The Proposal

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Request by avritasingh

I'm trying to update as much as I can but between school, recording/editing, and just me procrastinating everything (lmao) I don't have too much time (I'm still trying though)

Also!! This is at the end of the chapter as well, but go subscribe to my new YouTube channel, panby_ (I'd really appreciate a few more subs... I put a lot of work into my videos) link ->

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peter took a deep breath, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He looked sharp, dressed in a slick black tux with a red bowtie. He nodded determinedly, slipping a small, black velvet box into his pocket.

Tonight was the night. He was going to propose to Harley, his boyfriend of nearly four years. Peter was nervous, but fairly confident that Harley would accept. He grinned, thoughts of being engaged to the southern boy flooding his mind. It was absolute perfection.


Harley stood in the bathroom, practicing his speech. Tonight was the night, he was going to propose to Peter over dinner. This had to be perfect, Harley wanted the brunette to have the most wonderful engagement night possible.

Harley paced back and forth, running the words through his head. He couldn't mess this up. Peter deserved only the best.


Tony had a large grin on his face, a hint of mischief in his eyes. He had gathered the Avengers, minus Peter and Harley, to make a plan for the night. Of course, he already knew what was about to go down. Both Harley and Peter had confided in him, and Tony knew he couldn't miss that.

"Alright. You are all probably wondering why I brought you here today. But, something big is going down tonight, and we're going to be there," he smiled mischievously, glancing around the room. "Alright, here's what we're going to do..."


"Wow, darlin', you look absolutely stunning," Harley complimented, staring lovingly at Peter. The smaller boy blushed, grinning shyly.

"C'mon, you idiot, lets go to dinner," Peter giggled, rolling his eyes playfully. Harley looked incredible as well, clearly dressed to impress. The two got in the limo, since it was such a special night. Happy drove them to the restaurant, followed by the rest of the Avengers. Harley and Peter were oblivious to their audience as they sat down at the fancy restaurant.

Dinner went by smoothly, as usual. Harley was getting a little antsy, and as soon as he was finished with his meal, he stood up, moving out of his seat before getting down on one knee. Peter's jaw dropped, but not for the reason Harley expected.

"Peter Benjamin Stark, for the past four years, you have been the light in my life. For as long as we've known each other, I've liked you, and you've always been my sunshine. I love you more than words can describe, and I never want to stop loving you. So, Peter, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Peter just stared, blinking. By now, they had caught quite a bit of attention, and everyone was anxiously awaiting Peter's response. "Peter?" Harley asked nervously.

"You- you stole my-" he face palmed, shaking his head as he pulled out the velvet box from his pocket. "I was going to propose to you tonight!" Harley's eyes widened as he stared at the box.

"Wait, shit, what do we do? I mean, I did ask you first..."

"No, no no no... how about on the count of three, we both say yes at the same time? Then we both proposed, and it's fair," the brunette suggested. Harley nodded, raising an eyebrow.

"Alright, three, two, one..." They were both met with silence. "I knew you wouldn't say it!" The southern boy exclaimed.

"Hey, you didn't say it either!" Peter retorted, crossing his arms. "So, what, are we just going to be trying to get each other to accept?"

"Yeah... unless you'd like to accept right now, and I can slip this ring on your finger and call you my fiancé," Harley grinned. Peter narrowed his eyes playfully.

"Oh, and let you win? I'm not going down that easily!" He insisted. Harley sat back in his chair, shrugging.

"Suit yourself. I just think it would be more fair if you said yes to me, since I was the only one who technically proposed..." He trailed off, eyeing Peter expectantly. The brunette scrambled to get down on one knee, holding out the velvet box.

"Harley, I really love you... but you kinda stole most of my speech, so... marry me, asshole," Peter smirked playfully.

"Beautiful speech, darlin'. Almost makes me want to just let you win, but where's the fun in that?" Harley grinned. Peter sat back down, frustrated. He was not going to lose this little game...


Of course, while Peter and Harley tried to get the other to say "yes," the Avengers were at a nearby table, laughing their asses off. They wore shitty disguises, in true Avengers fashion, as they listened to the young couple try to trick each other.

"That doesn't count! No, it- it doesn't count! Harls!" Peter whined, crossing his arms.

"Nope, you said it, and that means I win," the blond stated proudly. "Here, give me your hand." Peter tilted his head, giving Harley his hand. A beautiful ring was slipped onto his finger- and it was a perfect fit. Peter looked at it with a soft gasp. The ring had a silver band, with small gems wrapping around the outside. There were diamonds and rubies, each perfectly shaped and slightly sparkly.

"Ohhh, Harls..."

"You like it? I thought it'd really suit you, I had it custom made..." Harley smiled, watching his now-fiancé with a fond smile.

"I love it!" Peter exclaimed, a huge grin on his face. "Oh, I have a ring for you too, hold on..." Harley held out his hand, letting Peter put the ring on his finger. This one held a beautiful diamond, with a blue sapphire band and silver holding it all together. Harley could hold back his grin.

"I love you so much," he murmured, admiring his fiancé.

"I love you too," Peter responded, smiling. "How about we get going soon?" He leaned in closer to Harley, whispering. "Look behind you." The blond turned, glancing at a table full of people who looked awfully familiar.

"I can't believe they followed us," he clicked his tongue, chuckling.

"I can. I absolutely expected to be followed, I sorta told my dad I was going to propose..."

"I told him too!" Harley exclaimed, laughing. "But yes, lets go home. I really want to cuddle with my fiancé." Peter grinned, giggling softly.

"That sounds nice, lets go."

ehhhh that ending-

Go subscribe to my YouTube channel, panby_ (I make Minecraft videos). Pleeeeaaaasssseee? I just recently started and I think I make pretty decent content. (Also it's lowkey my voice reveal soooo... so far the consensus has been that people really like my voice (why? I will never know) so make sure to subscribe and check out my videos. Link ->


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