Twenty Four

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*Alex's POV*

"Happy Easter Eve!" The disgusting man boomed as he stood before us with his arms opened wide. It stayed dead silent as nobody knew what to say.

"What are you doing here, Michael?" Jessica questioned.

"I've come to spend Easter with my daughter and her mother," he said with a smile, as if he was the greatest Dad in the world.

"What happened to the singer... Jenny? Did she leave you for someone richer?" Lindsay barked, clearly annoyed.

"Aww... I know you've missed me, Lindsay," Michael teased, ruffling her hair, "her name was Julie, and she got a job offer here in New York."

"Please don't tell me you brought her with you," Lindsay whispered.

"She had some business to attend to, so I thought I'd come over for a lovely dinner with my girls."

His impertinence angered me, as I growled, "They're not your girls."

Michael eyes found me, specifically, my breasts.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" He cooed, his gaze on my body making me want to puke all over him.

"If you had paid attention to your daughter years ago instead of fucking random singers, you'd know that this is Alex, Lindsay's best friend," Jessica scoffed.

"Alex... I think I'd have remembered you. You've grown up well," he complimented, walking past us and into the house. "I love what you've done to the place, Jess. It looks so clean."

Lindsay walked away, towards her bedroom, as her father made his way further into the house.

"So..." he dragged on, "what's for supper?" I was about to lose it at him when the doorbell rang again.

"Pizza," I mumbled, walking out of the room to answer the door. The pizzaboy was nice, so I gave him a tip before walking back towards the kitchen, where I left Jessica and Michael.

I was just about to round the corner when I heard them having some kind of argument. I stood, hidden behind the wall, listening closely.

"Come on, Jessie. We haven't been together for so long. You know you've missed what I can do for you," I heard Michael murmur.

"Get off me, Mike. You could go rot in hell for all I care, but our daughter is here, so be a fucking good father, then get lost. We've done perfectly fine without you for the last few years, and we will continue to be fine without you!"

I took this as my time to enter, placing the pizza on the table between the two, before taking a seat besides Jess. Michael spun the pizza around towards him, removing the three largest slices for himself, while I placed my hand softly on Jessica's thigh and squeezed, reassuring her that I was there for her.

"I'm going to go get Lindsay," Jessica announced, leaving Michael and I alone in the dining room. I removed one slice, not having much of an appetite as I watched the pig scoffing down his food across from me.

"Y'know, Alex, I've got quite a bit of money stored away on my yacht. How about you and I split and go and have a good time?" Michael propositioned, rubbing his hand up and down my arm. I was about to clock him in the jaw when Jessica and Lindsay entered, somewhat breaking the horrible tension all the while making it 100 times worse.

Everybody sat eating in silence, the only enjoyable part of the night so far. Unfortunately, Michael decided to open his big mouth again, his conversation still directed towards me.

"How old are you, Alex?" He asked me.

"Nineteen," I responded, quickly and quietly.

"Good, good," he muttered, "are your parents well off? Are you happy living here in New York?"

Jessica slammed down her cutlery, almost strangling Michael from across the table.

"Are you seriously flirting with Alex in front of Lindsay and I? You are such a worthless piece of shit, Michael! You come into my home after abandoning your family, try to seduce me into bed, and hit on your daughter's best friend! You have barely even looked at Lindsay since you arrived! What are you even doing here!?" Jessica screamed, her face fuming with anger.

"Damn, Jessica. Have you been taking your pills?" Michael laughed, walking over to the living room. Jess' eyes held pure and utter hatred as she watched him walk away.

She flew out of her chair and stormed after Michael, Lindsay and I following close behind.

"How dare you bring that up in front of Lindsay and Alex!" Jessica yelled straight at Michael.

"Ohhhh, does our little friend here not know about your sickness?" He sang in a mocking tone. He walked closer to me and whispered, "watch out for you friend's Mom here, she can turn into a bit of a nut. She has this illness called bipolar disorder and if she doesn't remember to take that little pink pill, oh god have mercy on you."

A gasp beside me caused me to look towards Jessica. Her eyes were filled with sadness, tears threatening to spill from them, as she tried her best to hold it in.

"What, you cannot handle the truth, you stupid cunt?" He barked at Jessica.

I grew angry as I watched a tear fall from Jessica's eye. I stared at the abhorrent excuse of a man, trying my best to cool off my anger. Yet, insult after insult erupted from his mouth, and I couldn't take it anymore. My body held deadly anger, but not the same as when I confronted Nancy. This anger had some form of calm to it. I was angry, yet I was alert, reasonably calm, and in control of my emotions. My fists were tight, nails digging into my palms, yet I felt calm. I continued to feel calm as my knuckle smashed against Michael's cheek. Unlike my confrontation with Nancy, I stopped at one hit. It was all that was needed. I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted to protect my woman. My woman.

My knuckle ached slightly, and I predicted it was probably bruised, yet I stood there calm, with no care in the world.

Three pairs of eyes were staring at me in shock. I looked at Lindsay, she was smiling. I shifted my gaze to Jessica, who had tears in her eyes and hands over her mouth. Finally, I looked over at Michael, who no longer had that smug smirk on his face anymore.

"What the fuck, you bitch," he yelled, holding his face. I took two large steps until I was nose to nose with him.

"Get the fuck out of this house. I may be a woman, I may be only eighteen, but I can look after this family more than you ever could. So, get the fuck out, and don't come back," I whispered, staring at him with great intensity. I swear I heard a whimper as Michael held his face, walking out of the house, slamming the door shut behind himself.

I wandered over to Jessica, wiping the tears from her cheeks. I looked over at Lindsay and she gave me a small smile. I turned towards her, giving my best friend a huge hug, thanking her for being her fantastic self. Lindsay responded that she needed to go clear her head, and probably wouldn't be back until the morning.

"Go get lucky," I commented, which resulted in her pinching me in the ribs.

I held Jessica's hands and sat her on the couch. Her hair smelled of coconut milk and green tea as I held her securely in my arms, trying to rid her mind of the vulgar words that she was just insulted with.

Jess sat up and glanced into my eyes. She leaned forward and kissed my lips tenderly, sharing the deepest emotion through such a simple action.

We broke apart and she purred, "take me to bed."

I hope you enjoyed!

Thank you for waiting so long for this update. It has been a busy couple of months, but I fought through it all to bring you guys this chapter!

Vote, comment, continue reading!

Stay safe xx

- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now