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I groaned as the thumping kept getting louder. Lindsay was still cuddled into me, keeping me nice and warm. I opened one eye to try and find the source of the noise.

I realised that it was someone banging on the door. Before I had any time to react, Jessica barged into the room.

When she saw us cuddled up together in only our underwear, a light red blushed across her cheeks.

Clearing her throat, she started walking backwards and bumped into the wall. I chuckled which seemed to wake Lindsay up.

"Why did you wake me up?" She said groggily, then turned to see her mom at the door.

In lightning speed she shot up in the bed, pushing me out of it.

"This is not what it looks like!" She defended, as I laid sore on the ground.

"I just came up to say that breakfast is ready. I'll give you girls some space," Jessica muttered, before scurrying away. I couldn't understand why she was acting so strange. Lindsay and I were very affectionate friends, even around her, and I knew she didn't care about mine or Lindsay's sexuality. I just couldn't think of what would make her react that way, it was weird.

I pulled myself up from the floor and looked at Lindsay on the bed, "That was not cool."


Sitting in Ms Caldwell's Advanced History class was slightly awkward. She kept glancing over at me as if she thought she was being inconspicuous. She was not.

Since she kept looking at me, I took that as an invitation to look at her. Who am I kidding, I'd look at her anyway. She was dressed in a light blue polo and black slacks. It wasn't at all revealing, but it still outlined her body perfectly, capturing her beauty and putting it on display for all to view.

After a confusing period of exchanging glances with Ms Caldwell, I met up with Lindsay for our Science class, which luckily, we had together.

"Hey. How was class with my mom? Did she say anything about this morning?" She asked, still half freaked out. She was worried that her mom would jump to conclusions and wouldn't let me sleep over as often.

I decided to reply sarcastically, because, why not?

"Yes, actually. She asked me, in front of the whole class, in the middle of her lecture, why I was in bed with her half naked daughter, all cuddled up," I joked. Her eyes went wide as I rolled my own. "I'm kidding!"

She seemed to calm, but nudged me with her elbow. "That wasn't funny."

I told her that I would address the situation with her mom during my detention. She excitedly agreed, probably because she wouldn't have to be there, and that was the end of the conversation. We joked around for the whole Science lesson with the only words I picked up being "you can go".

As Lindsay and I were walking to the cafeteria, I realised that I was no longer carrying my notebook, and that I probably left it in class. I told Linds to go find us a good table while I walked back to the Science room. I grabbed the notebook off the table and tried to leave quickly so I wouldn't miss much of lunch. Unfortunately, that wasn't meant to be. As I raced out of the classroom, I collided with another person. Before I could try and stop it, I watched the dark contents in her mug as they flew all over her light blue shirt. Colorful words erupted from her mouth as she tried to keep the shirt from touching her skin so it wouldn't burn. I looked up and was met by those beautiful blue eyes once again, although this time they were a darker shade a blue.

"I'm so sorry, Jessica! I wasn't watching where I was going." She just sighed and nodded her head.

"Great, I didn't bring a change of clothes today," she muttered as she walked back into her classroom. Pondering a thought, I walked towards my locker and pulled out the spare 'Guns and Roses' jumper before strolling back to Ms Caldwell's classroom. When I entered, she was trying to dab away the stain with a wet wipe which caused me to laugh. I captured her attention, then sheepishly held the jacket out for her to take.

"I heard that you didn't have any other clothes to change into, so I thought that this might help for now." She grabbed the white jumper and looked at the logo on the front while raising an eyebrow.

"I never pegged you for a Guns and Roses type of girl," she said, with surprise and maybe some admiration in her voice. I just shrugged and stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. "Can you wait outside the door while I slide off my shirt and replace it with your jumper?" She asked calmly, "I just want to see if it fits before you go back to lunch."

I agreed and waited outside the door. I heard some shuffling around and then it stopped, so I assumed she had changed. I opened the door to see her bra-hidden breasts and flat stomach for a split second before my jumper covered them. I couldn't help the tingly feeling that started to travel throughout my body. All I could think about was her body being wrapped in my jumper, it capturing her captivating perfume. Before she could get another word in, I escaped before it got too much to handle.

I was like a ghost for the rest of the day. I was trying to understand why I was so affected by the sight of Jessica's body. I was Alexandra-Fucking-Barlowe, I didn't get scared of women. I was confident, cocky and irresistible. My head was foggy as the last bell of the day rung.

My mood was deflated even more when Lindsay reminded me about my detention, where I had to bring up this morning's 'incident' in Linds' bedroom.

I dragged my exhausted body through her door and into one of the least comfortable chairs in the world. We remained silent for 15 minutes before I found the energy to speak.

"You know I'm not fucking your daughter, right?" I got straight to the point.

Her face showed shock, but it seemed neither of us were expecting the word that came out of her mouth next.


Damnnnnn. I wasn't expecting that?

I want to hear your feedback based on the length of each chapter. Should they be longer, shorter or are they already perfect? Let me know in the comments. --->>>

Hope you enjoyed! ;)

-  T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now