25. Promise

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There was a heavy pounding at the bedroom door. My altercation with Donut hadn't gone unnoticed and I'd put everyone on high alert. 

The person who was waiting didn't wait for an invitation and it swung open, revealing Pilot in the frame.

"Follow me," he said. His tone held an authority I hadn't caught onto before... Or I'd chosen to ignore it.

"You're back already?"

"Nicely observed," he retorted. "Are you looking to attack anyone else on my team before we go?"

I shrugged. "Ask Mike if he's hiding anything else, that'll be your answer."

"You're walking a very thin line here. Remember that. I know they're all about protecting you but personally, I don't care what they need you for."

"Yeah, whatever," I replied, getting to my feet. "Where's Chris anyway?"

"Maybe if you stopped asked questions you'd find out."

"Don't tell me you lost him on your school trip," I tried to joke as I followed him down the corridor.

"You're testing my patience, Robertson."

I was led to another office in silence. I'd not heard anything from since Pilot and Chris first left to go back to Carnelian. My thoughts drifted to Em and how she was. If she remembered anything after this, I hoped she wouldn't resent my decision to keep her alive.

Pilot stopped outside the door of the office. I could hear a girl's voice arguing behind the door before he pushed on the handle and opened it.

There were more faces than I had been expecting. Will, Chris, and Apollo sat behind the table, all guilty and stony-faced. 

I remained still as we each waited for the first to talk.

"I wasn't expecting such an audience," I said as I sat in the chair opposite. 

I caught Will's stare which was drawn to my forearm, where the cotton ball was still stuck covering the most recent needle mark. This one felt like it had bruised. There had been less care taken than the first time.

"How are you doing, Ben?" he asked.

I darted my eyes between the faces which stared back at me. "I'm okay... Why are all of you here? I was only expecting Chris... Who's looking after Carnelian?"

"It's all taken care of," Will reassured. "How are you doing, Ben?"

I looked to the faces which stared back at me, at the three sets of uneasy pupils avoiding mine. "Fine... Why are all of you here?" I repeated.

"I'm here to keep you company," Apollo replied.

"You're staying?"

"Well, yeah," she said. "Chris told us that you can't leave here now so I said I'd come along too."

"Shouldn't you be staying in Carnelian?"

She shrugged. "We're doing alright for now. Some other guys came and joined us the other day, said they're ex-military-"

"Actually, I'd like to speak to Ben alone," Will interrupted, causing Apollo to fall silent.

The pair of them nodded and the scraping of the metal chairs echoed through the small room. Chris was the only one to look back and I noticed his eyes were swimming with guilt he couldn't hide as he followed Pilot out of the room.

When it was just the two of us, he still didn't speak. I recognised his firm expression. He had something to say but he couldn't quite put it into words.

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