First Training

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It has been a couple of days since I arrived at camp and my friends had finally settled into my cabin. Most of them hadn't slept anywhere but their own cabin in years and it had taken a while for them to think of mine as their home. They missed their siblings but after spending some time in the cabin, and many hours spent training in our private amphitheatre, they had almost forgotten why it was like with any other home.

But they all had a problem, their siblings. They had been harassed every time they left the cabin, asking them why they were sleeping in their and accusing them of being controlled by me. The only thing that stopped the questions was when I was with them, then the campers only glared at me in fear and hatred because of what they thought I had done to their friends.

Anytime I spent outside of my cabin was usually spent at the dining pavilion for meals (even though my cabin came with a kitchen and any ingredient we could ask for, none of us really knew how to cook well) or at Thalia's pine tree. Even though she couldn't hear me, I would talk to her endlessly about what had been happening, my new family, our friends living in my cabin and how clueless John was when it came to anything. Every so often I would have Annabeth come up to me and demand I tell her who I was talking to, what I was doing at their demigod camp (I was a   Demi-primordial now) and what I was doing to her friends. I just ignored her, and if I was in a bad mood, I threatened her and sometimes I even drew my sword Hell Raiser.

It was on a day like this, when I drew my sword as she backed away, that Chiron appeared and told Annabeth that it was time to prepare for Capture the flag tomorrow. It had been a few months at this point since I had last played capture the flag and I was eager to practise my new abilities against the campers. I slowly walked over to the amphitheater and saw Chiron organising the campers into their two teams. As I listened to their bickering, the rest of my cabin walked in and I suddenly had a spectacular idea. "Why don't we play it differently, my cabin against the rest of you. We win, we don't have any chores for the duration of my stay here. You win and you can demand anything of me and I must do it." The campers faces were full of mixed emotions: confusion at my request, disbelief that I thought just a few could beat the entire camp and anger that I thought they would be such an easy fight. The worst of all was Annabitch. Her face turned red with rage as she saw, not only me, but the others and Luke grin at the idea of beating the camp and before Chiron could say anything, she interrupted and immediately shouted "We accept!," with a sneer on her face that showed her obvious overconfidence.

I looked around to check for anyone that could actually stand a chance and saw John stood in the corner trying to prove to a bunch of Ares campers that he wasn't as horrible as everyone thought. "Oh John, how are you doing bro? It's been a while, can you even pick up that sword?" He turned around in shock and dropped the crude blade onto the floor of the arena. "Still as clumsy as ever I see, hasn't this lousy camp taught you anything yet?" His face was slowly turning red with anger at my words and he crouched to pick up his sword. Immediately I changed my own into its sword form and held the tip against his throat, "ah, ah, ah Johnny boy, let's not be too hasty." I told him as he recoiled away from my sword. " wouldn't touch me, not with everyone here." He tried to retort at me but the fear in his eyes at being faced with my sword was enough to take any intimidation away from his voice. Chiron slowly walked over and demanded we stop, I bent down to John ear and whispered to him "Do you think any of these could stop me from killing you? Do you honestly believe anyone could save you from my sword? Well we will just have to wait and see tomorrow, won't we? Then we will see what this little camp has to offer." And with that I walked out of the arena.

I arrived back at my cabin and destroyed a few training dummy's, before realising they were supposed to be indestructible and thought that I had better stop before I break something important. I decided that it would be better to sleep my anger away rather than destroy my amazing new cabin so I went to my room and fell onto my bed and went straight to sleep.

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