Peter sat alone on the bed, his chest feeling extra sensitive and his abdomen cramping painfully. Harley walked back in, carrying some supplies.

"Alright, I brought you a hot water bottle, and a bottle of-" Harley squinted at the label, eyebrows furrowed. "-lavender scented lotion. It sounds nice." He placed the bottle on the nightstand, shrugging. "And I couldn't find any chocolate, so I brought you Clint's bag of gummy worms instead." Peter was speechless. His boyfriend had done all this for him without any requests. "Oh, and I'd be happy to give you a massage, if you think that would help," the southern boy offered.

"Harls-" Peter's voice broke, tears once again pricking at his eyes. Damn these hormones. Harley's eyes widened, setting down the gummy worms and climbing onto the bed to grab Peter's hands.

"Darlin'?" The blond was concerned. "If you don't want the massage it's ok, you don't need to worry about it." Peter shook his head, offering a tiny smile toward Harley.

"Thank you," he whispered, sniffling quietly. Harley smiled back at his boyfriend, laying down next to him.

"Of course, darlin'. Don't be afraid to tell me anything, ok? I love you." Peter's eyes widened, his expression of shock melding into a soft smile.

"I love you too, Harls."

again, not very long but I thought it was cute so here we are


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