12. Possibility

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The world stopped dead. At least, that's what it felt like.

Where there was once hope and life and possibility, it had all been erased with one mistake. One thing I only hoped I could fix.

"She's still got time," I said when I reached the front door of Will's home. The whole house rattled when I yanked on the handle as the swollen wood became stuck to the doorframe.

Chris' hand slammed against it before I could swing it open. "You told us there was nothing that would fix this," he stated. His voice held a warning tone and his eyes were glaring at me, a deep curiosity hidden within his pupils. "And even if you were lying, you can't fix this in 24 hours... What are you expecting to achieve?"

I had no answer to his question. I just knew I needed time.

"What happens when she turns?" he pressed. "Because she will."

"I don't know!" I admitted, breathless. "But I do know that it doesn't get solved here."

"You can't just leave her here!" he argued. "This is your fuck-up."

His words hit a nerve. "This was nobody's fault," I said, taking a step closer. "It was an accident. Neither of us saw it coming." I turned my attention to Will, looking for some guidance. "She can't go anywhere. We're wasting time already."

He took a moment and I watched as his eyes swam, reading the desperate expression on my face. The creases on his forehead began to deepen as his lips parted.

"Everyone downstairs. Now," he said.


It was almost inevitable that when the town was already falling apart and on the brink of disaster something like this would happen, breaking it further.

The group had gathered once again around Will's dining table and while I refused to admit it, I needed their help.

"Why are we even bothering to discuss this?" Tom said first, looking around the table. "She's Infected. That makes her a risk. A risk we can't afford."

"She saved your life," I retaliated. "She's important... Will, look, I know I can fix this."

"How do you know?" Apollo asked. "You told us all the information about the vaccine and the cure, was deleted?"

"He lied," Chris muttered, stern eyes flickering to mine. "Right?"

"You're kidding?" Tom's head spun toward me.

I didn't want it to but the truth was about to come out.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "I lied... The cure is still a possibility."

"Will, did you know about this?" he pressed.

The man at the head of the table only gave a nod of his head and I squeezed my eyes closed, waiting for the retaliation.

"What the fuck?" Tom spat. "Tell me you're kidding, right?" he added, looking around the room for back-up. "Why haven't you done anything about it? You could've told us!"

Will's gaze remained on me but I remained focused on the cracked wood of the table. "It was not my lie," he said finally.

"Jesus Christ," Tom exhaled. "Did you know?" he looked to Chris.

Chris glanced at me and folded his arms as he leant back in the chair. "He didn't tell me specifically but it's not the first thing he's lied about."

"Why does everyone seem like they're okay with this?" Tom raised his voice. "We've been living through hell when everything could've been fixed."

"It's not a guarantee," Apollo chimed in. "Even if he has what he says there's no guarantee anybody can do anything with it. Something like that is a hell of a responsibility if it doesn't work out... I mean shit, I wouldn't tell anybody either." She looked across the table and I couldn't help but give her a grateful smile.

"Will, please I just need to try," I begged. "I'll go alone."

He shook his head. "I'm not letting that happen-"

"But I know I can fix this-"

"I meant you're not going alone," he clarified. "Ben, I know you want to do everything you can for her." His voice was firm but there was a softness that was unfamiliar. "She will be safe here. I promise I can take care of that but you're not going by yourself... Not after this." He rubbed at his forehead with calloused fingers. "Someone's going to have to pick up on supply runs and first aid... Apollo, I know you've been learning alongside Em?"

"I'll take over from them," she said, taking everyone by surprise. "There's not much growing food to do in the winter and all the things we have are already planted."

"Tom, I think it's clear that you're still not in a fit state to go anywhere..."

Chris rolled his eyes before exhaling loudly. "Well, I guess I'll go with him then."

"Thank you."

"I guess I'll be taking over the armoury then," Tom sighed.

"Don't pretend like that's not what you've wanted to do this whole time," Chris scoffed. "Plus, everything in there is already arranged and accounted for... You just have to hope you don't have to use any of it."

Apollo scowled in Tom's direction. "You're still on rest, remember? You're not doing anything."

"Try and stop me," he smirked.

My lips pursed and I was desperate for a change in subject.

"We were attacked on the way," I admitted, watching as the table fell silent.

"Attacked," Lo repeated. "By who?"

"Dawn Hill."

Tom leant back in his chair. "Great," he exhaled. "What the fuck do they want now?"

I shook my head. "I don't think they realised it was us... I think they were just desperate for supplies."

"Well, they've had ours before, they're not getting them again," Tom said, crossing his arms.

"Everyone has to be on alert until this is dealt with. Double shifts if needed," Will stated. "If everyone wants to keep this place, we all have to step up in protecting it."

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