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The blonde woman accompanying Luke continues to speak to him as they near the food court. I duck down in my seat a bit, attempting to hide myself. I feel my heart breaking as woman leans in, placing a quick kiss on Luke's cheek. I scrunch my nose up at this, wondering who this woman is. They utter a few more words before parting ways. The woman walking to the exit, and much to my dismay, Luke entering the food court.

"Oh hey, isn't that Mr. Hemmings?" Elsa chimes in and I whip my head around. "Oh where?" I question, acting oblivious as I look around. Elsa extends her hand, pointing in his direction. "Oh yeah." I brush it off, hoping he won't see us. Elsa suddenly raises her handing, waving at Luke. You've got to be kidding me.

"Hello Mr. Hemmings!" Elsa chirps and Luke nears the table. "Oh, hello girls. I didn't know you would be here, Ava." Luke addresses me and I put on a fake smile. "Oh hi." I say softly.

"Who's this?" Rose chimes in. Luke sits at our table, glancing over at me then Rose. "Oh, this is my neighbor. I'm staying with him while my mother is away." I say, my face holding no particular emotion.

"It's nice to meet you." Rose smiles, and Luke returns the gesture. I almost roll my eyes at this, but catch myself before I do. "You know Ava, I really should be getting you home." Luke comments.

"Oh." I say softly. I'm about to protest, but I see no point in doing so. Elsa, Rose and I say our goodbyes and Luke escorts me to his car. The ride back to his house is quiet and cold. Neither of us seem to utter a word, the only sound to be heard is the tires against the wet pavement. Finally, we near the house and I exit the car quickly.

"I'm going to sleep at my house." I finally utter, breaking the silence. Before Luke can protest, I walk across the street to my own house, unlocking the door with my keys from my book bag.

I rush inside my own house, tossing my bag onto the couch before I collapse onto it. I don't want to sleep here if I'm honest, but I'm upset with Luke to say the least. First, he ignores me and distances himself from me after being inappropriate with me, then he's at the mall with another woman, who's very beautiful I might add. I know I'm not the prettiest girl, but I really thought Luke liked me. Maybe that's just me being naive, but I thought maybe we had something special.

After some time sitting on the couch in silence, I head upstairs to my room and put a movie on the television before I find myself drifting to sleep.

I open my eyes and see a figure standing in my door way, not moving, not saying a single word.

"Hello?" I call out, but the figure does not answer, yet seems to move closer.

"Who are you?" I speak again, my voice coming out in a mousy tone as fear overcomes my body.

The figure moved even closer and reveals itself as a large man with dark black hair and a scar covering his left eye.

"What do you want?" I plea, and the man utters a single word, making me shake to the core.

"You." The man chuckles darkly and I lurch back in my bed, attempting to hide behind my duvet. Much to my dismay my duvet is ripped away from me in the man is now standing over my bed.

"Please don't hurt me." I whine, covering my face with my hands. I find myself peering through my fingers, only to see the man grasping a knife in his hand.

"Don't move!" The man shouts, bringing the knife to my chest and stabbing it into my ribcage. I cry out in pain, trashing around as I begin to panic.

My eyes shoot opened as a scream escapes my lips. My breath comes out heavily as I look around. I'm inside my bedroom, my television playing a movie I don't recognize. I hesitate glance at my bedroom door, feeling relieved the moment I realize it's locked and I'm safe.

It was only a nightmare. I'm safe and I'm okay. I glance at the clock on my nightstand to check the time, it reads '3:05am." It large blue letters. I settle back into my bed, pulling the duvet over my head for a moment as I check my phone. I notice a text from Luke and hesitantly click the message.

Luke: I'm worried about you doll, are you alright?

Luke: baby, text me back please, I'm worried xx

Luke: I guess you've fallen asleep by now, text me if you need anything xx

I sigh, setting my phone on the bed before walking to the window. I move my curtains and glance across the street at Luke's house, hoping to see a light on inside. To my surprise, Luke is sat on his porch, clutching his phone in his hand. A cigarette hanging from his lips.

I really want to go talk to him, let him comfort me and tell me everything is okay, but I'm still hurt. I'm upset that he didn't tell me he had a girlfriend. I feel awful for letting him touch me, if I knew he had a girlfriend that would've never happened. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. After this, I grab my phone and click Luke's name, waiting while the line rings.

"Ava, are you alright?" Luke's voice is knitted with worry and concern as his voice echos into my ear. "I'm okay." I sigh, pausing for a moment.

I want to ask him about his girlfriend, but I don't want to be rude. I decide to anyway, the curiosity eating at me.

"I saw you with your girlfriend today." I say quietly into the phone and I don't hear a response for a moment. "My girlfriend?" Luke finally says and I mentally slap myself. I didn't like that he was playing dumb with me.  "At the mall." I comment coldly.

"My girlfriend? Ava, that way my mum." Luke's chuckles and I mentally slap myself. Of course, it wasn't a love interest. God, I feel so stupid right now. I didn't realize she was older, as I could hardly see from across the mall earlier. "I'm sorry." I breathe out and Luke chuckles again.

"S'okay. You didn't know," Luke pauses for a second, I assume he's taking a drag from his cigarette, "You know, there's no one else doll. I've been busy is all, and it's hard to control myself around you." Luke sighs. "Oh." I say softly, biting my lip as I continue to beat myself up internally. I feel so silly, I definitely overreacted and read things all wrong.

"You still there, doll?" Luke's voice rings in my ear. "Oh yeah, sorry." I laugh slightly, pushing my hair out of my face. "I'll see you in a second actually." I hang up the phone and grab my school bag. I quickly make my way out the front door, making sure to lock up the house behind me before I rush over to Luke's house, across from my own.

"There she is!" Luke smiles as I near him. I offer him a warm smile in return before I speak, "I'm sorry for assuming things, I should've asked." I mutter, looking down at my slippers. I've always hated apologizing, yet I find myself doing it constantly, my mother always made me apologize for everything when I was younger, so I guess it's a habit I've developed overtime.

Luke's hand makes its way under my chin and he lifts it, forcing me to look at him. "Don't be doll, I should've explained." I let out a sigh of relief as Luke utters those words, hoping we can let these silly things go. Luke suddenly pull me into his grasp, causing me to crash into his warm chest.

"Missed you," Luke mutters into my hair, nuzzling into my neck. I giggle softly as his lips press a wet kiss to my neck. Soon after, Luke pulls away, looking into my eyes.

"Let's get you inside, I bet you're freezing."

good girl • (lrh)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora