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*Alex's POV*

I had been avoiding both Jessica and Lindsay for over a week. After Ned revealed that he was aware of my crush, I practically sprinted out of the room while ignoring everyone in my path.

I had holed myself up in my room after school and on the weekends, binge watching all seventeen seasons of Grey's Anatomy. I found comfort and calm in the alternate reality of following characters through their issues instead of my own.

I awoke on a cold Thursday morning and rushed to make it to school on time. Arriving ten minutes late, I walked into homeroom and took a seat inconspicuously. It was loud and bubbly, so I was easily missed a midst the dozens of people.

I took a seat in the far corner of the room, as far away from the riffraff as possible. I distracted myself on my phone until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Initially, I ignored it, believing it was Carmen or Finn, who were both in this class. However, after a second tap, I turned around and were met with bright hazel eyes looking at me curiously.

I removed my attention from my phone and towards the stunning blonde sitting next to me.

"G'day, I'm Anna, nice to meet ya," she said in a thick Australian accent, holding out a hand for me to shake.

I grabbed it and flirted, "I'm Alex. I've never seen your beautiful face around, you must be new?"

"Yep! Just moved from Melbourne about a week ago to come live with my sister," she replied. Her whole demeanour and posture just seemed so laid back and relaxed, and I suddenly understood why Australian's were thought of as calm people.

"Soooooo, do you know where Room 13 is because I've got English there next?" She asked. I was occupied looking at her clothing style, which consisted of skinny black jeans, ankle-high boots, and a flannel over top of an oversized t-shirt, to pay attention to her question.

I heard a light chuckle escape her plump lips before she spoke, "I know I'm attractive, but I didn't know I was "shut up and just sit there" worthy."

It was physically painful to drag my eyes away from her body, however, after I did so, I was captivated by her sparkling eyes and flawless makeup.

I cleared my throat, "Yeah, sorry. I actually have English in Room 13 next, so I'll lead the way."

She smiled at me, and it made my own face light up with joy.

Several moments later, the bell granted us permission to make our way to our next class. Anna and I entered Room 13 and sat next to each other towards the back of the classroom. The whole day consisted of this exact same routine, as we had all of our classes together.

We entered our final class together, Advanced History, and my mind was as clear at it had ever been. For the whole day, I had failed to think about Hamish, Jessica, or any my troubles, even once.

Maybe a distraction was just what I needed to help me heal from my grief and pain.

Ms. Caldwell started her lesson, and I caught her looking over at me half a dozen times. She didn't make Anna introduce herself, and I didn't need her to, as I had heard it for the whole day. "Anna Evans, 18, loves sport and surfing, has 3 hidden tattoos and is as gay as gays can come."

The last part didn't surprise me much, as we had been flirting lightly for most of the day.

Instead of paying attention to the lesson, Anna and I kept chatting until someone cleared their throat. I looked up and saw a very pissed off Ms. Caldwell.

"Anna, Alex, you can both stay after class."

I looked at Anna, who was trying to hold in a laugh, which made me laugh.

"Both of you! Out of my classroom NOW!" Ms. Caldwell boomed. We both made our way out of the classroom and closed the door before breaking down in laughter. After a few minutes, I slid down the wall besides the door and sat on the floor while waiting for the class to finish. Anna went on her phone, and soon enough the bell rang.

Students swarmed out as Anna and I made our way back inside the classroom and into our seats.

Ms. Caldwell didn't acknowledge us, so we just sat there quietly.

I used my smartwatch to play Flappy Bird and Anna hid her phone under the table, texting people.

"That was very disrespectful, girls," Ms. Caldwell spoke bitterly. Somehow the use of the word "girl" made me cringe. I wasn't a 'girl', I was a woman, and I was sure I had already proven that to Jessica.

"I--," Ms. Caldwell tried to start a long lecture on our bad behavior, but luckily we were saved by a knock on the door. "Come in."

I continued playing my game until I heard the sound of a familiar voice. My heart started to race, and not for the right reasons at all.

There she stood. Talking to Ms. Caldwell. In the school uniform.


It appeared to be a normal conversation between the two, with neither seeming to recognize the other.

This was bad. Very, very bad. Jessica called me 'babe' in front of this girl. She had convinced her that we were in a relationship, albeit, very poorly, but still. I tried to grab my stuff as quietly as I could in the hopes that I could make a break for it. AKA: run.

Anna was watching me curiously, but did not say a word. I tiptoed to the door as Jessica and Cassie continued talking about some classwork.

I made it to the door and had my hand on the handle when Ms. Caldwell caught me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She yelled. I opened the door to escape, but I heard Jessica yell again.

I gulped deeply before spinning around and making direct eye contact with Cassie. Talk about awkward.

"Alex?" She questioned, seemingly shocked. I smiled forcibly and rubbed the back of my neck instinctively.

"H-hey Cassie," I said, then cleared my throat.

"Why were you trying to leave my classroom, Alex?" Jessica asked. Something seemed to click like a lightbulb in Cassie's mind, and her eyes widened. She looked at Jessica, then at me again.

"Let's go, babe, I don't want to be late for the movie," Cassie mocked, looking at me. Jessica started choking and coughing on her own saliva as she finally seemed to realise who this woman was.

Unfazed, Cassie walked over to Anna and extended her hand, introducing herself.

My eyes met with ice cold ones and I didn't think twice.

I turned and sprinted out of the open door. Did I really want to be in a room with three attractive, confused and possibly angry women?

No, thank you.

Thanks for reading!

Would you stay if you were in the same situation?

Alex sure loves to run!

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- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt