Visiting the Oracle and Getting Water Spy Powers

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I awoke the next day and walked to the living room of my cabin and sat down. It wasn't long before most of my friends woke and came downstairs for something to eat. They sat around and ate their breakfast. Clarisse had helped herself to a bowl of fruit loops while the rest had resorted to toast and jam (A/N jelly for all you American folk). Luke walked in a few minutes later with a spring in his step. I'll be honest, in this life or the last, I had never seen Luke so happy and carefree. He walked over sat down beside me and whispered in my ear. "Hey Perce, did you do something about Kronos? He didn't try to attack me last night, I couldn't even feel his presence, it's almost like he was just gone." He looked relieved, as if someone had just taken every weight he had every carried away from him. "Yeah, I may have done a thing last night." I told him what I had done and how Kronos was permanently gone. It took Luke a few seconds to realise what it meant. It meant that he was safe and no one could do anything to him. A look of pure glee appeared on his face, and he looked as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "You mean it, you wiped him away? Just like that?" Luke, no matter how happy he now looked, still seemed shocked. But I knew he believed me. I nodded and he hugged me. It was something stronger than I had ever felt, stronger than anything I had ever felt from Luke, including when we fought in our previous life. I hugged him back and I eventually let him go and told him to go get something to eat. He left the room as I went to take a shower.

The water ran over me and the familiarity of it soothed me. In Tartarus, I was in my element but the water there was different. It felt thick and polluted but up here it was just like I remembered it. It was warm and inviting, but it felt stronger than in my last life. I looked down and the water was clinging to me, slowing covering me head to toe in a cocoon of warm water. It slowly reached up to my head and I closed my eyes and the world around me changed.

I opened my eyes and saw a vast expanse of ocean. I felt it pull to me as if it recognised me as part of it, calling me home. I saw a small orb of light down in the depths and it grew stronger and bigger as it rose towards the surface and soon the entire ocean was alive with a green glow. A warm female voice started to speak, sending ripples across the water. "Hello Percy, welcome to the realm of water". I didn't really know what that meant so I asked "So, I'm guessing that your the wife of my father, Pontus?" I heard a chuckle reverberate around me and then the voice spoke again. "No, not quite. While many believe that Pontus is the physical embodiment of the ocean, he is not. He controls the water, but he himself is not water. I am. From the deepest of oceans, to a single raindrop. This realm is water and this realm is alive." I was confused about what it meant, but I slowly began to understand. "So, this realm, is what gives an immortal power of water? You control their domains?" The water changed from a deep green to a calm, deep blue. "Yes. In a way, without this realm, no water deity would hold power. The mortals once came up with a theory, that water has memory. And they were correct. Water is alive but cannot feel pain or be destroyed, but it can experience many things. This realm is a bank of memories, and these memories cannot be destroyed. Perseus, we remember your past life, the universe that no longer exists. We see you as a vessel of the water, as a part of this realm. We care for Pontus as a good and true representative, but never have we had a physical being have such a close bond to our realm. And so I have power to gift to you, to help you in your journey. You already have the capability to harness the same power as Pontus, but there are some abilities not even he knows of." I was in shock that not even my father would know of these abilities, maybe I should speak to him this evening. "I grant you access to this realm and the memories it stores, I make you a part of this realm and allow you to see through the eyes of the water, and listen using its ears. Anywhere there is water, I now give you the ability to watch and listen. Goodbye Percy, and know that the water is yours, and no one else's." The glow started to dim and I was circled by the cocoon of water once again.

I once again woke in the shower, slightly confused but intrigued by my new found power set. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it would be like to be able to see through any water in the entire world. I imagined a corridor with doors on either side. It seemed to stretch out infinitely, the corridor never ended and only grew into a small black dot in the distance. I slowly walked down the corridor, hearing whispers from each door, and finally I heard my name from one of them. Obviously, I headed towards the door, opened it and stepped through.

