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"Ava, I need to talk to you." My mother says, breaking the silence. "What is it?" I furrow my eyebrows, giving her a concerned look.

"I don't want to alarm you, but I've got to go away for a few weeks. Maybe even a few months." My mother speaks and my stomach drops. What is she talking about? Why would she just leave?

"I need to get a few more certifications and take some classes to move up in the hospital. I'm just not making enough money as a floor nurse." My mother says seriously, her eyes burning into mine. I shake my head, taking in this new information. I didn't want her to leave, it was bad enough when dad left, I didn't want her to go too.

"You're 18, Ava," my mother starts and I look at her again, "I lived on my own at your age and I think you'll be okay for a little bit. We can talk every night on the phone if you'd like." I nod softly, biting my lip.

"Are you sure you have to go? I can get a job too!" I suggest, not wanting her to leave. I love my mother, no matter how overprotective she is. "I've already decided, my flight is at 5 o'clock. I'll be in California by tomorrow."

I nod at this new information, tears now threatening to spill from my eyes. One seems to escape and rolls down my cheeks. "Oh Ava, don't cry." My mother brushes my tear away with her thumb, "I've asked Mr. Hemmings to keep an eye on your while I'm away. So you won't be all alone."

I nod, feeling relieved that I won't have to be completely alone for possibly a few months. "I love you, you know that right?" My mother beams. "I love you too, momma." I smile, hugging her from the side.

After a while of talking more, mom packs up the rest of her things she needs, and I help her, not wanting to leave her side. We spend some time cuddling in her bed, though we're both in our day clothes. I nuzzle you to my mom, enjoying this time with her before she's got to go.

4:30 comes too soon and mom rushes to the car, shoving her bags into the trunk. "I love you baby, I'll call you when I land." My mother smiles, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "I love you mom, please be careful." I embrace her in a tight hug, lingering for a moment too long. Mom pats my back before getting into the car.

"I love you Ava, I promise I'll call you as soon as I arrive. I've got to get going now!" She gives me a final wave. "I love you," I say one more time before my mother drives off into the direction of the airport. I quickly walk across the road, making my way to Luke's house. I didn't want to be alone, I was already upset and that would only make things worse.  I knock on the door, waiting a moment before Luke appears.

"Why didn't you tell me she was leaving?" I frown, glaring at Luke. "Oh baby, I'd didn't want to upset you." He frowns as well, giving me a sympathetic look. This angers me for some reason, I feel like everyone else knew she was leaving but me. That's not very fair.

"I'm a big girl! I can handle it." I bark suddenly, surprising Luke as well as myself, "I'm going back to my house. I'll see you later Luke." I close his door and sprint over to my house.

I'm going to that party tonight, and I'm going to enjoy myself and forget about all of this.

I glance at my phone, checking the time. 6:30, I've got another thirty minutes to make it to Rose's house for the party. I quickly throw on a dress from my closet, and apply some simple make up. I check myself in the mirror for a moment, making sure I look okay. My make up in subtle, and I'm wearing a simple baby pink, knee length dress that flairs out a bit. I give myself a smile before exiting the house and making my way to Rose's house.

I ended up having to get a cab with the money I had, as her house was nearly 20 minutes away and I don't think I could've walked that far. I probably should've taken Elsa up on her offer of a ride but it's too late now. I'm now standing outside of Rose's house, and let me just say, it's huge. It appears to have at least 3 floors and I can see a pool in the back yard. I wonder how her family could afford this.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. After a few minutes, a boy with curly brown hair answers the door. He appears to be a very years older than I, maybe even Luke's age.

"Hello, I uhm.. I'm Rose's friend." I smile shyly and the boy rolls his eyes, shouting for Rose. "Oh, you really came!" Rose appears and the curly headed boy seems to disappear, "Sorry, my brother Sam is such an asshole."

Rose invites me inside and I trail behind her, taking in the scenery of her house. It's huge, even from the inside. The walls are covered in delicate paintings and family photos. Rose takes me out to her backyard and I smile when I see Elsa and a few other people I don't recognize.

"Hey!" I smile, approaching Elsa. "You made it!" She smiles and I nod. They both seemed genuinely suppressed I had made it.  I glance around and notice most of the other people back her are boys, who I most definitely don't recognize.

"We're just waiting for some people to arrive. I'm going to get the alcohol!" Rose booms, leaving me alone with Elsa and these strangers. I suddenly feel out of place, Elsa and Rose are wearing normal clothes, jeans and T shirts, and here I am wearing a dress. I tug my dress down, fidgeting with the hem uncomfortably.

After a few minutes, Rose appears with bottles of alcohol and people finally begin showing up. In just 30 minutes, the yard is filled with tipsy people. Since I've been at the party, I've gotten many texts from Luke, but I've ignored him. I still upset he just kept from me the fact that my mom was leaving for so long. "How were you even able to come?" Elsa questions, approaching me alone.

"Oh, uhm. Mom is going away for a while." I mutter, biting my lip. "What? Did she leave you alone?" Elsa asks and I nod.

"Yeah, well Mr. Hemmings is 'watching me' but not really." I laugh it off and she nods. "Maybe I can come over and we can hang out at your house, I can't believe your mom left you alone like that!" Elsa shouts over the music and I nod.

"Yeah, me too!" I shout back and Elsa soon disappears and I see her dancing with some college boy a few minutes later. Rose approaches me now, two drinks in her hands.

"Brough you one." She smiles, offering me one of the red cups.I almost start to shake my head, but I bravely take the cup, downing the contents. I scrunch my nose up at the taste, it's bitter. "Thanks." I burp and blush. Rose giggles at this, sitting with me by the pool.

"Are you having a good time?" She questions and I nod.We chat for a few minutes before she leaves to get another drink. When Rose appears again, she's holding too drinks again. When she sits back down, she offers me the cup again.

"I really shouldn't." I shake my head and she gives me a look. I shouldn't drink at all, but it's too late isn't it? I quickly grab the cup a second time, and down the contents as I did before. After just a few minutes, I notice my vision start to blur and my stomach seems to be upset. "Can I use your restroom?" I ask Rose and she nods, giving me directions.

I quickly make my way through the yard and into the house. I sigh in relief when I enter the house, it's nice an quiet, unlike outside. I carry my phone with me as I walk down the hallways, trying to remember the directions Rose gave me but my brain is all fuzzy.

"Looking for something?" A voice startles me and I gasp, turning around. I'm met with Sam, Rose's brother eying me with a nasty smirk.

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