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*Jessica Caldwell's POV*

I was still trying my best to ignore Alex, but it was beginning to get extremely hard. She was everywhere. At school, at my house, everywhere.

Getting out of my tastefully warm bed was a lot trickier than I expected for a Monday morning. No one really wants to get out of bed, but it's like Monday is cursed. You can just feel that it's going to be a long week and it hasn't even started yet.

After showering and taking care of all my lady business, I strutted into my walk-in-robe and searched for appropriate clothing for the first day of the week.

As I glanced around, my mind drifted to the green-eyed beauty that had captivated my attention for the past few months.

She had been best friends with Lindsay since they were both about 12, just after they started high school, so I had known her for about 6 years now.

It felt weird looking at her the way I did now. It wasn't normal. I was old enough to be her mother and had been there for her as she went through her teen years.

Now I was fantasizing about her and couldn't feel any more guilty. She had come onto me multiple times, but I knew this was just a game to her. To me, it was feelings.

The turning point was when she dropped that towel.

Until then, I had watched her the same as any other teen, laughing and playing with her friends. But after, I no longer looked at her like that, I looked at her as a woman.

A woman with perky breasts, a deliciously round bottom and the laugh of an angel.

She had her flaws, but I was able to look past them because I knew the real Alexandra Barlowe. The Alex that loved her family more than anything in the entire world. The Alex that would sacrifice her life and safety to protect those around her. And the Alex that never took shit from anyone, standing up for what she knew was right.

That was the Alex I was drawn to. Yet, some of her flaws worried me. Not because I thought they made her a bad person, but because I thought she had the potential to hurt me. Really hurt me.

She fooled around more than a hooker and was stubborn as hell when she believed in something.

Those two kisses we'd shared had left me wanting more. So much so, I was tempted to call Linda, from the bar, multiple times in the past week. But as I thought about Linda, I thought about how Alex had caught me kissing her. Then I started thinking about Alex again.

She was clouding my mind and filling my thoughts. I had to think of her, and Lindsay, but lost importantly myself. What would happen if someone discovered that we had kissed?

I wasn't just a family friend. I was now her teacher. For two more months.

It's not like something could ever happen with us anyway. She is just after sex, and I'm not going to risk damaging my relationship with my daughter for a lousy hookup.

Although, I've heard she isn't lousy in bed. At all.

I groaned and got changed into a grey blazer and pants set that I thought made me look damn hot for thirty-five years of age. I looked in the mirror and gave myself a confidence boost before heading off to work.


I stood at the front of my classroom and waited for the students to pour in. The bell rang and I was just about to close the door when Alex decided to make her way inside.

I couldn't help but take her in as she entered, walking away with her back to me. She was simply breathtaking. 

She avoided eye contact and sat in the back without looking at anyone. I sighed and started on with my lecture. As they were completing their work for the day, I got out and marked their pop quizzes from a few days ago. 

When I saw Alex's score I got angry. She didn't even get one question right, and the only ones she attempted had the word 'lasagne' as the answer. 

I looked up at her as she sat looking effortlessly beautiful at the back of the classroom. Ever since that kiss in the girl cave, and in the classroom, I hadn't been able to get her out of my head. I grew even more frustrated as I thought about how good she could do in my class if she actually tried.

The bell rang soon after and I called Alex to stay behind. 

I stood up and tried to look intimidating by crossing my arms over my chest and towering above her in my heels.

"You failed the quiz, Alex. Not even one question was right. Listen, school is important and you need to pay attention. You only have a couple of months left," I rambled on, but she wouldn't look up at me, instead staring at the ground. Thinking about it, she didn't look up once the whole lesson.

"Look at me while I'm talking to you, Alex," I growled, growing annoyed. 

She slowly raised her head and my eyes met those perfect green ones, which now held a hint of darkness within them that I could not read. Her face held no emotion as I explored it thoroughly. 

"I get that it was the first test after the break, but if you fail another test-" I was cut off as she seemed to burst in anger.

"He died! He just fucking died, and you are yelling at me about a stupid, irrelevant test!?" 

I just stared at her wide eyed as she seemed to glow in red, hot anger. 

Just when I thought she was about to erupt, Lindsay came rushing through the door.

"SURPRISE! Happy Birthday, Alex!" she screamed, but stopped as she saw the confrontation she had just walked in on. 

Without another word, Alex walked out of the room and left me in shock, and Lindsay incredibly confused.

"Who died?" Lindsay joked.

I shot daggers at her, but silently wondered it myself. 

Who just died?

Sorry for the last few sad chapters, but this book is all about getting those emotions flowing!!

Hope you enjoyed!

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- T.J Starc

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