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Word Count: 1687


It's night by the time Stace brings us to Territory Five.

Light strains my vision from a street lamp above me, my mind taking a moment to conceptualise everything around me. It's hard, shifting into a completely new environment so quickly with Stace's magic, however, I'm just relieved to be out of Territory four, and away from Lucille.

By the ambience, beyond the small street we stand in, we are in some kind of village. Stace grabs my wrist and pulls me out toward the street, Eryk trailing closely behind me. When we emerge, I'm confused at the sight of a simple, small village with not too many people lingering about.

"I imagine it would be nicer in the light," I say flatly, squinting down the road that blends into the darkness. Stace hasn't told me much about this place, and right now, it's impossible to see much. All I can tell if the temperature is mild, and the sky is clear.

"Territory Five is beautiful. Tomorrow we can explore as much as you like," he exclaims, leading me across the road and to what looks like a motel of sorts, although far more dilapidated than one I've ever seen.

Neither Stace, nor Eryk mind as we wander inside. I'm surprised by how quaint everything here is, in a friendly, non-threatening way.

"Any enemies here?" I ask warily.

"Shouldn't be, but we can never be too safe," Eryk murmurs in response, walking unnervingly close to me. Him and I haven't spoken personally in a while, as I've been avoiding it. I'm not sure what to say to him, without admitting that I'm starting to feel smothered by both Eryk and Stace's constant fussing. Even if they are trying to look out for me...

We pass through a tidy lobby, Stace approaching someone sitting her desk. They discuss accommodation for a moment, while my eyes wander around the space.

Through an entrance way, what looks like a bar that is slightly different to what I remember from my home realm is buzzing with life. It seems that's where the town converges at night, when there doesn't seem like much else to do in a village like this one.

I turn to look back at Eryk, who had followed my gaze through to the bar. "Which means I continue to have two bodyguards again for the entire time?"

"Yes." There is nothing compromising in Eryk's tone.

Stace takes the key the woman gives him, and we head up the spiral staircase. I can't seem to rid of the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach like I can't quite settle. All this moving around is fine, and yet it seems like all my troubles are doing a good job of keeping up with me.

"I'm starting to crave some alone time," I admit, stepping into the small room Stace got for us. I stare uncomfortably at the small double bed in the centre of the room, knowing for a fact that Eryk, Stace and I will not be sharing that. I would happily take the musty couch on the edge of the room instead.

"Not happening," Eryk mutters, pulling his jacket off.

"What exactly would you like to do?" Stace asks, glaring pointedly at Eryk. He may pay the man to protect me, but he does not pay him to be subtle.

"I don't know...Maybe have dinner by myself," I say, throwing my hands up.

This room is tiny, and I can't imagine spending the rest of the night in here, especially when I'm not sleepy just yet. Eryk seems restless too, clearly not liking moving around so often. With Lucille, we were safe, away from anyone that could cause me harm. Now, we are in an unknown village in a strange Territory.

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