I looked around and it was like looking at a TV screen. I was in the big house and on either side of me was Chiron and Mr D. They were arguing and it was Chiron who was shouting my name, which was strange. It was rare to see Chiron angry, and even rarer to see him yelling at an Olympian. "You fool, if we attempt to harm Perseus Jackson, not only will we fail, but his parents will not be pleased," Chiron yelled, obviously replying to something Mr D had already said. The drunken Olympian only yelled back, his eyes ablaze with a deep violet colour. "You listen-hear old man, that BOY is nothing but a pest and could be easily squashed by we Olympians, your just scared cause he managed to scare some of your feeble campers." Chiron was shocked at how over-confident his friend was, seeing the arrogance that blinded him to the risk that I posed to the entire Greek Pantheon. "If you will not listen, then perhaps i should pay i visit to your father, Dionysus, maybe i can convince him to listen to reaso..." I was pulled away and opened my eyes  and stepped out of the shower. I dried myself off with a flick of my wrist, got dressed and headed downstairs.

The dining room was alive with the sounds of chatter between my friends. Silena was trying to convince Clarisse to wear some pink eye liner and was getting threat of painful disembowlment in return. The Stolls were trying to see who could flick some egg the furthest, and Beckendorf was playing with something in between his fingers, but I couldn't make it out. I walked past towards the door, but not before helping Silena get a bit of pink on Clarisse's face. I stepped out of the door and jogged over to the hearth, and sat down next to Hestia. "Good morning, Lady Hestia" I said as I sat down next her, and she smiled warmly to greet me. "Good morning Percy, I've been waiting for you" I was confused and started to ask what she meant, when I saw a few campers glaring at me. It only took a flash of red eyes for them to scatter in fear. "Why have you been waiting for me, my lady?"
"Percy, last night all of us Gods felt the pain of an immortal dying, and fading. It was our father. And I believe that you  are the cause of this. I am here to give you my thanks"
I was shocked that Hestia had felt it, and even more so that she had come to me. I would have expected her to be scared of me because of my parentage and their threats. Unless....
"Lady Hestia, do you remember!?" She only nodded in response as I grinned ear to ear. "Me and Hades are behind you Percy, we never wanted you killed and we will fight to make sure it never happens again" I wrapped my arms around her, in disbelief at how she had already remembered. "But how, when did you remember and who.....oh. My parents"
Mother Gaia, I spoke in my head, were you going to tell me that Hestia and Hades now remember. There was a few moments of silence before I got a reply I meant to tell you, but we thought it would be a better surprise I silently agreed with her, but wouldn't let her realise that. I sat there with Hestia until more campers appeared and I thought it would  be best to leave so they would leave me alone.

I started running around the camp and eventually came upon the Big House, with Chiron stood outside. "Perseus, do you mind if I speak with you?" I reluctantly nodded and went over to him. "What is it you want, I don't have all day?"
"Perseus, this is a matter of great importance. Zeus' master bolt has been taken, and he has accused your brother of stealing it. I am aware of your disdain for him, but Zeus threatens war. I request that you visit the oracle and go on a quest to recover the bolt. Do you agree?" I nodded, having nothing better to do. I was interested in whether or not the prophecy would have changed since my past life and so I climbed the stairs of the Big House, heading towards the attic.

I opened the trapdoor, and was greeted by the stench of mothballs and rotten paper. I walked past the old trophy's, brought back by hero's from the past, and approached the oracle. Mist started to spew from its eyes and mouth, without me even asking a question. This put me on edge, but I tried to remain calm. "The son of the universe approaches, and yet dose not care for the quest he has been given," the croaky voice of the spirit of Delphi spoke "A boy who knows much beyond his years. The first to come before me with an unclear future. You are the son of my creator, and so can weave your own destiny. I cannot predict you, but you know what my prophecy for the master bolt would entail already" I simply nodded and tried to hide my happiness. I was finally free from any plan set for me, I would build my own future, and now not even destiny could stop that. "I thank you, Oracle, I will leave you to rest." And with that I walked through the trap door and down the stairs, seeing Chiron waiting at the bottom.

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