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"I..I love you Luke."

My heart stops for a moment when I hear the angel in my lap mutter those four words, hardly loud enough for me to hear. In this moment, I want to tell Ava exactly how I feel, how much I love her, how much I want her, how much I need her.

But I don't.

I can't.

I can't admit to myself that I've fallen so in love with this little angel. Everything about her is so perfect, pure, innocent. I taint her, I've shown her things an innocent angel shouldn't see. I just couldn't help myself.

My eyes scan the beautiful girl laid across my lap, her perfect skin, her soft brown hair, her sweet lips.

A sigh passes from my lips as I shift on the couch, not wanting to disturb Ava from her nap. My fingers brush through her hair, tangling in the brown mess. I smile to myself, kissing her cheek softly. The angel is my lap moves around, letting out a huff as she settles herself again.

I carefully grab my phone from the pocket of my jeans, looking through my messages when I notice Ashton texted me.

FROM: Ashton

"Hey man, the guys and I are going out tonight. Would love to see you! Let me know if you can hang."

I don't respond to the message, glancing at the girl in my lap and back to my phone. It would be nice to hang with the guys again, it's been a while since we've went out, but I don't want to leave Ava here all alone. I know she's a big girl, but she's had a rough few days and I can't do that to her. I suppose I could bring her along, if the guys don't mind.

I decide to text Ashton back, not wanting to ignore him.

FROM: Luke

"Hey dude, is it okay if I bring Ava? Don't want to leave her alone."

Within a few seconds, my phone vibrates in my hand.

FROM: Ashton

"Go for it, Michael is bringing his girlfriend. Calum and I are riding solo tonight 🥸"

I chuckle at his response, letting him know I'll come hang with them later. Ashton texts me the address of the club their planning on meeting at and I think him. After an hour or so, I decide to wake my angel.

"Ava." I whisper softly, kissing her ear. The brunette shifts around in my lap, letting a groan pass her pink lips. I softly shake her shoulder, "Ava, sweetheart, wake up." I say a bit louder this time.

Ava's eyes open after a few seconds, a yawn leaving her lips. "Hmm?" She hums, giving me a sleepy smile.

"Good morning sleepy head." I chuckle softly at her tired state. Finally, her eyes open all the way and she stares up at me.

"Good morning, or evening I should say." Ava smiles sheepishly.

I watch as she stretches across my lap, her shirt lifting up and exposing her black bra, I bite my lip, attempting to avert my eyes, though I've seen her fully exposed before. Her eyes catch mine and I watch as a blush creeps up on her cheeks.

"Sorry." We both say in unison then I let out a chuckle.

"Don't be, I'm sorry dear." I bite my lip.

My angel let's out a giggle and it's music to my ears. I feel my cock stiffen in my pants, but I cover it with my hands, hoping she won't notice.

"So listen," I clear my throat, meeting Ava's eyes, "I thought we could go out tonight. With some of my friends." I watch her, waiting for her response.

"Oh, that sounds fun actually." She responds casually. "Where are we going though?"

"You'll see." I flash her a smile.

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