English Project

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Request by chainsforme

Hi sorry I haven't updated in a few days, my bad

Idk I waste a lot of time doing literally nothing especially now that its summer break

Also its kinda weird to think that this book has been going for over a year wait-

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Harley sucked in a breath, hiding his face in his locker. Peter walked right past him, chatting with Ned and MJ. As soon as he was out of sight, Harley let out a sigh. He wanted to talk to Peter so badly... but he just couldn't do it. Peter wasn't mean or anything, he just made Harley so flustered he could barely speak.

And nobody wants to embarrass themselves in front of their crush. Especially not someone as perfect as Peter. Harley would just have to stay and watch from the sidelines, it looked like.

He grabbed his English textbook, closing the door of his locker with a soft huff. Time for class. Harley hated English. To make matters worse, Peter was in his class. It seemed that English was neither of their strong suits.

He walked into class as the bell rang, taking his seat towards the back. The seating was alphabetical, which meant that Harley sat somewhat close to Peter. Not close enough to make the typical silence between them weird, however.

Class went by as usual, Harley zoned out while the teacher rambled on about mockingbirds and how to kill them or whatever. Harley didn't know. He didn't care.

When the bell rang, Harley was quick to jump to his feet and leave the classroom. God, he hated English class. He was stopped by a gentle tap on his shoulder, turning around to see none other than his crush. Great.

"Hey, Harley, right?" Peter asked, his smile practically melting the blond's brain. He somehow managed to nod in confirmation. "I'm Peter." The brunette offered a hand, for Harley to shake. Poor Harley was completely frozen in place, staring at Peter with wide eyes.

"Umm..." Peter glanced to the side, pulling his hand back. "Ok... well, I was wondering if you would maybe like to be my partner for the English project?" Harley just stood there, a faint red hue dappling his cheeks. Peter frowned, waving a hand in front of his face. "Hello?"

"O-oh um..." Harley bit at the inside of his lip, struggling to form a coherent sentence. "Ye- yes?" Peter grinned, grabbing Harley's arm and writing something on it.

"Thanks, text me later so we can start working on it!" And with that, Peter was gone. Harley blinked in surprise, dumbfounded that his crush had just approached him. Glancing down at his arm, Harley saw seven digits scrawled onto his skin.

Peter's number.

The blond let out a shaky chuckle, smiling nervously down at his arm. He had Peter's number now... oh, he was going to make such a fool of himself! Maybe he already had... he probably looked like an idiot just then, staring dumbly while Peter tried to talk to him.

Harley sighed, walking back to his locker to throw his textbook back in. He didn't have any more classes, so he went home.

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