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Hey guys!!

Alpha Isaiah, the last Alpha in the Alpha series has his book out now on Radish!

The first three chapters are free, then every seven days the next chapter becomes free, so feel free to check it out, I would appreciate it so much (:

Word Count: 2380

I didn't bother anyone about the bizarre occurrence at father's grave for the rest of the week.

Tonight, I just have to focus on getting through this dinner that my mother has set up for more of her trusted circle. As usual, I'm expected to sit in on these occasions so mother can impress whoever is on her invite list, even if my accomplishments aren't all that impressive to her successful friends.

Regardless, mother lays an outfit out for me, and encourages me to do my hair all nice so I can look half-decent.

Tonight she has invited the Alpha of the Love Pack and his mate, the Luna to dinner. I've met them before, and as kind as they are, I'm not sure I'm very interested in listening to them drone on about politics I'm not involved in.

Seated in the formal dining room, the silver chandelier glittering above me, I watch my mother talk to her guests, that charming smile one I wish I could emulate. Servers place steaming meals in front of us, which I dig into immediately. Since I was a young girl I always tried to eat quickly so mother would excuse me.

Tonight I doubt I will be so lucky.

"You always have the most wonderful meals prepared, Alice," Aria, Malik's mate says.

"It's always an honour to host the Alpha and Luna," she replies, smoothing her dark hair back, showing off her favourite diamond earrings that I used to try steal and try on as a child. "How is the baby?"

"Practically a child now," Aria replies.

"How have you been, Aven?" Alpha Malik asks, drawing my attention up to him. I used to freeze in the presence of Alpha's, especially since I had a massive crush on the Alpha of the Love Pack as a girl. The cornflower blue eyes he looks at me with now once had my toes curling in my shoes. Now, I'm hardly bothered, happy he has found his mate.

"Just finished up another year of university," I tell him, smiling blandly.

"She's doing so well, too," Mother cuts in, beaming widely, as if either Aria or Malik care very much. They are just asking to be polite. In reality, they are here to stay on my mother's good side, since she is a large influence in this Pack. "Top of her class."

"I heard about all your scholarships. You must be proud," Malik says, to which my mother smiles, nodding her head.

Mother doesn't care whether I do well at my degree, only that I'm actually doing it. I don't need the scholarships, or even to graduate. My degree is something I want, but in reality, mother is going to insist I stay here, take care of her and her business. I want to travel first, which will not be easy to convince my mother to let me.

"Did you hit your head?" Aria asks suddenly.

Everyone's attention focuses on me. My hand comes up to my head tentatively, worried I'm bleeding, before realising she's focusing on the small scar left that reaches down to my temple. It's small, yet glaringly obvious.

"Aven loves ice-skating on the lake nearby," Mother cuts in, knowing I haven't ice-skated since I was a child. Regardless I smile, not wanting to admit I slipped because I was drunk. "She had an accident while practicing a few days ago."

My attention shifts as Aria and mother continue to go on about the snow and all it's inconveniences. Instead, I focus on a new set of servers walking in, their feet near silent on the smooth flooring, attempting to avoid being noticed as much as possible. None of them speak as they fill up our glasses.

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