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Word Count: 1536


A string of emotions overcome me.

It's not like I should be surprised that Stace entertained other lovers, before he knew we were mates, but just hearing makes my stomach tighten, and an uncomfortable shiver running down my spine. Eryk looking at me the way he currently is doesn't help. I can see that he doesn't want to have been the one to break it to me, but I'm glad I'm not about to walk into something I'm not prepared for.

"How..." I break off, not sure what else I can say, especially to Eryk. He just works for Stace...He doesn't need to be involved in anything like this.

"Territory Two and Six have been close allies for a long time," he explains, motioning around as if to show the magnitude of his words. I can see why, both territory Two and Six are pleasant places, ruled by good people...or at least so I think. "Stace has ruled Territory Two for over a century."

I blink...Wait.

"How old does that make him?" I ask warily, suddenly unsure of whether I want know. I had my suspicions that he is older, considering he has ruled his Territory for long enough for people to know of him truly, for them to respect him, even in other Territories. He even has enemies, who have included me in their desire for revenge. Or at least I'm presuming that is why they want me to join their group...To get revenge on Stace.

"Old enough. Those with Angel blood, even traces of it, live far longer than those without," Eryk explains. "I only have the smallest scraps of blood in me, and yet I am decades older than I look."

He doesn't look any older than me, but he carries a dark story, I just know it. But does that mean that i will live longer than if I did where I cam from? I have Angel blood in me, apparently. No one has alluded to how much of it, but if I can burn through mass groups of people, then it can't be any small amount.

I should reveal in it. But instead, the thought is rather horrifying.

"So I'm assuming this Poppy woman has Angel blood?" I say slowly, trying to piece together the timeline in my head. It's coming to me slowly, that Poppy and Stace have a history together from many years ago, when I was not even a thought in his mind yet.

"Yes, minimal traces, even less than me," Eryk notes. "Here, in Territory Five, those with Angel blood are despised, cast aside. Although society is becoming more welcoming, humans still dominate and rule here. As curtesy, as Poppy was close friends with Novalie's great grandmother who was once Queen, they allow her to stay on occasion."

I chew on the edge of her lip. "How close were they?"

"They had a very tumultuous relationship. She played with his emotions a lot, so don't be surprised if she does it again," Eryk exclaims, leaning back against the wall. He has lowered his voice, as if the thought of Poppy overhearing could cause him endless trouble.

"Thanks for the warning," I mutter.

He nods curtly, gesturing for me to walk back outside. Novalie and Stace are still talking, however they are joined by someone else. It's a tall woman, who lounges back in one of the outdoor chairs, looking kindly at Stace. Her light green eyes raise to meet mine as Eryk and I walk out together.

"Is everything okay?" Stace asks, looking toward me warily. He knows that me and Eryk needing to speak in private can never be an indication of a good thing. And he knows I'm looking toward Poppy, who just smiles knowingly at me.

"Eryk and I just had to talk about a few things," I explain.

"Ah, Aven, this is Poppy, and old friend of mine," Stace says suddenly, seeming to come to his senses. "Poppy, this is my mate."

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