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Word Count: 1687


I'm not sure why, but I can't sleep.

Thoughts of Stace, my family back at home and my father who is apparently still alive haunts me as I toss and turn beneath my heavy blankets. Eventually the rattle of the train wheels against the track and the groan of the wooden carriages drives me to the point of near insanity, so I throw the covers off, dress more appropriately and leave my room.

In the back of my mind, what the stranger mentioned to me today lingers, drawing me down the train to the common areas.

Everything is vacant, the hour so late everyone is sleeping. Tucking my cardigan closer to myself, I wander up to the windows, smiling as I realise what Castiel told me earlier was true.

A brilliant display of colours lights up the sky, a mixture of blues, greens and pink that are so bright they make the night sky a deep violet colour. Each beam of light moves fluidly, weaving between others, dipping behind and above towering mountains.

"Pretty isn't it?"

I jump, looking over my shoulder to see Castiel smiling at me, blue eyes dark with the shadows of the night.

"I thought you were getting off?" I say in a hushed voice. He told me earlier the next stop was his exit, which was hours ago.

"I was," he says with a shrug. "But then I decided to stay on for a little longer."

Something inside me flickers, tapping at a part of me that warns me to be wary. After all, he is a stranger, and there are people wanting me dead. And it does seem strange that he mentioned c coming out to look at the sky at night, claiming he wasn't going to be there, allowing me to feel comfortable coming out of my room, and now he is here.

"Hope no one was waiting for you," I comment uneasily, turning back to the window. As beautiful of the show of colours are, suddenly I can't concentrate on them. But it's not exactly like I can make a run for it.

"I'm a bit of a loner," he admits with a shrug, coming to stand at the window beside me.

"I should get back to my room..." I murmur, glancing around. Even though I know they are sleeping, it's like I can feel Stace and Eryk's eyes on me, ready to lecture me about leaving my room in the middle of the night.

Castiel shakes his head, grinning. "You haven't even seen the best part."

"I shouldn't be out here, alone," I find myself saying. Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that, but there is something tempting about venting when I don't otherwise have a chance to. It's not like Stace wants to hear me complain about his employee.

"You're on a train full of people, you're definitely not alone," he reminds me, holding his arms out. He's trying to be friendly, to put me at ease, and yet I can't quell the part of me that feels like I should be rushing away.

I chew the edge of my lip. "I guess."

"Who are you worried about?" He asks, sounding genuinely confused.

I turn, looking out across the quiet common area. "My mate."

"Ah, you've already found your mate." Castiel inches toward me a little more, looking as if he wants to touch me. I'm suddenly aware of Stace's ability to grab someone and transport them far away, making me wonder if others have the same ability. Castiel doesn't look magical to any degree, but I don't know these lands, or the people who reside in them.

"I should get back to my room," I excuse, stepping back. "Goodnight Castiel."

He frowns, as I back off, turning to rush back to my room. Luckily, he doesn't follow.

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