I love my Half Brother. Not.

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You all know me. Percy Jackson, twice saviour of Olympus, bane of the giants, bane of Kronos, defeated of Gaia and all round funny guy. I lived happily with my friends at Camp Half-Blood, many of my friends Camp Jupiter had come to stay for a while and the hunters were visiting.

Me, Thalia and Nico were all sat around a tree at the top of half-blood hill, spending some quality family time together. I hasn't seen any of them in ages, since Nico was busy helping his father in the underworld and Thalia was busy with the hunt, so we had a lot of catching up to do. We were all just sat laughing when we heard a piercing howl rip through the air. We all looked at each other and said "hell hound". We saw a boy with green eyes and dark hair sprinting towards us, but it was obvious he would be caught by the hound. We ra forward as he tripped over and Thalia shot the hound on the foot. Most monsters would disintegrate from one of Thalia's arrows, but I guess this one was too big. However, it did a good job distracting it and it moved away from the boy. Nico disappeared into the shadows and appeared behind the overgrown dog, stabbing it in the back with his Stygian Iron blade. Somehow, the dog did not turn to dust again and bit Nico in the arm. Nico screamed in pain and that made me run to save my friend, I dodged the hound's paw and stabbed it through the stomach. Finally it began to disintegrate and the I ran to check on Nico, he was bloody but I had seen him survive worse, I then went to check on the boy to see if he was ok.

He looked to be about 2 years younger than me, which meant the gods had broken their oath to me. I'd have to confront them about that later, but this kid looked just like me. Sea green eyes, black hair, he was like a smaller version of me.
"Hey kid, you ok?" I asked him. All of a sudden he leapt up and tried to wrangle riptide out of my hands. In shock, I let go of my trusty weapon and he ran to pick it up. Thalia ran from her hilltop vantage point and raised her spear at the boy. It was then that the rest of the campers showed up.

"Why would you leave me to fight for myself? You left that boy over there to die!" the stranger shouted at me and Thalia, "I killed that massive hound without any training while you two scaredy cats just sat by and watched!"
"LIAR!" Thalia yelled at the boy going to thrust with her spear, until a green light was cast over us and Thalia looked up in shock. Above his head was a glowing green trident, showing us he was my Half Brother. "All Hail..."
"John Smith," the boy said.
"All Hail John Smith, Son of Poseidon, God of the sea, storms. The Earth Shaker" Chiron announced. All the campers but me and Thalia kneeled, me because I would only show my respect to him if he deserved it and Thalia because she was about to skewer him and turn him into a Smith-Kebab. The second shock happened when my father appeared looking furious, "Step away from my son, daughter of Zeus!" he spat at Thalia.
"Dad, what are you doing here and why did you break your oath?!" I asked in confusion and anger that it was my own father who broke the oath. "I am here to welcome the greatest hero of all time, my son John Smith has been raised by me in Atlantis and is the hero of the seas!"
"But he stole my sword, blamed me and Thalia and said we had left Nico to die!"
"DO NOT LIE ABOUT YOUR BROTHER PERSEUS JACKSON! HE WILL BE WELCOMED AS MY FAVOURITE SON AND YOU WILL DEAL WITH IT! Now, John I want you to tell us what happened here." And so he began to retell his lie about how we left Nico to help him and how once Nico was injured, he fought off the giant hound while me and Thalia stood and watched. I could see Thalia was going to exploit and probably kill him, so was I but I knew that my father would punish us dearly if we dared to injure the hero of the seas.  It was then that Nico woke up, dazed he asked what happened, and if the boy was alright. "What do you mean boy? I was the one who saved you while those two sat by and watched."
"Umm, actually you were laying on the ground after you tripped over on a twig or something and me and Percy charged at the monster, I stabbed it but then I was bitten. Oh yeah, by the way, can someone get me some ambrosia to help me? Well anyway, the last thing I saw was Percy charging the beast and then I woke up here."
"You must be wrong, but anyways dad, I want a party to celebrate the arrival of the greatest hero ever." Thalia and Nico scoffed at that but with a glare from Chiron they didn't say anything more. "Of course my son, time to celebrate!"

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