The council want to adopt me?!

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"THALIA, NO!" I continued to scream even after the bolt hit me. I looked around, was I dead, I was in a room like the Throne Room on Olympus, around me were 12 thrones, each taller than the thrones of the Olympians. Upon each throne sat a different being, they all looked different from each other but all radiated the same amount of power, except for 1. A man that sat in the middle throne, he wore a black suit and had black skin dotted with white dots that I thought looked a lot like starts. "Hello there child," the man in the suit began to speak, "you must be confused as to where you are and who we are."
"You got that right," I said, still sniffling after seeing Zeus murder Thalia. I heard a chuckle spread through the giant beings as they smiled at we. "Well, we are the primordial council, the strongest being in the universe."
"And why am I here? Can't I just go and be with Thalia in the underworld?!"
"Actually, we can do something better than that. We have seen how the Olympians have treated you, how the Camp hated you and the spawn of Athena betrayed you. We believe that the Olympians have outgrew their welcome, they have failed in their duties as Gods and must be replaced. We cannot do it ourselves because of the Ancient Laws but we believe that you can do it."
"My Lords and Ladies, i want to help, truly I do, but I just do not have the power or the will to go against them. I have lost the woman that I love and I only wish to stay with her for eternity." I begged them, even though I wanted revenge for what they had done to Thalia but I simply didn't have the strength to do it. A woman with brown skin and a green dress shrunk down to human height as I fell to my knees. She held me in her arms, "Oh you poor child, what have the Gods done to you, I would wish that upon no one." I cried into her shoulder as she hugged me. After my mom died in a "freak storm" I hadn't had anyone to do this to except for Thalia, now she was gone, I really needed a shoulder to cry on. The woman held me tight and muttered into my ear "it's ok." I finally composed myself and thanked her. She looked to the man in the middle, almost as if asking if she could say the rest. He nodded his approval and she began to speak.

"Percy, we, the council, want to adopt you." She told me, with a hoping look in her eye. I said something that displayed my high IQ to the fullest, it was something along the lines of "uh, what?" The woman began to speak again, "you will receive powers from us and you will become part of our family, she got closer to my ear "I want to be your mother, can I?" I was shocked that the almighty being surrounding me could possibly want me to be a part of their family. "Why would you want me as part of your family, why not another person who deserves a second chance. I let Thalia die because I didn't want her to leave and forget me." All of the primordials looked at me in sadness and pity.
"Percy, we think that the pest way for you to dethrone the Olympians would be to start over as a 12 year old. You will be our son and you will recruit as many as you can to our cause. This includes your friends."
"Does that mean I can save the ones who died?!" I was astounded that they could do something like that, but I was even happier when I realised something, "Does that mean I can save save Thalia?" If I could, it would mean I would get the love of my life back. "Yes child," a man with white wings and pink eyes said, "you can save her and protect her from the Gods." I was ecstatic, I would have the power to care for her and keep the gods from hurting her, I would have the power to save the friends that I failed to save and I would have the power to take revenge on those that hurt the ones I care for.
"I accept."

To say they were excited would be an understatement. It seemed none of them had a Demi-god child before me and so they were trying to stay as formal as possible but when they heard me accept they literally began to gleam with happiness. I think they were about to burst into their true forms and I would be burnt to ashes until they finally composed themselves. They all gathered around and introduced themselves: there was Eros, primordial of love; Aether, primordial of upper air; Ouranos, primordial of the sky; Order, primordial of destruction; Pontus, primordial of the seas; Chronos, not the evil Titan lord Kronos, primordial of time; Hemera, primordial of the day; Erebus, primordial of darkness and Chaos, primordial of Creation. Three of the 12 didn't introduce themselves and looked a little worried. "And who are you? If I am to be a part of your family I should at least know your name. Especially if you," I pointed at the woman in the green dress, "want to be my new mother." They all looked at each other, nervousness clearly visible on their faces. The man spoke for each of them, "I am Tartarus, primordial of the pit; that is Nyx, primordial of night and the woman who wants to be your new mother is Gaia." I was shocked, the people that had fought against me in the last war, they were asking me to join their family?! All three of them walked up to me and looked at me, worry seeping across their faces, "As you have now seen, the almost every God fails in their duties. They leave their domains to suffer while they have fun with the mortals." Gaia spoke first, "They were destroying me. As I am the earth, I feel everything that both mortals and immortals alike do. I wanted the pain to stop and to crown new rulers that would be better than the Olympians."
"I feel the pain of each monster murdered," Tartarus spoke, "Every time one of them are sent back to the pit, it feels like I am injured in the same way they are. You, young hero, had killed thousands of monsters in the last wars, I wanted the pain to stop and one of the best ways I saw to do that was put an end to your life. And I have regretted that decision since I made it." As he said it, his head slowly began to dip down until he was staring at the floor. Finally, Nyx stepped forward to give her explanation. "I am not as innocent as Gaia or even Tartarus, I was deceived by my son who is the God of Deception. He told me that you were a scout that was moving ahead of an arming that was marching in my home. I needed to stand strong and fight back. Although now I know it was all a hoax." She looked at me with a look of anger and self-hate, knowing that her own son had betrayed her into getting what he wanted. Even worse that she believed him. They all looked to me with pleading eyes, begging for my forgiveness. I understood that these people, no, my family had just done what they thought was right. "You are forgiven," I spoke in a loud, clear voice, "you only did what you thought was right and I would have done no different. I would be honoured to have you as part of my family." I smiled at them and they all hugged me. The other primordials looked over at us and smiled. "Now," Chaos said, also with a smile on his face, "I think it is time you prepare for the time jump."

