Capture The Flag

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I opened my eyes to the real world and took a deep breath. I tried to stand and get out of bed and realised I was the most tired I had been in my whole life. Training for 6 months straight obviously had taken a tole on my energy, but I needed to go and see my friends and tell them about how my father had been training me.

I stumbled down the stairs and reached the dining area of the cabin. My friends were all sat round a table, excitably chatting about capture the flag and how they should play, but then they saw me stumble in. "Percy," Silena asked, "you look terrible, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, just been training for 6 months." The confusion in my friends faces was evident. I sat down and explained what had happened during, what had seemed to me 6 months, but was in fact 8 hours. They saw my body had changed and there was no fat on me, just pure muscle. When they heard I had been in Tartarus for 6 months, they seemed to pity me until I told them that since Tartarus was my father, it felt like home. Eventually, after everyone understood what I was talking about, we heard a conch horn sound that signalled tht it was time to move the flags to their hiding places. We stood up and grinned at each other, thinking of the battle to come.

We walked towards the dining pavilion to collect our flag that one of the Athena campers had weaved, only to be met with smirks of superiority from the other campers. They were sure they had a guaranteed victory, however a few of the older Athena campers weren't so sure, however their pride would not let them admit so. Chiron explained the rules to everyone before sending us each to our own areas of the forest. As I was leaving I saw John being told what to do by Annabeth and, based on what I had been told by her for my first capture the flag, he would be down by the creek. And I knew exactly what I was going to do.

We hid our flag at the top of Zeus' fist and we huddled together to discuss the battle plan. "So, anyone got any cabins they wanna beat in particular?" I asked my friends.
"I wouldn't mind taking on the Aphrodite cabin," said Silena, "they are vain and horrible and I think they would hate being beaten by me."
"Fair enough Silena," I said, "anyone else take whichever cabins they want, but leave the Poseidon and Athena's to me." My friends all nodded in understanding before we all split off into different areas of the forest in preparation for the game.

The conch sounded 3 times, signalling the start of the game. I immediately sprinted forward towards the creek to see John stood alone and swinging his sword like he was trying to slash at an ice cream. His form was completely off and I felt bad even going for him, but then I remembered what sort of Arsehole he was and that was when I started to use my powers gifted to me by Tartarus. I summoned 3 hell hounds, the biggest ones I had ever seen, and told them to circle him and scare him. They understood what I wanted and started to stalk around him, howling and growling until John looked like he was gonna wet himself. That's when I heard the cracking of twigs that indicated a group of people sprinting towards us.

To my surprise, and unbelievable luck, it was the Athena cabin. They came and saw the three hounds surrounding John and the couple that held bows readied their arrows. I immediately sent the hounds back to Tartarus with an apologetic growl telling them they were going to be killed, and then I made my move. With a click of my fingers, a circle of blue hellfire surrounded the group of campers as confusion grew on their faces, slowly it morphed into panic. I stepped towards them as I transformed into my Hellhound form (it's the size of a large truck.) with my armour on. I walked towards them and as they saw me, I snarled and showed off my fangs as they all cowered away. "Oh Johnyyyyy," I shouted over in a sing song voice, "I thought you were brave, try to fight me now. Go on, I'll even let you get close." John just stared at me and collapsed. I walked over and rested a single paw on his chest. He groaned and tried to turn away, but his unconscious form couldn't manage it. "Pathetic."

I looked over at the Athena campers and saw each of them look up at me, my 8 foot tall form terrifying them. One of them threw a spear at me that I just slapped away with my giant paw. A couple of the oldest one plucked up enough courage to charge me with their swords. They tried to pierce my armour, sure that their celestial bronze swords would break through. But they bounced off. I gave a little chuckle that, in my hellhound form, sounded like a mix between a howl and a cough. "Foolish demigods, your swords aren't enough to break through my armour," I snarled at them, "not even your puny parents would be able to get through my armour." I batted them aside with one paw and prepared to pounce at them. Then I spotted a shimmer of air that seemed to be coming towards me. Annabeth. "Is the little daughter of Athena hiding from us, come out and play." I morphed back to my human form and stepped towards her, Hell Raiser appearing in my hand. "I think it's time for a fair fight wouldn't you say, Chase? Take off your childish cap and we can finally have some fun." She took off her cap, her eyes full of fury at what I had done to her brothers and sisters. She lunged at me with her knife and I parried her knife with the flat of my blade pushing back and making her off balance. I exploded forwards with heavy swings aimed at her chest and legs. She was surprised with the strength of my swings and tried to back away, but not before I had landed a few slashes on her torso and thighs. I turned Hell Raiser back into its pen form and ran towards her with my fists clenched. I landed a right hook to her jaw and a kick to her stomach, my reinforced boots from my armour causing a deep gash to appear there. She fell over and tried to crawl away but I stood over her and chuckled. "Poor little daughter of Athena," I spat, "underestimated me did you. Well I can safely say you won't do that again." She looked at me in fear of what I had done as I stepped away and slowly walked to wards the flag.

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