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AN: ANBU is a life long job and there is no such thing as retirement for them.
Naruto's gentle whines and cooing that he made while sleeping woke up some of the members. He would make the occasional crying that babies make, but not for anything. He didn't cry out as he woke, or as he was hungry. His sky blue eyes watered at being hungry, wet, tired, and lonely.
Iruka, Dolphin, was the member that was watching the small bundle sleep for a few minutes, noticed that the little kit was squirming. The baby didn't roll over, blue eyes slightly tearing up. Iruka started to panic, he was no parent. What would he do? Did the baby need anything? What was wrong? Why wasn't the baby causing a fuss? Did Naruto know how to cry or fuss? Was he allowed to behave like a normal baby?
Iruka knew the answer to the last question was a no. He realized that maybe the little Kit was hungry. He was reaching for the baby when he heard Kakashi start to whimper from a nightmare. Naruto started to coo again, causing kakashi to crack his eye open. He could see how panicked Iruka was. He sighed in a way the seemed both polite and as if a freight train was starting to move its cargo.
"Have you ever held a baby before?" The silver haired cyclops of a scarecrow shinobi asked the nervous genin.
"No, Captain. I'm afraid I'll break him." Iruka looked at the ground in shamed embarrassment, like a tomato crushed with a war hammer charged with Senju chakra. Kakashi nodded in understanding as he picked up the child who looked at him with woeful, tearful eyes.
"Come on, my little Kit. Let's get you changed and fed. Do you want a bottle, Naruto?" Kakashi spoke more gentle than anything that the ANBU has ever heard. It was like Kakashi was a different person. He was able to change Naru's diaper quickly. Iruka somehow managed to make a bottle. Kakashi gently taught Iruka how to hold Naruto, who was looking at the bottle with big eyes. Iruka fed the child in the cafeteria, ignoring the jealousy looks just like Kakashi said as he went to get coffee and food for Iruka and himself and some real food for the little child that was Minito's legacy. Ibiki sat down next to them, watching as Naruto watched him.
"He's a clever boy. I can see it in his eyes. I wonder how long it will take for him to feel safe here. Perhaps he will start walking before he talks." Ibiki commented. Obito laughed as they made a bet that Naruto would talk first. Kakashi put Iruka and Naruto's food down and sat next to the genin. They included Naruto as if he could talk. Instead of cooing, he started to babble. When no one was mad at him for babbling, he tried to say the words but he couldn't yet. He was also crawling around.
Obito was the one to discover that he could crawl. He had been running around in a panic, afraid that he had lost the baby causing all the ANBU to start panicking. It was Shikoku, Shikamaru's father, and the rest of Ino-Shika-Cho that found him happily crawling on the ceiling.
"Troublesome blondes." The head of the Nara clan scooped the child up and deposited the kid into Dragon's arms. The panic calmness and Naruto managed to stand and took his very first step before taking a few more. Pictures and videos were taken. The 'retired' ANBU who were on missions would be extremely angry. The child smiled brightly as he was showered in kisses, hugs, and was absolutely glowing with how much positive attention he was getting.
"I've only had Naruto for a day but if anything happens to him I will destroy the world." Obito and kakashi said at the same time.

ANBU ChildOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora