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Today was like everyday, I wake up, eat breakfast, get ready for school, and then walk there with my best friend, Elsa.

Most people say Elsa and I are very different and they're often surprised that we're even friends. To be fair, we're opposites.

Elsa is very rebellious, and I am not. I'm what people would call a 'good girl', I do what I'm told, I have perfect grades, I listen when I'm meant to listen. Where as Elsa, she's the opposite, she doesn't like listening very much, she doesn't care about making good grades, she's just trying to make it day to day.

I would exchange her for another friend for the world though, I've known her since we were children, and unlike other people, she's never judge me or talked down on me for being different.

I wish I could say I was like everyone else, but I'm not. I am different. My mother is very protective and has always coddled me and kept me from bad things.

I don't mind though, some of the girls at my school have been through some very tough things, and I'm not sure if I could handle that.

On the other hand, it does suck being so innocent, boys don't really like me, or see me as attractive, as I'm inexperienced with things, like kissing, or other things that adults do behind closed doors.

I'm 18 years old and I've only kissed someone one time, and it wasn't very enjoyable, so I don't think I'm missing out very much.

After walking for a few minutes, Elsa and I finally arrive at school.

"Ava, you okay? You're usually more talkative on our walks to school." Elsa questions me and I shake my head. "I'm okay! I'm just cold that's all." I shiver, the October air giving me goosebumps. "I know! I hate wearing these stupid skirts everyday," Elsa groans and I nod in agreement, "I mean, it's not fair!" She continues and a giggle passes my lips.

Elsa likes to complain about things and it always gives me a laugh when she does.

"Elsa, let's get to class, I don't want to be late." I say, rushing her into the building. "Right, let's get going." She rolls her eyes playfully, following me to our first class.

After seven long hours of learning, Elsa and I finally exit the school and begin our walk back home. We chat for a few minutes about our classes and things of that nature until she asks a question that's a bit off topic.

"Do you have any plans today?" Elsa questions and I shake my head no. "I don't think so, my mother is working late today." I sign, brushing a strand of my brown waves behind my ear, making sure it's tucked in place.  "Do you want to hang out?" She asks and I think for a moment.

I don't think my mother would want Elsa to come over while she's not home, she always tells me not to invite anyone over if she's not there. "I've got to finish my homework, maybe tomorrow?" I ask, looking over at her for reassurance.

"Alright, I guess that's okay." She says, annoyance evident in her voice. I choose ignore this and flash her a smile. I know my mother's rules can seem over the top sometimes, but she's just looking out for me, right?

"Alright, well this is where we go our separate ways!" Elsa shouts, turning off onto her street, leaving me alone. I couldn't tell if she was annoyed or not, but I assumed she was a little bit. I attempted to brush it off.

"See you tomorrow!" I shout out to her and she replies with the same thing, and I watch as she disappears down the street, too far for my eyes to see.

I make my way back to my house, watching carefully as I walk. Mother always told me to be careful and keep and eye out for strangers while walking. As I make my way to my drive way, I glance across the street to my neighbors house and notice Mr.Hemmings is outside of his house. I give him a smile and a small wave before walking up the steps. I guess I was a bit distracted by him, and I trip on my way up.

I wince at the pain on my knee, attempting to push myself back up. "You alright?" He shouts from across the way and I force myself up, giving him a thumbs up. God, I felt stupid in that moment, how did I even man hate to do that!

"I'm okay!" I blush, flattening my skirt out. I hope he didn't see my underwear when I fell, that would be so embarrassing! I quickly unlock my door and rush inside, attempting to save myself from any further embarrassment. I cannot believe I just fell like that.

I make my way to my bedroom, changing out of my uniform and into something more comfortable. I look at myself in the mirror as I toss my hair into a messy bun, not caring much about my appearance. I run my hand over my chest, flattening my loose T-shirt before I head downstairs to do my homework.

I stop in the kitchen for a moment, opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water. When I close the refrigerator door, I notice a note hanging on it.

"Ava, I'll be working late tonight. Make sure you get your homework done and do your chores. I should be home around 3am. Love you

I hope mom is okay, she's been working late a lot lately and I know it's tiring for her. I take a seat on the couch and begin working on my Maths homework, double checking my answers before I place the sheet back into my folder.

After I finish my homework, I begin doing my chores, I clean the dishes in the sink, vacuum the living room, and just generally tidy up the house. I know most people hate doing chores, but I don't mind. It's nice to be able to help my mom around the house, god knows she does enough for me. It's nothing to give back and help her.

As I'm finishing tidying the living room, there's a knock on the door and it startles me, causing me to drop the book I was holding. I hesitantly pick up the book and place it back onto the shelf, walking towards the door.

Mom told me I really shouldn't open the door when I don't know who's outside, but it's rude to ignore someone, isn't it? I decide I shouldn't leave the person waiting much longer, and I pull open the door and am met with my neighbor.

"Oh hello Mr.Hemmings! My mom isn't home right now, did you need something?" I question, putting on a sheepish smile. I can feel a blush cover my cheeks as the man flashes me a grin.

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