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*Content Warning- Attempted Rape and Sexual Assault*

*Jessica's POV*

After the encounter with Alex in my classroom, Lindsay and I returned home, unsure of what to do. She was clearly distressed and just seemed... out of it? I couldn't really explain the look in her eyes. She just looked dead.

I had also learned that it was Alex's birthday today. She was supposed to be in a jovial mood, celebrating her 'freedom' after turning eighteen. Yet, she barely seemed in her own body, let alone thinking about her birthday.

Lindsay and I decided that after dinner we would swing over to Alex's place and check up on her. All throughout dinner the mood seemed to be dampened. Alex was usually always sitting beside us, making jokes and carrying the conversations. Now that she wasn't here, it felt weird. Off. Like something was terribly wrong. We- I missed her.

Once we had gulped down the remainder of our tasteless dinner, Lindsay and I practically sprinted out of the door and into my car. I understood why Lindsay was so worried, as Alex was her best friend. But I wasn't even technically 'friends' with Alex, yet I felt drawn to her. Her safety and happiness was my number one priority at that moment. 

As I sped down the semi-busy roads of Outer Manhattan, Lindsay tried calling Alex multiple times to let her know we were on our way. All the calls went straight to voicemail, and nearly ten minutes later we found ourselves parked on the street outside of her house. 

From outside, it appeared like nobody was home. All the lights were out, and the cars weren't in the driveway. We still walked up the path until we were face to face with the Barlowe's door and I knocked three times rhythmically before taking a small step back. 

I heard no shuffling or moving about, so was about to knock again when the door swung open. Troy, Alex's dad, stood curled in a large blanket while holding a large bottle of alcohol. In all honesty, he looked like shit.

"Troy, are you okay?" I asked, worriedly. His eyes were droopy, and for a few seconds I thought he was going to fall asleep before he spoke up.

"So I'm guessing you heard?" He mumbled, and walked deeper into the house as we followed him to the living room.

Once we were sitting on the couch comfortably I asked, "Heard what?"

His head rose slightly to look at us as he replied, "About Hamish..."

"What about Hamish? Is he ill or something?" Lindsay butted in. From the expression on Troy's face I could tell Hamish wasn't just ill, but couldn't bring myself to ask that dreadful question.

I didn't have a chance to as Troy spoke up instead.

"Hamish is dead," he whimpered, and burst into tears on the couch.

Lindsay and I sat, shocked, as we tried to process the horrible news we had just received. Troy remained crying in a heap as my head swarmed with question. How? When? Why?

"Where's Alex?" I found myself blurting out, and looked to Troy for a response. I realised that I would not be getting an answer out of him anytime soon, so grabbed Lindsay by the hand and pulled her towards the hall.

Lindsay seemed to understand, and led me towards Alex's room. We entered without knocking and were met with an empty bedroom. We both walked around a little bit, trying to find clues to where she would go.

I heard a gasp and spun around to see Lindsay standing at the door to the ensuite bathroom with a hand over her mouth.

My heart seemed to drop in my chest as I tentatively walked over to the door. I inhaled largely before stepping into view of the bathroom.

My eyes widened as I browsed the small room. The mirror was shattered into pieces, blood smeared across the room and no sign of Alex anywhere.

"This cannot be good," I thought and felt tears start to prick at my eyes. I took a few calming breaths before turning to face Lindsay.

"We have to go find her. Any ideas of where she could've gone?" I asked. I received a slight shake of the head as we made our way past Troy, who was passed out on the couch, and to my car in the driveway.

I thought about where I would want to go if I was feeling depressed, and a lightbulb seemed to come to life inside of my mind. The car roared to life as I sped down the street, ignoring Lindsay's questions in the meantime, and heading towards Roxie's.

I was going to get my girl.


Not long later, we pulled into the dark parking lot of the rowdy bar. We started approaching the door, but I froze when I saw a couple walking into the dimly lit corner of the lot.

Without thinking, I tugged lightly on Lindsay before following behind them from about 50 feet. I could not see her face, but I was sure that the one on the right was Alex. Her body had the same slight curves, and her hair was a dark mess, like always.

I couldn't hear their conversation from that fair back, but suddenly Alex was lifted into the strangers arms as she walked her to a nearby car.

I became extremely angry and ran towards them.

"Hey! What are you doing to her!?" I screamed, running up to the lady. She spun around, seemingly surprised that someone had seen her and slowly retreated with Alex in her arms.

"I'm just taking my girlfriend home. She had a bit too much to drink," the stranger replied. I snorted and looked to Alex's limp body in her arms and pointed.

"She is not your girlfriend, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say you drugged her and are about to rape her."

"Women can't rape people," she scoffed, and I advanced closer towards her.

"That is plainly untrue. Women are more than capable or sexually assaulting or attacking other people; whether they be men or women," I informed her. She appeared to be on edge now, and bent down to place Alex against her car.

"Listen, why don't we just forget this ever happened? No harm, no foul," she tried to persuade me.

I was about to answer her when she turned around and started to run. My high school track star started kicking in and I sprinted after the awful woman. I had caught up in no time, and crash tackled her to the ground.

She struggled but I kept her pinned down until I drew the attention of some patrons, then bouncers, and soon after, the police. I left her with them and ran over to Lindsay, who had Alex perched in her arms.

She was still passed out, but now she was safe. The paramedics arrived, giving her a quick check over, before telling me that I should get her home and keep her hydrated after she wakes up. I thanked them for their help and talked with the police officers further before we were allowed to leave.

Lindsay sat in the back with Alex is her arms while I drove us all back to our place.

We arrived and carried her inside together. It was now close to 3am as I looked over at the clock.

"You have to go to bed now, Linds," I told her.

"I'm not leaving her," she said, stubbornly.

I thought about letting her stay up, but I knew that school tomorrow would be impossible without sleep.

"She is asleep, and I will be right here," I replied, trying to ease her worry. She let out an exasperated sigh before trudging off to her room.

I carried Alex into my room and laid her on my large bed, comfortably tucked underneath the covers. I  reclined into a sleeping position as I watched her beautiful sleeping form, then whispered softly:

"I will look after you."

Thank you for reading!

Have you guys come up with any ship names for the developing couple? Let me know, because I may feature the best one in upcoming chapters. --->>

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- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now