Chapter 19 - Iida Tenya; Origin!

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Iida looked on in distress as his green-haired friend had shifted to a more offensive stance. "Iida, can you move yet?" Izuku asked, his eyes wary of the blades the Hero Killer had brought out.
"Not yet, but please reconsider Izuku! This isn't safe!" Iida replied, emotion dripping into his voice.
"It's definitely not safe, there's no changing that. But that's the whole point of being a hero. We're here to be not safe, so we can make sure others are, and putting ourselves in danger to save others!" Izuku replied, tightening his fists.
"Hey kid!" Iida heard a voice on the other end of the earpiece, and listened intently, "So far I've only been able to send one other person your way, Endeavour's kid, as we all have our hands full with these Nomu sons of bit- uh, but hopefully they can help you kids hold out until we're done here."

Iida relayed the information to Izuku, who only gave a stiff nod as he shifted his body to avoid more blades, all three moving like nothing more than silver and green blurs respectively. This time however, Iida watched in terror as Izuku braced himself in a combat stance, and as soon as Stain prepared to swing, Izuku bounced to the side of one of the adjacent buildings to dodge. Then, using the building as a springboard, bounced off and grabbed Stain by his shoulders and swing him into a large metal skip, the impact resulting in a dent and a brief flash of the green lightning going through Stain. 

"Ha... you're pretty good kid, but not good enough," Stain said, causing Izuku to look around in a panic, "Above you."

This caused Izuku to look up just as the blade Stain threw once Izuku dodged it to make a glancing blow on his cheek, resulting in a small amount of blood to come out. Whilst Izuku was looking up, Stain managed to lick his blood, and Izuku ended up collapsing to the ground. There was a small stream of tears running down Iida's cheek as he watched Stain take a position above Izuku, a blade in hand. "Sorry about this kid. I ain't gonna kill you, but I'm gonna have to put you out of commission for the time being."

Stain suddenly froze, a steady stream of green lightning running through him. "Izuku?! Wha-?"
"I might not be able to move most muscles, but I can still direct my quirk!" Izuku replied, gritting his teeth as his hands steadily became more and more numb. Iida could see the sparks running off the ground, signifying the current of green lightning running through it. "But when Mr Aizawa-"
"That's because I'm using it differently at the moment! I'll explain later, let me know the moment Todoroki arri-" Izuku cut Iida off.
"I'm here!" Todoroki proceeded to cut Izuku off, launching a stream of fire at Stain. 

In response, Stain forced himself to jump despite the lightning, breaking the current and avoiding the fire. "Ha... ha... damn brats..." Stain said, reaching for more weapons, to no avail, "What? You green haired brat! I'm going to tear you li-"
"You will do no such thing!" Todoroki cut Stain off, launching a glacier of ice separating Izuku from Stain. In the process, Izuku made sure to destroy the blade that had cut his cheek as he watched Todoroki run towards him, carrying the paralyzed boy back to where Iida and Native were.
"He doesn't have any easily accessible blades anymore, so hopefully he'll have some difficulty getting through the ice, and he should still be in some after-effects from my quirk."

Todoroki nodded, and turned to face Stain, who had kicked his way through the ice. "Ha... son of Endeavour... oh I'm going to have fun ridding the world of you and your father." Stain said. Todoroki tensed up, and sent a powerful stream of fire towards Stain, who jumped to the side. "You're not fast or as smart as the other brat, but your raw power is far greater... this shouldn't be too hard." Stain told him.

"Todoroki! Take Izuku and run! Don't get mixed up in this!" Iida yelled, desperate to limit the damage of his own failures, "You shouldn't have to clean up my own shortcomings as a hero!"
"Iida!" Todoroki called back, launching a glacier at Stain, "We are heroes! This is what we're going to do! So stand up, and fight! If you're so worried about your hero shortcomings, help us clean up then!"
"I don't deserve to be called a hero... I have strayed fair from the path of heroism." Iida replied, tears running down his face, "I-"
"Yes you do Iida! Don't let Stain get to you! There are many ways to be a hero, and sometimes we go the wrong way, but focus on your goal! Why did you want to be a hero Iida?!" Izuku yelled, green lightning pulsing through him as he waited for the moment he could send another zap through the Hero Killer. 
"Why... why do I want to be a hero..?" Iida whispered to himself. He watched as Todoroki did his best to fend off the Hero Killer, launching two streams of ice to narrow down their movement. 'He's cool and collected, even in a situation like this... making decisions... like a leader. Like the leader Tensei is. Was. That's right. I wanted to be a hero that would be respected, and lead as a prime example for others...' Iida thought, tightening his fists. Realizing he could move again, he stood up and rushed the Hero Killer with a powerful kick, countering their kick towards Todoroki.

Green Lightning God: Midori Raikoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن