Chapter 22

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Class 1B just arrived, and all of them are working hard along with class 1A. As of recently, I've been increasing their training so it'd challenging. Note to self though, how much they increase slowly decreases over time. It hasn't really changed their quirks, just made them more effective. Todoroki can now use both sides at once, Mineta can pull more balls from his head without bleeding, and etc.

So, I recorded everything. The improvements didn't wear off when the effects of the superfood stopped. It stayed. I wrote everything. Bad habit, I know, but the effects were amazing. I couldn't wait to see any further effects.

However I was also looking for side-effects. Anything that needed work on. I'd also done an x-ray, and checked to see if everything inside was the right color with Nanomech and so far it seems like Ultimate Greymatter's superfood worked.

Then again, that shouldn't be much of a surprise, since a normal galvan has the intelligence to make the Ultimatrix, and Omnitrix, why wouldn't it an ultimate one be enough to make this.

Speaking of the Omnitrix, it was completed. I was currently trying to find out who to give it to though. Someone to wear it as a small test run, to see if there were any bugs, which there weren't.

He knew it wouldn't fail, he just needed to be sure. Who could he give it to though? Not anyone from U.A., they have enough powers. Really it comes down to Kota, Eri and Melissa Shield.

I'll decide later. I currently go up the cliff with Kota and Eri to a spot Kota hangs out around. Eventually I notice the forest is on fire. Blue fire. There's also a poisonous gas in the distance. I could tell. I turn into Diamond head and protect the 2 I have with me.

The rest are going to be protected by other mes. I can tell because they're now flying down from the sky.

With Mandalay and Tigerclaw, Mandalay's Pov...

Some villain called Magna just took out Pixie-bob and now we're protecting the students from them. Then a loud sound was blasted at them from above.

He then landed. It was one of Midoriya's forms. Echo Echo, I believe. I saw more fall from the sky and land in the forest. There was practically an army of him. They then blast sound at Magna and Spinner until they're forced to retreat. "Come with me." They said, as the blasted a safe path back to camp.

With Moonfish., Echo Echo's Pov..

Tokoyami just defeated the villain that cut Shoji's hand off. I was impressed. He definitely gained more control over dark shadow thanks to my formula. Shoji's hand regenerated faster as well. I left the man in a straight jacket alone for the time being, seeing as we don't have a cell.

I then clear a path for us back to the camp.

With Mustard, Terraspin's Pov...

I was currently in the fog, and then I get shot at in my shell. I immediately go into fan form to clear the smoke and see my enemy. Once I do see him, I turn into CrashHopper and headbutt him, knocking him out, before 2 students, Kendo and TetsuTetsu arrive, with gas masks on.

"Come on, we have to go." I yell to them, having them hop on my shell, before flying away to the camp.

With Swampfire...

I was using my control over plants to have them put out the fires with dirt, when I was blasted with blue flames from behind me. I turned around to see a scarred man in a trenchcoat attack me.

"Big mistake." I say, as I slap the symbol on my chest. "ULTIMATE SWAMPFIRE!" I yell.

I then shoot a blast of fire his way, and it incinerates him and multiple trees, not leaving fire to spread, since the trees were instantly ash

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I then shoot a blast of fire his way, and it incinerates him and multiple trees, not leaving fire to spread, since the trees were instantly ash. Then I looked where he was and saw brown mush. That wasn't the real version of him. That blast should've at least left the his legs.

The mush must've been someones quirk. Maybe mud manipulation, that they used to make him. Whatever, I need to take out more of these dudes and stop the fires.

Eventually, after the fires are out and most of the students saved, we see someone flying over the trees, so we merge together and go after them, along with the students, who were also after him. I've officially seen all of the students except Bakugo.

I turn into Jetray and chase after them. I eventually tackle the dude, only to suddenly black out, as he put his hand on me, and I glowed Blue.

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