Chapter 59 - Wings!

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Not too long after the school festival, Izuku and Tokoyami were called to their internship with Hawks, so he had to leave Eri with Nejire. Kissing Nejire on the lips and Eri on the forehead, he bid both of them farewell as Tokoyami bid farewell to his own friends. The two eventually made it to the train station, and began the journey to Hawks' agency.

Once they made it there, the receptionist directed them to the rooms they'd be staying in and informed them that Hawks was currently out and would provide directions for them when he returned some time tomorrow.

For now, Izuku made his way to the training room to exercise.

The next day when Hawks returned, he was quick to assign Tokoyami to a specific strength training, whilst Izuku had a request. "Can I measure your wings?"

"Uh... sure kiddo, I'll monitor Tokoyami while you do that... for... whatever reason..." Hawks said chuckling nervously.

"Oh! Don't worry there isn't a Nezu style scheme behind it this time! I just want to figure out a better way to fly, and what better way than using wings!"

"So... you know how to make wings work?"

"Not yet! But I'll figure it out as we go!"

"Sounds like a plan kiddo!"

Three agonising hours later for Tokoyami after he was forced to do relentless training by Hawks as Izuku was darting all over the place with two measuring tapes, a pen and a notebook. "This... seems... unjust..." Tokoyami panted as Dark Shadow was cheering him on.

"Don't worry, once Izuku's ready we're going to make him fly the hard way."

"Wait what?!"

An hour later and a good rest and meal for Tokoyami and the trio of hero and students were standing at a cliff. Below was a forest, adjacent to the large stone wall.

"So..." Izuku said looking down. He was going over his notes again. Hopefully this would work the first time.

"Good luck!" Hawks said, shoving the kid off the cliff.

Izuku screamed but was quick to realign himself. He spread his arms... and there was a brief flash of green wings before... nothing.

He quickly caught himself with several blasts of lightning to slow his descent.

"Alright, now fly back up!" Hawks yelled down.

"I didn't get the wings to work!"

"I noticed! Get back up your normal flying way!" Hawks called back and Izuku sighed. He noticed Tokoyami's shoulder's shaking slightly, evidently in laughter as Dark Shadow was rolling around. "Be glad it's not currently your turn," Hawks casually said, obviously targeted at the other student who gulped nervously before stifling more laughter, "Come on kiddo! Plenty more hours of daylight! I brought snacks and everything!"

'Well then.'

Two hours of falling and jumping with style later, and Izuku thought he finally figured it out. Whilst he was able to create the structure for prolonged amounts of time, he had to up the density enough to effectively create an equivalent solid. It was effectively impossible to cool the lightning enough to do that, but if he compacted it enough it would do something similar.

So, after trying with creating a small sphere of condensed lightning (and throwing it at the trees causing a surprisingly large explosion that no-one needs to know about, Hawks did congratulate him for it though), Hawks threw him off the cliff.

And by that, he meant Hawks flew him up twice the height and dropped him. It was exhilarating. Until he realised he was going to reach terminal velocity soon.

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