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The ANBU managed to sneak Iruka onto the roster to teach with the evil chunin. Iruka did it solely for the sake of Naruto's control. If the teacher were to insult his precious people or his clan again, heads would roll and it wouldn't be Naruto's head either. So there was an awkward peace between the class and the teacher everyone had started hating. It was fragile but it was there. Iruka tried to speak to Naruto but the other Chuunin dragged him away from the boy he helped raise. Naruto hadn't seen him yet and Iruka knew he'd see the sad kid in the classroom but it still hurt to not be able to soothe away his kit's pain.
Gone was joy Naruto would spew every where. In its place was a wounded child. Iruka knew that something was wrong with his child. He knew because he had countless photos and recording that proved that Naruto was a ball of sunshine. He kept three photos in the pocket on the inside of his Chuunin jacket over his heart. One was of the two year old Naruto they had just brought into HQ. Another one was of Kakashi and Naruto and him on the floor in the training center for the ANBU. The third was a picture of all the ANBU with their masks to the side and a beaming Naruto. It was taken after Naruto got a Flee on Sight in the Bingo books, just like his biological parents. There was a massive celebration. Now though, there wasn't the soft contentment of a summer's day but it was replaced with the damage of the hottest summer's day in the deserts of Suna. It was startling.
Slowly the students trickled into the classroom, the Naruto protection squad glaring at anyone who started to tease Naruto. The other Chuunin sighed before turning to Iruka.
"Can you believe that the council didn't kill this demon even though the other one is dead? Now, the demon has corrupted the future clan heads! He should be executed!" Mizuki whispered. Iruka glared at him.
"He's not a demon. He's a boy just like the rest of them! Start using your brain instead of following what the elders and the civilian council says. You're a shinobi who damn well knows the difference between a scroll and a kunai! Now start being a reasonable human of society and do your job." Iruka looked more dangerous than any enemy Mizuki had ever faced, considering he was only a paper ninja that wasn't saying much but he got the message. The bell rang.
"Settle down class! I'm your new co-instructor! My named is Iruka and I am a field chuunin who is qualified to teach in the classroom. Today, I convinced a few of the active jounin to come to talk for us. They will be arriving in ten minutes. Now, it's your turn to introduce yourselves. We'll start with the civilian children." Iruka effortlessly maneuvered the classroom of students. After everyone had been introduced, Obito and Kakashi entered the room along with Ibiki and Anko. All five adults had seen the bruises on Naruto but couldn't say anything about it because of the teacher loyal to the civilian council. Ibiki and Anko told the class about Torture and Interrogation and how they would screen everyone for seals. The class was excited about the practical demonstration. The results were discussed depending on the seal that was found. When Naruto's scan showed four kill switch seals, Obito and Kakashi took him out into the hallway as the other two guest speakers explained about the the four seals and how they worked.
"Naruto, who placed the seals on you?" Obito asked gently as Kakashi found a seal that messed with Naruto's memories on his neck. Naruto shook his head.
"I don't know. Every time the Elders meet with me, I seem to loose a few minutes or hours. I don't remember much of the meetings." Naruto stated as Kakashi copied the seal onto a piece of paper.
"Does this seal look familiar to you?" Kakashi presented the seal to Naruto. Naruto paled.
"Yeah. It's a seal I created for T&I. It is only used on traitors of Kohona. I don't remember the counter because I gave it to Ibiki and had my mind wiped." Naruto informed them shaking a little. Obito looked to Kakashi who returned to the room and swapped with Ibiki. Ibiki came out of the room and instantly saw the seal.
"Before you ask, no. He has never been interrogated by us. Anko had to inform the Elders about that seal. I have the counter seal here. I'll apply it. Afterwards, all of his altered memories will return. He'll have two sets of memories. Get Inochi and Shikaku here before I apply it. They need to see those memories and do some digging." Ibiki scooped Naruto into a hug as Obito vanished to get those two.
"I'm sorry! You guys will be in trouble because of me." Naruto muttered.
"Nonsense. Your mission may have been compromised so we are taking the only logical choice which is to run interference and make sure that you are safe. Now, where did you get those bruises?" Ibiki provided comfort as he knew that the questions would be difficult to answer. Naruto didn't answer. Ibiki sighed.

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