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Word Count: 1822


Eryk wasn't able to find the familiar girl, and shortly after eating, we returned back to the city, this time delving into the depths of it.

The Noble's estate is right in the centre of the city, looking completely out of place. A dark, wrought iron fence stretches around the perimeter, encapsulating a large formal lawn with the manor right in the centre. Stace notes, as we enter through the front gate guarded by two tall individual's who stare us down through the carriage windows as we pass, that most of the Noble's live elsewhere, yet convene on this property often.

The manor itself is stunning, like nothing I've ever seen before. The stone and brick used to build it is a pale grey, contrasting against the natural materials that would usually be found in a place like this. Even the lawn is a verdant green, the dirt a deep brown beneath grass rather than the sandy red that is all about.

Those who live here clearly would rather imagine themselves in any other Territory other than the one they rule over...

"I'm not sure which Noble's are going to be here...Just don't touch any of them," Stace remains firmly, as if he hasn't told me that repeatedly on the ride over.

The carriage sweeps around the asphalt driveway, stopping right before the elevated entrance. The manor itself, in all it's tall windows and elegant panelling seems to embrace the nature around it, tall trees of soft yellows and bitter browns are left untrimmed, allowed to weave up through white painted trellises, framing the entire place wonderfully.

"I didn't plan on it," I mutter, stepping outside after Eryk.

The air around us feels thick, a sweat gathering on my brow almost immediately. I've decided this Territory is not my favourite, that's for sure. Regardless, I follow Stace and Eryk up the stairs and to the front door, which is opened swiftly by a doorman before we even have a chance to make it up onto the main patio.
A figure descends down the main stairway that fills most of the main entrance, a warm smile on his handsome face.

"Stace. This is a surprise," he exclaims warmly, holding his arms out. I half expect Stace to dismiss him coldly like he's done with most of the Noble's so far, but instead, he steps forward and returns the Noble's hug, patting him on the back in a friendly gesture that I'm not used to seeing from him.

"Dax...I couldn't be more glad to see you here," Stace greets, twisting around as Eryk and I step awkwardly into the manor, door shuddering closed behind us. "Aven, this is Dax, the most normal Noble."

Thus far, Dax definitely looks like the most normal Noble that I've seen. He has no discerning aspect about him that would make me presume he was anything but average, aside from his ethereal beautiful and intense stare that has me drawing my gaze down to the shiny floor on instinct.

"Ouch, I'm offended," another voice trills from the top of the stairs.

Looking up, I gasp lightly at the sight of another Noble. I get a good look at him as he descends, something dark and foreign about him making my stomach twist anxiously. There's a warmth to Dax, that's allowed me to relax, and yet the presence of this new figure has all my muscles tensing as a result.

"Nice to meet you finally, Aven," Dax greets kindly, drawing my attention back to him. He doesn't offer his hand, mercifully, Stace's warning echoing in the back of my mind. I wonder quietly if Dax is the youngest, a certain youthfulness to his milky brown eyes.

"Does everyone know who I am?" I ask warily, stiffening under everyone's heavy scrutiny.

"I surely do," the strange man, now on all out level, acknowledges, holding his hand out to me. "I'm Larsen."

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