Some Time To Think

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There are many customs of the Uzumaki and the Swirls. Arashi, the creator of Uzushio, has blessed this humble one with a list of the customs and traditions of his people. Feel free to ask or pm this humble one if any of them are confusing.
The first of the traditions and customs will belong to the topic of love. Love is a blessing granted by the pantheon. For without love, there would be no kindness and goodness in the world. The decree given to the Uzumaki is quite simple. Love with all of yourself. Do not hate a soul. To hate is to tear down people. Welcome the world into your home, love everyone as either friend, lover, child, shield brother/sister, or be kind to them. This decree is older than time remembered. The world outside of the island did not exist. It was simple to love everyone in some shape or form. Discrimination within the Uzumaki and their Swirls do not exist. The world may hate you but those folk of Uzushio will treat you as family. Love is love is love is love.
The biggest rule is as follows: No one left behind. There are no such things as orphans, homeless, or neglected people. Everyone is family. There are no beggars. As a family, you contribute what you can. You are valued for who you are. If you cannot work, then you do not work. You contribute in other ways. Old Man Jenkins over there can't read, write, or do any type of labor. Look at that, neither can you. Guess you two will have to make sure people eat and drink. Or the two of you can invent something to keep the boredom away. Or make art. Or start learning something new. If you can't do that, it's alright. You're family and we'll make sure you are loved and cherished and taken care of. If someone is being abused or neglected, the perpetrator will be severely punished by the laws put forth by the Ancients. Soldiers who are struggling or disabled, if we can't fix the disability then we will make it so that no one will suffer from the problems. No leg, we make a leg. No sight, we will be your eyes. Can't adjust to home and feeling like your home is gone, we will make it home in anyway you need. Therapy is free and if it doesn't work, no one understands that more than the rest of us. Everyone is taken care of. Not a single soul suffers alone.
Kisses don't mean anything to an Uzumaki. Kisses are hellos and goodbyes. They are how are you and are you alright. They are casual and filled with the chakra of the Uzumaki. The blues of the Uzumaki chakra are each a shade of the waters of the island. The chakra is the feeling of coming home. Kisses exchanged by the Uzumaki serve a purpose. They help calm people and invite you to their way of life. To kiss is to be home.
Hate. Hatred is a strong emotion. It is the only emotion that those of Uzushio do not feel unless the Pantheon allows it. They do not understand the emotion, not built to feel it. When it is felt, it is hard for any Uzumaki to be in control of their actions. It is said that only those who have used the old gods and taken advantage of kindness, abandon others, scorn and abuse children, and try to take from Uzushio without first consulting its gods will be corrupted and scorched by hatred. Hatred will leave them with nothing. They will be hated in return by the Gods until the mortal is killed. That is the fitting punishment of the crime of Hatred.
Devotion to Them. The Uzumaki are devoted to their Pantheon. Rightfully so. Their pantheon is born or even just randomly walks among the people. They do not boast and demand from their children sacrifices of blood or slaves or other unreasonable requests. The Uzumaki are never sure if the stranger they have met is mortal or a god/goddess in disguise. Every act of kindness is returned tenfold after all. The people devote themselves because the Pantheon is kind to them. The pantheon forgives and forgets. They understand that Their people are not divine. They are mortals and they stumble. So Arashi takes the wrath of the angered ones in the people's place. The Uzumaki even have free will. Devotion to the Protectors from the Protected.
Warriors are hailed as the heroes. Killing is inevitable. There will be war before there is peace. The Uzumaki know this better than any other tribe of clan or village or nation out there. They accept that. Civilians have no voice in the political side. They are the protected. They do what they can do as the warriors go up and beyond their calling. That is why every single Uzumaki is a warrior for a certain amount of time.
Uzushio will never die. What belongs to the ocean always returns to the ocean. The Uzumaki are of the ocean and to the ocean they will always return. Home calls and the scattered Swirls will return once more. The ocean endures amd so will the Uzumaki. From creation to Armageddon. Uzushio will rise ONCE MORE!!!!
-Taken from the Diary of the Uchiha Ambassador to Uzushio

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