I stood by the foot of Chronos' throne and a golden portal appeared, I turned around to say goodbye to my new family, I knew that they would be more caring than the Gods but it still felt like i wouldn't see them until I was needed. That wouldn't be the case, but I guess old habits die hard right? Anyway, I stood before the portal and looked back at my new family, they would support me through my new life and they had told me they would train me in the different powers I inherited from each of them. I would spend the summer at Camp and would complete each quest I was given in the previous timeline while trying to recruit as many monsters and immortals to our cause. I thought about how each different person hurt me, how Poseidon ignored me and favoured John, how Annabeth lied about me to the Olympians, how Artemis wanted to throw Thalia in the Lethe to make her forget her love for me and finally the ultimate betrayal of the Olympians and how Zeus betrayed Thalia just so that he rid himself of responsibility for her actions and finally how they made me watch her die. But then I remembered the ones who stood by me: Clarisse, Chris, the Stolls and Nico. I remembered Luke who saw the Olympians for what they are but he fell to the manipulation of the Titan Lord, I wish he would remember what had happened so that we could finally work together. "Mothers, Fathers, I had allies before the Olympians betrayed me. Is there a way that I can give them their memories back from the original timeline. They are strong and could help me in my mission." My family looked at each other and Chaos waved his hand. A bag of sweets appeared in my hands. "These will give them their memories back, once you give them back you can take them away from them until they agree to join you. This is only a precaution so that the Olympians do not get suspicious, they will be PLENTY suspicious once we claim you as the son of a council." He smirked, probably imagining them trying to strike me down the moment I am claimed. As if that would work.

I took another step towards the portal. Just as I was about to step through, Gaia's hand grabbed my shoulder and looked at me. "Percy, I know what the Olympians did to your mother but for us to send you back in time she couldn't be your blood mother. We have placed a false memory in her mind of you being her friend's baby that she adopted once her friend died. We have tried to work with the fates to do as much as we can but they always find a way to crawl under a hero's skin. They made John Sally's blood son..."
"WHAT!" I shouted in frustration.
"And you cannot give her back her memories. I am sorry son, we tried to reason with them but they would not change their decision." She looked sad at the idea of upsetting her new son but I smiled at her reassuringly.
"I know you guys would have done as much as you could, it isn't your fault." I smiled at the, knowing that I was right as I saw the disappointment that they hadn't managed to do more for me, "You saved me from death and have given me a second chance to help me get revenge and stop the Olympians from being so ruthless and irresponsible. No matter what you failed to do for you, all the other things you have done for me will always overrule the sadness."
"Thank you Perseus,"
"Percy," I interrupted Nyx.
"Thank you Percy," she started again, "I think we all needed to hear that."
"It's no problem because it's all true." I smiled at each a Primordial until I saw the frown on Chronos' face.
"Son," Chronos said, "if you are to go back to the beginning you must leave now, the power to hold open a portal of this magnitude is hard for even a primordial." I saw sweat beading his forehead as his concentration once again focused on maintaining the portal. "Well the, I guess I should be going. Wish me luck!" I gave my trademark lopsided smile to the primordials as I walked backwards through the portal. Then everything went black.

I will be updating at least twice a week and sometimes more, I will let you guys know as soon as my schedule changes. Keep reading and thank you for the support from

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