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Today is Monday, which I've been dreading. I really wanted to rest longer than two days, but life must go on. I've already showered, now I'm just sat on my bed, procrastinating getting dressed. My eyes dart over to the clock and find I've only got 30 minutes until school, so I decide to get dressed, not wanting to arrive late. I stand to my feet, holding my towel as I make my way to my closet to grab my uniform. I drop my towel, quickly slipping into my uniform.

I look at myself in my mirror, examining every part of my appearance. My mother always said it was important to look your best, So I try to.

I turn around to grab my bag and a blush covers my cheeks. I notice Mr. Hemmings standing my his window, his eyes meeting mine. I wonder if he saw me change? I hope not. I shake the thought from my head, finishing what I was doing.

After a few more minutes of adjusting my appearance, I make my way downstairs and exit the house, only to be met with Luke in his vehicle, parked in my driveway. "Morning, sweetheart. Ready for school?" A subtile smirk covers his lips and I nod, getting into the passenger seat of his SUV. "Th..Thank you for the ride, Mr.Hemmings." I stutter out, flashing him a sheepish smile in return.

"It's no problem at all." He chuckles, "would you like to grab some coffee before I drop you off?" I've never had coffee before. I know it's silly, but my mom never kept any in the house, and she said I shouldn't drink it. "My mother doesn't let me drink coffee." I frown in response, "She says it's bad for you."

Luke taps the steering wheel with his fingers before turning into Starbucks, smiling over at me. "It'll be our secret then, won't it?" Mr. Hemmings chuckles and I nod. "I don.." I trail off, I've never been one to disobey my mother, but It couldn't be that bad, right?  "Alright." I finally give in. What could one coffee hurt?  I am quite tired, and I've always wanted to try Starbucks.

"What do you want, doll?" He glances over at me as we pull into the parking lot. "I'm not sure?" I mutter out. I feel embarrassed, my cheeks quickly heating up. I'm such a loser, aren't I?

"It's okay, I'll pick something for you." Luke offers and I nod, trailing behind him as we enter the shop, I attempt to stay close to him, but I want to keep my distance as well. I decide a few feet behind him is a good distance.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you today?" The barista says, her tone coming out extremely flirtatious as she addresses Luke. I roll my eyes at this, but don't say anything. It's not my place to.

"I'll just have a black coffee please." He speaks, paying the barista no mind.

"And for you?" The barista finally directs her attention to me, her words coming out dryly. Before I can say anything, Luke chimes in and answers for me, "Caramel Macchiato, extra whipped cream." His response his quick.  That sounds really good, I've always been a fan of caramel.

After a few minutes, the barista gives us our drinks, still hopelessly flirting with Luke, I even saw her slip her number onto the receipt, which I watched Luke throw away as soon as she handed it to him. This made me giggle.

Finally, we arrive at my school and I break the awkward silence. I needed to say something, I'd been quiet most of the ride.

"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Hemmings. Will you be picking me up too?" I ask, unbuckling my seatbelt. A part of me hoped so.  "Yes doll, I sure will." He smiles, patting my thigh. I find myself satisfied with his response. "And, as I've said before, please call me Luke, sweetheart."

I nod, blushing at his fingers touching my exposed thigh. I'd never been touched in that way before, it made my heart race.  "Thank you Luke. I'll see you after school." I finally step out of the car, grabbing my coffee. I wave at him through the window. I wanted to do more than wave, but I thought that would be odd. I didn't want to put him off.

"Later doll!" He shouts, driving away. I watch as his vehicle leaves the parking lot.

I enter the building, making my way to my locker to collect my books for my morning classes. I carry my coffee with me, hoping I'm able to take it to class, as other students do all the time.

"Hey!" A voice startled me and I spin around, only to be met my Elsa, chuckling at my reaction. Oh, hey!" I offer her a smile, before closing my locker. "How did you get here? I didn't see you walking." She questions, glancing at the cup in my hand, "Avalanna Everly! Is that coffee?" She gasps, teasing me. She knew how strict Mom was, so I wasn't surprised she said something.

I roll my eyes playfully before answering, "Mr.Hemmings gave me a ride this morning, and he wanted coffee and got me one too." I say, offering her a drinking from my cup. I feel a bit nervous though, I didn't want her to tell my mom I'd gotten this coffee. I worried she would tell Luke he couldn't drive me to school anymore.

"Please don't tell mom!" I blurt out frantically, "I'm not allowed coffee." Elsa rolls her eyes playfully, patting my shoulder, "I would never tell on you." She says proudly and I find myself laughing at her behavior. "Thank you." I smile sheepishly.

"Ladies, the bell rings in two minutes! Get to class!" A voice booms down the hall and we quickly rush to our classes, parting ways.

After my morning classes, I met Elsa for lunch per usual. I find her sitting with someone I don't recognize and I furrow my eyebrows, nearing the table. "Hey Elsa," I greet, sitting my back on the table, "Who's this?" I question, gesturing towards the girl with red curly hair hair.

"Oh, this is rose! She just transferred schools." Elsa smiles and I glance at the girl, taking in her appearance. She's very pretty, definitely prettier than me. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ava." I flash Rose a smile, which she returns. "Nice to meet you too! I'm rose." The red head says, and I take my seat at the lunch table across from her.

We all three chat through lunch, Rose telling her about her life and what brought her here, Elsa talking about her new boy toy, and I just listened and occasionally spoke up. After a while, Rose and Elsa started having a one on one conversation. I suddenly have the urge to check my phone, so do. I rummage through my bag, pulling my phone out  to check my messages.

My phone vibrates in my hand as a new notification pops up.

Instagram: @Luke.Hemmings sent you a message!

I quickly open the message, reading over it.

@Luke.Hemmings: hey doll, just wanted to check and see how school is? Did you enjoy the coffee?

I smile at the message before typing a response.

@Ava.Everly: school is okay, quite bored honestly :(( coffee was good though!

"Who are you texting?" I hear Elsa voice and quickly lock my phone, my eyes shooting you to meet hers "Just mom." I quickly respond, my cheeks heating up due to my lie. I've never been very good at hiding the truth, but I didn't want to tell her who exactly I was messaging with.

"And smiling like that? I doubt that." She teases. I shake my head, putting my phone away before she can question me anymore. I shouldn't have been messaging Luke during school anyways, I don't want anyone seeing that.

"She was just telling me she's off later, and I'm happy because she's been working a lot." Another lie slips from my mouth before I can stop myself. I mentally slap myself, I hope that was believable.  I can't tell Elsa I was messaging Luke, I'm sure she'll think it's weird, considering he's probably 10 years older than I am. I shake the thoughts from my head just as the bell rings.

"I'm gonna walk Rose to her class! Do you wanna come?" Elsa asks, standing from the table. It would be nice, but Rose's class was half way across the building.  I shake my head, "I can't be late." I sigh and she nods, offering me a hug before me go to our own classes.

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