4: The Hell Unknown

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The void disappears before I am finished reasoning it out.

I put on the uniform then cautiously exit the bathroom. Opening a few doors in this hall I find a garage and a laundry room as well as an empty room. I go back in the kitchen, speed walking past the massive window there with the hellish view. I go through the foyer and up the stairs to the room I changed in. I look around for my clothes, but don't see them. In the drawers and closet are lots of black and leather, his clothes presumably. Demons change clothes then.

There is another bathroom here that is a bit of a mess with products strewn everywhere along with towels and even a few pairs of underwear. Brute. I leave the room and venture further down the hall up here. There are two more empty rooms and a bathroom. Yet he makes me sleep on a dog bed on the kitchen floor.

I go back down the stairs and through another entrance. This one leads to a living area with couches and a huge tv. Demons watch tv. I am acquiring many useless demon facts today. There is one more door I haven't looked in. I try and open it, but it's locked. This must be where my clothes are.

I pull on the door uselessly. I search the drawers in the kitchen finding nothing. I go out in the garage and search for tools. Tools that might open the door. This is probably the something stupid he was referring to. I think better of it and decide to check out the jeep parked in here. It's bright red with a canopy and detachable doors. The tires are so large it's almost like a monster truck. It's sexy as hell. Can you drive around hell? I look around for keys, but they're nowhere to be found.

I go back in the house and sit on the couch for hours flipping through channels. I notice that the wall behind one of the couches is a cupboard. I slide it open revealing the largest personal library I've ever seen.

I peruse the selection finding an interesting one and proceed to read the whole thing. I look at the clock on the oven, but it doesn't indicate a.m. or p.m. and there is no way to tell in hell and I didn't look at the time until now and I think I'm losing it.

I go out in the garage and throw open what looks to be some kind of tool cupboard. Inside are a variety of tools. I grab a crowbar and bring it inside where I proceed to attempt to pry open the locked door. All I do is splinter a superficial section of the door. I go back out. There is a large mallet. I bring it down on the knob with all my might and nothing. I beat on the door for a little bit only managing a few dings in the surface of the door. I throw the tools back in the cupboard slamming the thing shut.

I go inside and make myself a grilled cheese, not burning it this time. I throw my 'bed' into the empty room by the garage and cuddle into it the best I can, feeling exhausted.

I awake in the pitch-dark room even more disoriented. How long did I sleep? I poke my head out, listening for any sign of life and am met with dead silence. I turn on the tv for noise and make some coffee. I note the time on the oven as 12 to orient myself a little. If I can keep myself on a 24-hour schedule maybe I won't go crazy. I look through the house just to confirm the demon isn't here.

Taking another look in the garage for a way to get the mystery door open, I find a power saw. That seems a bit drastic. I search the car again for keys but come up empty handed. That's it.

I take the saw into the foyer and as carefully as I can carve the door in half. I push in the two pieces, revealing dark. I step in and nearly fall down a set of stairs. I find a switch and make my way down the steps. At the bottom is a large room with a sizeable sturdy exam table or massage table. Above it and fixed to the four corners are chains with manacles. All around the room are various sex toys displayed proudly. I flush at the sight, nearly running back up the stairs.

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