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The ANBU started taking Naruto on missions. He was quiet and content to be in the holder on their chests. The protection seal he made was attached to it and allowed no harm to befall him. He was a valuable member of the squad. His sensor abilities caused missions to be more efficient. The ANBU also benefitted from the seals that Naruto made. His seals never failed and the nullifying seal worked against ROOT. Within a few weeks, Root was eliminated and all the information needed to convict Danzo was gathered. He was executed three months after the ANBU, Naruto specifically, had the upgraded seals available.
The ANBU loved Naruto, many making things by hand for him. His little ANBU uniform was dashing and he had a bunch of small masks of baby animals. His favorite was the baby fox one or maybe the puppy one. The villagers were surprised to see a small baby strapped to the fiercest ANBU operatives. They never saw his face and slowly got used to seeing the babe being carried by the operatives. With Orochimaru's constant help, Naruto was safely getting to a healthy weight. Naruto still struggled to say words but he was great at using the sign language of the ANBU of Kohana.
The Uchiha Clan was quick to try to join ANBU and succeeded. Upon finding out who the baby was, the Uchiha Clan as a whole became extremely protective of both the child and the ANBU operatives. It was common to see the Uchiha District swarming with ANBU and Jounin alike. The shinobi of Kohana were united in a way that they had not been previously. It caused the civilian council and the Village Elders to become fearful. Their plans were failing and many of them realized that the clock was ticking. The shinobi council sat in the meetings, observing the civilians.
"We need to lower the academy's graduation scores unless you want to show your blatant favoritism of the clans! It's not even an equal opportunity for those outside the clans! Especially the Uchiha! They cheat at the academy!" A pink haired civilian shouted. The clan heads remained silent. Lord Third looked to the Clan Heads.
"What is your opinion on this matter?" The tired Hokage asked. The Clan Heads all shared a look before the Uchiha started to speak.
"Lord Third, the Academy's standards have been steadily slipping since I and the othe Clan Heads have attended. The death rates of the new genins is at an all time high. The civilians that attend the academy are not serious about becoming shinobi and do not put effort into studying and training. If the civilians were serious in their studies than they would have asked for assistance from the current genin, chunin, or Jonin sensei. The clan children have not been asked to aide their classmates because their classmates do not ask for aide." The Uchiha states as the Clan Heads nod in agreement. Lord Third sighed before motioning to the civilians to make their point known. So continued the council meeting for a few hours before a squad of ANBU with the Kit strapped in his harness appeared.
The Clan Heads smiled softly and waved at the youngest ANBU known as Kit. Kit waved back as the ANBU holding him placed him on the ground.
"Hokage-sama, Kit has designed a new version of the ANBU tattoo as it has come to our attention that the secret of the seal was spread to our enemies. Kit has also made a seal to be placed on all of our forehead protectors and on the inside of the masks so that only our shinobi can exit or enter and the chakra signature will be automatically placed into the control seal so that we can keep track of our own. Kit, would you like to give Hokage-sama the scroll?" Bear, Ibiki, gently nodded the shy child to had over the report. Lord Third smiled at the baby ANBU as he slowly inched towards him with the scroll. Kit looked up and handed it over. The ANBU and Clan Heads Melted at the cuteness that was Naruto as he signed Jiji. The Hokage received the scroll and thanked the chibi ANBU as seriously as he would thank the Adults. The civilian council was floored and decided to reconvene in the morning.

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